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IV. Артикль


A, an





Употребляется только перед исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе в значении «один, один из…, какой-то».

Употребляется перед исчисляемыми существительными в единственном и множественном числе и перед неисчисляемыми существительными в значении «этот, тот, тот самый».

Употребляется перед исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе, перед неисчисляемыми существительными, перед именами собственными.

Упр.19. Объясните употребление артиклей в следующих предложениях.

1. I want to buy a toy for the baby. 2. You can see a magazine and a newspaper on the table. 3. His brother is a student. 4. The girl is from Canada. 5. Give me a cup of tea and a sandwich, please. 6. They are good teachers. 7. His friends work in England. 8. We have a grandfather and two grandmothers. 9. Pass me the sugar, please. 10. The question is very difficult for me.

Упр. 20. Заполните пропуски артиклями, где это необходимо.

1. Kate is … student. She is … good student. Her friends are … students too. 2. This is … red cup and that is … yellow cup. Give me … cups, please. 3. Please, take … pen and write! Now put … pen on the table and listen to me. 4. I have … brother. He is … doctor. Our parents … teachers. 5. There are … books on the shelf. …books are interesting. 6. We usually have … coffee for breakfast. But today we have … tea, because … coffee is too hot for us. 7. What’s that? – It’s … pencil. … pencil is long. 8. This is … street. I can see many … cars and … buses in … street.

V. Степени сравнения прилагательных.

Положительная степень

Сравнительная степень

Превосходная степень










many (much)



1. Односложные и двусложные прилагательные, оканчивающиеся на –y, -er,






2. Двусложные и многосложные прилагательные.

more interesting

more famous

3. Прилагательные-исключения





older (elder)

farther (further)

the strongest

the coldest

the easiest

the narrowest

the most interesting

the most famous

the best

the worst

the least

the most

the oldest (the eldest)

the farthest (the furthest)

Упр. 22. Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень следующих прилагательных.

Short, long, wide, comfortable, dirty, clean, good, dark, clever, difficult, expensive, light, many, bad, rich, cheerful, old, silly, tall, beautiful, strange, lazy, much, hopeful, thick, thin, narrow, careful, little, weak, happy, dangerous, young, far, big, friendly, active, popular, hot, busy, pleasant, high, intelligent, low, heavy, necessary.

Упр. 23. Раскройте скобки, употребив нужную степень прилагательного.

1. Winter is (cold) season of the year. 2. Moscow is (large) than St. Petersburg. 3. Which is (long) day of the year? 4. It is one of (important) questions of our conference. 5. We have (little) interest in this work than you. 6. I am (young) in my group. 7. I have many friends but Peter is (good) of them. 8. This exercise is (difficult) than that one. 9. London is (old) than Moscow. 10. The 22nd of December is (short) day in the year. 11. This book is (expensive) than that one. 12. My (old) brother has two children. 13. To go by train is (cheap) than by plane. 14. Health is (good) than wealth. 15. Where is (beautiful), in the mountains or near the sea?

Упр. 25. Вставьте as ...as или not so ... as.

1. This girl is ... beautiful ... her mother. 2. The days in winter are ... long... in summer. 3. The Baltic Sea is ... warm ... the Black Sea. 4. Mary is ... lazy ... her brother. 5. I am ... thin ... you. 6. During the holidays the students are ... busy ... during the academic year. 7. The English language is ... difficult ... the German language. 8. This writer is ... famous ... Jack London. 9. Her cat is ... old ... mine. 10. A football match is ... exciting ... a hockey match.

Упр. 26. Составьте предложения, употребив сравнительные конструкции.

A. Model: teacher — doctor — important.

The profession of a teacher is as important as the profession of a doctor.

1. book — film — interesting 2. brother — sister — tall 3. July — August — warm 4. daughter — mother — beautiful 5. sofa — armchair — comfortable 6. Ann — Nelly — pretty 7. lion — tiger — dangerous 8. he — she — clever.

B. Model: English — Latin — difficult English is not so difficult as Latin.

1. spring — summer — hot 2. silver — gold — expensive 3. meat — vegetables — useful 4. the Moon — the Sun — bright 5. train — car — fast 6. I — my friend — hardworking 7. lake — sea — deep 8. cats — dogs — intelligent.

Упр. 27. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Этот дом такой же высокий, как тот. 2. Сегодня вода в реке не такая тёплая, как вчера. 3. Его бабушка не такая старая, как дедушка. 4. Он такой же сильный, как его брат. 5. Державин не такой знаменитый, как Пушкин. 6. Темза такая же красивая, как Нева. 7. Ноябрь не такой холодный, как январь. 8. Ты не такой умный, как папа. 9. Его машина такая же комфортабельная, как и твоя. 10. Упражнение 2 такое же трудное, как и упражнение 3.

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