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Etymology and history of the english vocabulary



Borrowed element (about 70%)

Ist c. BC

Roman-Germanic contacts

Latin 1st group (names of fruits, vegetables) butter, beet, pea, pear, cherry, plum. Pepper; wine, plant; cup, kitchen port

5th – 6th c. AD

Celtic–Germanic contacts

Celtic (nature, culture, modern proper names) bald, druid, glen, down, bard, craddle; Avon, Dover, Kent, Devon, Dunwich, Duncombe, Holcombe, London

Latin street, wall

7th c. AD

The Roman. Adoption of Christianity

Latin 2nd group and Greek (church, education) alter, apostle, bishop, candle, cross, dean, mass, monk, nun , pope, priest, verse; school, magister.

end of the 8th - middle of the 11 th c.

The Viking Age

Scandinavian (sea, law, everyday objects, activities, qualities; modern proper names; nouns, adjectives, verbs, pronouns and connective words, pronominal forms with ‘th’; hybrid formations; semantic loans; ) band, bank, both, bull, cake, egg, fellow, fish, flat, fro, happy, husband, ill, kid, knife, law, low, meek, odd, roo, same, sister, skill, sky, steak, their, them, they, though, till, to call, to die, to get, to give, to give in, to guess, to scream, to take, to take off, to want, ugly, weak, window, wrong;

Derby, Rugby, Whitby, Grimsby, Althorpe, Bishopthorpe, Linthorpe, Braithwaite, Cowperthwaite, Langthwaite, Brimtoft, Eastoft, Langtoft, Nortfort;

Harald, Hacun, Asa, Brunild, Eric, Guthrun, Ingede, Rainald, Sigwar; Goldcytel, Leofstegen, Swartric;

bread, drem, to dwell, gift

The 11th /1066/ - 13th c.

the 2nd half of the 13th c.

The Norman Invasion

French /Norman/ (administrative, military, law, fashion, food and cooking terms) administer, council, empire, parliament, power; army ,banner, battle, officer, soldier, war; advocate, petition, inquest, sentence, barrister,; coat, collar, lace, pleat, embroidery; topaz, emerald, pearl; appetite, to roast, to stew, dinner, lunch

Parisian through literature/ regime, routine, police, machine, ballet, matinee, scene, technique, bourgeoisie;

callange vs challenge; campion vs champion; convey vs convoy; warden vs guardian;

plenty of, because of, to take leave, to hold one’s peace, to do justice, according to, subject to, in vain, by heart, at large

The 14th c. and later


Latin 3rd group through literature (law, theology, medicine, literature, science) allegory, history, script, solar, tract. Ulcer, major, minor, music, datum, to elect, to create, method

Greek (scientific, artistic terms) atom, cycle, ethics, esthete

Low German, Dutch skipper, dock, reef, deck, leak, nap, kit, mast

Italian bank, bankrupt, volcano, manifesto, grotto, fresco, carnival, gondola, bandit, contraband, balcony, portico, violin, parapet

Spanish and Portuguese alligator, apricot, armada, banana, bravado, cocoa, embargo, mosquito, negro

The 16th – 17th c.

French anatomy, bizarre, duel, genteel, judge, invoice, naturalize, progress

Low German and Dutch yacht, smuggler, smack, brandy-wine, sketch, easel. Landscape

North and South America potato, tobacco, hammock, hurricane, cannibal, pineapple, chocolate, tomato, wigwam, squaw, tomahawk, squash, powwow

Also: Chaucerisms blameful, enroot, doom, forby, displeasance

The 18th c.

The New World Investigation

Canadian Eskimo amisk, atigi

Amerindian Canada, canoe

India polo, pajamas, veranda, toddy

The end of the 18th – 20th c




Investigations of the Southern hemisphere and Asia

The Great October socialist Revolution

The Pacific War

Vietnamese War


Australian Aboriginal kangaroo, koala, dingo, tattoo, boomrang

Maori kiwi, Maori, moa

South African Dutch, Afrikaans dropper, pedicant

African languages eat-up

Chinese ketchup, mandarine, tea, chow-chow

Russian narodnik, moujik, duma, volost, ukase; (revolution words) collectivization, komsomol, udarnik

Philippine boondock

Japanese banzai, tatami, kamikadze; papa-san, mama-san, baby-san

Vietnamese ao dai

Also English: body bag, body count

Russian glasnost, nomenclatura, apparatchik

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