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ANATOMY меньше.doc
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II. Translate into Russian:

  1. an extremity: the upper extremity; the lower extremity; a man has an upper extremity; the leg is a lower extremity;

  2. a forehead: the forehead is one of the parts of the face; the eyes are under the forehead; a wide forehead; a narrow forehead; a high forehead;

  3. a mouth: in the mouth; open your mouth; close your mouth; breathe through the nose but not through the mouth, rinse your mouth;

  4. a tongue: the tongue is in the mouth; the tongue is the organ of speech; a dirty/coated (обложенный) tongue;

  5. a palate: a soft palate; a hard palate; the hard palate is in the upper part of the mouth;

  6. a heart: the heart beats; the heart is in the chest; the heart is an internal organ; to transplant a heart; strong/healthy heart, weak heart; a heart pumps blood; a heart fails/stops;

  7. to breathe: to breathe deeply; we breathe with the lungs; don’t breathe; breathe in, please; don’t breathe out;

  8. a stomach: in the stomach; the stomach is an internal organ; the gullet connects the stomach with the mouth; a stomach aches/hurts;

  9. an intestine: the intestines; a small intestine; a large intestine; the intestines are in the abdominal cavity;

  10. an injury: a bad injury; to get an injury; to protect from injuries; the injury of the forearm; the hip injury; a minor/slight injury; a serious/severe injury.

  11. a shoulder: the left shoulder; the right shoulder; the shoulder connects the upper extremity with the chest; we have two shoulders, broad shoulders;

  12. a thumb: the left thumb; the right thumb; the thumb is one of the fingers on the hand.

  13. a knee: the left knee; the right knee; the knee is a part of the leg, knee cap;

  14. a calf: the calf of the left leg; the calf of the right leg; a man has two calves;

  15. an ear: a man has two ears; we hear with the ears; the external ear; the middle ear; the internal ear;

  16. blood: to lose blood, blood group, to type blood, to donate blood, oxygenated blood, loss of blood;

  17. waste: waste products, waste waters; waste paper; to recycle household waste; to damp industrial waste into the rivers and seas;

  18. tooth: to extract a tooth, to drill, to fill a tooth, brush/clean your teeth two times a day after meal; teeth fall out; teeth ache;

  19. tissue: connective tissue, muscular tissue, mortified tissue, soft tissues; muscle is a tissue that can contract and relax;

  20. respiration: normal respiration; slow respiration; artificial respiration; organs of respiration.

III. Translate into English:

  1. Живот; полость; сердце; мышца; орган; череп; лоб; скелет; кожа; туловище; желудок; язык; селезёнка; печень; мочевой пузырь; желчный пузырь; грудная клетка; конечность; рука; нога; локоть; предплечье; запястье; лодыжка; икра ноги; колено; ступня; пищевод (глотка); бедро; десна; нёбо; плечо; зубы; кости.

  1. Защищать; состоять из; соединять(ся); сокращать(ся); покрывать; содержать (вмещать); дышать; поддерживать; выделять; переваривать; включать в себя; качать, выкачивать.

  1. Тело человека; основные части; верхние конечности; нижние конечности; наружное ухо; внутреннее ухо; нижняя губа; верхняя часть туловища; мышечный орган; мягкие части тела; дыхательный аппарат; обогащенная кислородом кровь; легочная артерия; главные (основные) органы брюшной полости; каждая рука; скелет взрослого человека.

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