Всем студентам большой привет! Раньше сам усиленно искал материалы на этом сайте. Пришло время делиться своими наработками за все 6 лет обучения. Всем желаю удачи! Штурмуйте, дерзайте и творите! Опубликованный материал нарушает ваши авторские права? Сообщите нам.
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Task I. Read and retell this text:

Our University.

The Ufa State Aircraft Technical University is in the centre of our city in Karl Marx street. It occupies several modern buildings made of brick, concrete and glass. Our university was founded in 1932 in Rybinsk, during the Great Patriotic War it was moved to Ufa. Now it is the centre of teaching and research in the field of aircraft engineering in the Urals, the biggest higher educational establishment in our republic. It trains specialists in many key fields of modern industrial production. The students study at two departments: daytime and evening, the daytime department comprising 6 faculties.

The university gives training in a large number of specialties in its faculties of aircraft technology, aircraft engines, aircraft instruments design, informatics and robotics and of economic engineering.

At present about 10,000 students are trained at our university. Tuition is free as in all higher school of our country. A great majority of day-time students receive state scholarships, many of them are provided with hostel accommodation. Upon graduation each student gets a job. The best of the students who graduate with honours are taken on to the teaching staff of the university.

At our university there are 45 chairs, the academic staff or the chairs consists of about 600 scholars, teachers and lectures. Among them there are many Candidates and Doctors of Science, Professors and Associate Professors. Most of them combine teaching and scientific research.

Our graduates may take a postgraduate course to get the candidate of Science degree. Specialists having long-term practical experience in their work may enter refresher courses to improve and refresh their knowledge.


to occupy –занимать

higher educational establishment – высшее учебное заведение

to enter the University – поступать в университет

to graduate from the University (with honours) – оканчивать университет (с отличием)

a faculty - факультет

a full-time department – очное отделение

a part-time department – вечернее отделение

a day-time student – студент дневного отделения

a part-time student (a night student) – студент вечернего отделения

a student by correspondence – студент заочного отделения

tuition – обучение

to receive scholarship – получать стипендию

a teaching staff (academic staff) – преподавательский состав

examination, test – экзамен, зачет

to pass a test / an examination (in) – получать/сдавать зачет (по чему-л.)

to fail – проваливаться на экзаменах

a first year student - первокурсник

a graduate – выпускник

a post-graduate – аспирант

to take a post-graduate course – учиться в аспирантуре

scholar – ученый

to get the candidate of Science degree – получить степень кандидата наук

to be provided with hostel accommodation – получить общежитие

Candidates and Doctors of Science – кандидаты и доктора наук

a Professor – профессор

an Associate Professor – доцент

to combine – совмещать

scientific research – научно-исследовательская деятельность

refresher courses курсы повышения квалификации

improve and refresh knowledge

улучшать (совершенствовать) и освежать в памяти знания

Task II. Answer the question to the text

1. Where and when was Ufa State Aviation Technical University founded?

2. USATU is the centre of teaching and research in the field of aircraft engineering in the Urals, isn’t it?

3. How many faculties are there in USATU?

4. What departments are there in the University? Enumerate them.

5. Can our graduates take a post-graduate course?

6. Among the academic staff of our University there are many Candidates and Doctors of Science, Professors and Associate Professors, aren’t there?

7. What does a great majority of day-time students receive?

8. What do you know about hostel accommodation?

Task III. Translate into English:

Я студент УГАТУ. Я учусь на дневном отделении, на факультете … , на … курсе. Моя специальность — ... Мой любимый предмет - ..., я в нем хорошо разбираюсь. Моя мечта – окончить университет с отличием. После окончания университета мне бы хотелось учиться в аспирантуре.

Task IV. Translate the dialogue and learn it by heart:

A: Hello!

B: Привет!

А: How are you?

B: Отлично! А ты?

A: I’m OK. Thank you. What’s the news?

B: Ты знаешь, я поступил в университет. Теперь я первокурсник в УГАТУ.

A: I’m glad to hear it. Are you a full-time student or a part-time student?

В: Я студент дневного отделения.

A: Oh! You receive scholarship, don’t you?

В: Да, конечно.

A: What faculty are you in?

В: Я учусь на факультете экономики, менеджмента и финансов.

A: You are lucky! I know it’s one of the most prestigious faculties in this University. And what is your favourite subject?

В: Мой любимый предмет – экономика.

A: How many subjects do you have every day?

В: Примерно четыре.

A: Oh, you are busy all day long, aren’t you?

В: Да. Сейчас я упорно занимаюсь, чтобы сдать зимнюю сессию удачно

A: I see. Good luck!

В: Спасибо. Пока!

A: So long!

Task V. Compose and dramatize your own dialogue “My University” using topical vocabulary.

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