- •Complex teaching programme Syllabus assignment
- •Plans of seminars and Tasks for individual work Seminar 1.. The concept, essence and nature of international customs law. Bonded Area by national and international customs law
- •Vocabulary
- •Tasks for individual work:
- •Vocabulary
- •Seminar 3. Forms of economic integration and their customs and legal aspects
- •Tasks for individual work:
- •Tasks for individual work:
- •Vocabulary
- •In simplification and harmonization of customs procedures
- •Tasks for individual work:
- •Vocabulary
- •International cooperation of the fight against customs violations
- •Tasks for individual work:
- •Vocabulary
- •List of recommended literature
- •Additional reading
- •Internet sources:
(for English language learners)
Complex teaching programme Syllabus assignment
Speciality:8.030402 International law
Kyiv – 2011
Навчально-методичний комплекс
Міжнародне митне право
Compiled by:
S.M. Yurchenko, associated professor
Translated by:
S.M. Yurchenko, associated professor
Edited by:
Обговорено та схвалено на засіданні кафедри міжнародного права і порівняльного правознавства
Протокол № 6 від “27” січня 2011 р.
The main goal of the course is to train highly skilled specialists in the fields of international customs law. The main purpose of teaching study "International Customs Law students of the Institute of International Relations Kim (Master Degree in International Law) - to acquaint them with the basic provisions of the new structure in the field of general international law, consisting of a set of norms of international law, subject to the regulations which are quite wide range of international customs relations.
Customs operations and, above all, its international dimension - is extremely important relevance to Ukraine right now, when it only started after independence to create their own customs service as one of the components of the program state entry into the European and global economic cooperation and integration processes.
It is therefore important that future masters of international law since the end of Kim, it is possible and will also work in the State Customs Service of Ukraine, knew about the basic concepts of law in this area. Ukraine has already made a significant step towards harmonizing and aligning its customs legislation with common in European and world practice norms and standards in this area, taking the Verkhovna Rada of the new Customs Code of Ukraine, and which reflects these standards. Therefore, students must be aware of what rules and standards referred to, where, in which multilateral agreements are fixed.
Generally, the more general task of teaching this course should be considered to facilitate the process of forming (together with other legal subjects) of high political and legal culture of the future professionals.
After studying the course students should
content and meaning of the term "International Customs Law;
What is the main function of this right;
major multilateral agreements in which the universally enshrined in international norms and standards of practice regarding customs;
be able to:
analyzing the content and meaning of: "Customs jurisdiction of the State";
justify the need for differentiation between "frontier" and "customs border";
apply knowledge obtained in the evaluation of the State Customs Service of Ukraine or other countries for their cooperation and mutual assistance in customs matters reported to the media.
Plans of seminars and Tasks for individual work Seminar 1.. The concept, essence and nature of international customs law. Bonded Area by national and international customs law
1. Customs jurisdiction of the state as part of its sovereignty, its domestic and international aspects. Contents and form of exercise that jurisdiction, the terms of its application under international law.
2. The essence of international customs law and its subjects and objects. The main forms of international legal cooperation of the customs issues.
3. Sources of international customs law. International agreement. International legal practice. Questions about other sources of law in this area.
4. Role of domestic law in the regulation of customs relations between states.
5. Sovereignty and sovereign rights, territorial and customs rule state. Customs space and its limits in terms of domestic and international legal concepts, general provisions on customs rule in this space.
6. State and Customs territory - the ratio of concepts, bases and cases of mismatch (in the direction of increase or decrease in the customs territory).
7. State border and customs - the concept instances and grounds division, the legal regime of the border for national and international law.
8. Customs zone as a kind of surrounding marine areas. Her definition of legal status and competence of customs authorities of the coastal state in the area.
9. Enclave and exclave - meaning of those terms in the international customs law. The role and significance of these parts of the territory of the State in determining its customs jurisdiction.
Tasks for individual work
1. What is the customs of the state?
2. What is the essence of the customs policy?
3. How do you understand the system and functions of international customs law?
4. How does the norms governing inter-state customs relations in the system of general international law?
5. What should be understood by the customs jurisdiction of the State?
6. Define the concepts of the State ratio of the area and customs territory.
7. What is meant by customs customs enclave and exclave?
8. What customs easements?
9. Identify the adjoining customs area.