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3 Grammar acquisition.doc
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Observation task 3.1

Use the bull's eye format (below right) to observe your peers teaching grammar. Give the scores for every aspect of evaluation and mark the points on the “bull’s eye”.

Points of evaluation

Mark your scoring

  1. Clarity of explaining the grammar rule

  2. Effectiveness of preparation for the language

  3. Effectiveness of preparation for the ideas

  4. Effectiveness of running the main activity

  5. Reflection on learner errors

  6. Interaction with learners

  7. Confidence-building in learners


Input reading 4

Warming-up discussion 4.1

Indicate steps of teaching grammar. What do you start with? What do you do next? Etc.

Logic of teaching grammar

Logic of teaching grammar is the art of arranging a sequence of teaching actions to take the learners from the state of grammatical ignorance to the state of grammatical knowledge. There are at least three major steps in teaching grammar of a foreign/second language: explanation of grammar rules, practicing common patterns and using the language in a variety of realistic communicative situations (McKay S. 1987. Nunan D. 1991). The logic of teaching grammar is not linear (the steps do not necessarily follow one another. Instead, this logic is cyclical, i.e. some steps are repeated in cycles. The cycle of teaching grammar is shown graphically below:





Integration with existing knowledge TARGET GRAMMAR

Functional drill



Formal drill


The process of forming “declarative grammar” involves “isolation” of the grammar item that is chosen for teaching. The learners are taught to “notice” new grammar items in the oral and written language and to comprehend the material with the help of rules and examples. The new grammar item is “integrated” in the existing “mental grammar” of learners. This process creates grammar competence in learners, i.e. declarative theoretical knowledge of how grammar works.

Exploratory task 4.1

Choose a grammar subject and sequence the steps of teaching it. You can have more than five steps as given on the flow chart.

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Grammar is described by grammar rules, i.e. concise and clear descriptions of the language regularities. Grammar rules are based on the prototype theory. Prototype theory originated in cognitive psychology (Rosch, 1978) and was further developed in cognitive linguistics (Langacker 1987, Ungerer and Schmid, 1997)).

According to the prototype theory humans perceive the reality in the generalised way, although, there are always exceptions to generalities. E.g. Is penguin a bird? Is whale a fish? Grammar categories are always difficult to describe with a simple rule. As a result there are quite a few cases in grammar, which are difficult to describe with a clear rule.