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Н.Ф. Калина - Основы психоанализа.doc
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Надежда Федоровна Калина — известный глубинный психолог и психотерапевт. Заведует кафедрой клиничес­кой психологии и психотерапии Таврического Нацио­нального университета им. В.И. Вернадского (Симферо­поль). Автор 5 книг: "Речевое общение в психотерапии" (1994), "Основы юнгианства анализа сновидений" (1996), "Основы психотерапии" (1997), "Лики ментальности и поле политики (1998, в соавт.), "Лингвистическая психо­терапия" (1999).

В апреле 2000 г. в Институте психологии им. Г.С. Костюка (Киев) защитила докторскую диссертацию по теме "Лингвистическая психотерапия". Область научных ин­тересов — глубинная структурный психоанализ, постмо­дернистские рефлексии бессознательного . Практикую­щий и обучающий псиоаналитик, супервизор (Крым).



Part 1. Phenomenology of the psychotherapy and an essence of therapeutic analysis ...............9

1.1 Origins ................................... .9

1.2. Concept of the therapeutic help ................. .18

1.3. Model of psychotherapeutic influens .............. .26

Part 2. Theories and technics of therapeutic analysis .... .34

2.1. Structuralization of the relations ................ .34

2.2. Completion of therapy ....................... .39

2.3. Transfer ................................. .47

2.3. Resistance and defenses ...................... .57

Part 3. Psychoanalytical ideas of the functioning of psychics . .77

3.1. Potentialities of psychoarialytical approach .......... .77

3.2. The first Freud's ideas of the functioning of psychics . . .81

3.3. Unconsciousness influences of the perception, of reality . .89

3.4. Fear ....................................98

3.5. Narcissism .............................. .101

Part 4. Therapy of the problem connect with development of personality ........................... .110

4.1. Classifications of the problem ..................110

4.3. Prenathal study and trauma of birth ........... .114

4.3. Oral study ............................... .119

4.4. Anal problems in therapy .................... .126

4.5. Oedipus stage and Oedipus complex ............. .135

4.5. The development of Super-ego ................. .144

Part 5. Interpersonal relationship as a subject of therapeutic analysis ............................... .155

5.1. Concept of objection relations ................. .155

5.2. The theory of M. Klein ................. . .160

5.3. D.W. Winnicott, M. Mahler a mother and a child . . .171

5.4. The development of the objection relations .... . . .179

5.5. Objection relations and Self ............... . . .182

5.6. Interpersonal approach .................. . . .190

5.7. Love .............................. . . .196

Part 6. Structural-analytic approach in therapy ... . . .207

6.1. Lacan and postmodern .................. . .207

6.2. Registers of psychics .................... . .210

6.3. The Other and desire ................... . .229

6.4. Imaginary. Simulyaer. Pornography. ......... . . .237

6.5. Phantasm in the therapy ................. . . .241

6.6. Completion of analysis: the transition over

the verge of desire or beyond discourse ........ . . .249

Part 7. Modern ideas of the dreams analysis ..... . .257

7.1. The valley of the kings .................. . . .257

7.2. The dream's function in the therapeutic analysis . . .260

7.3. Dream as phantasm ................... . . .265

7.4. Active technics works with dream .......... . . .277

7.5. Rich dream .......................... . . .287

Part 8. Discursive analysis in psychotherapy ..... . .297

8.1. Psychotherapeutic discourse and his "Master" —

pansemiotic subject ..................... . . .297

8.2. Practices of the discourse in psychotherapy ... . . .304

8.3. An analysis of psychotherapeutic discourse .... . . .322

Comment ............................ . .335

Literature ............................. . . .340