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Урок 7 Упражнения

Упражнение I. В отличие от информационных сообщений целью публицистических текстов является не только сообщить читателю о каком-либо событии, но и воздействовать на него. Такие тексты представляют большую трудность для переводчика (см. переводческий комментарий в конце урока 7). Переведите тексты 1 - 5 с листа:

Текст 1

In his victory speech President-elect George W. Bush said: "Our nation must rise above a house devided Americans share hopes and values far more important than any political disagreement. Republicans want the best for our nation. And so do Democrats." "I have faith that with God's help we'll create an America that is


Together we will work to make all our public schools excellent, teaching every student of every background and every accent, so that no child is left behind".

Note: Public schools in the USA are local schools controlled and paid by the state.

Текст 2

A letter to the editor

Sir, why did Arnold Schwarzenegger a celebrity from his Terminator-3 premiere, a Democrat and a Liberal for social issues ran for the governor of California as a Republican?

If Mr Schwarzenegger had D [for Democrat] behind his name instead of an R [for Republican], those same people who are attacking him would be supporting him. So is Mr Schwarzenegger: a Rino (Republican In Name Only).

Financial Times Tuesday, October 7, 2003

Текст 3

During his brief campaign Mr Schwarzenegger promised to improve public education while cutting taxes, be was vague about how he would deal with a budget deficit estimated at between $8bn and $20bn (£5-12bn).

These problems cannot simply be terminated.

But as cruel fate would have it, today's vote is no more likely to resolve California's problems than a Hollywood happy ending is to bring peace and love to a troubled world.

The Guardian

Friday, October 10, 2003

Текст 4

The Democrats, who control the state legislature, said yesterday that they would cooperate with the new governor. "I'm not sure he knows how complicated and screwed up it is to run a state this size," said the state senate leader John Burton. "What is he going to do to work with us? The ball's in his court."

Текст 5

As Mr Schwarzenegger, the victor came on stage to address the adoring crowd in Plaza Hotel in Los Angeles he was greeted by America's most famous political family, the Kennedys. Mr Schwarzenegger's wife, Maria Shriver, is a niece of John F. Kennedy; her mother, Eunice Shriver, is the late president's sister. Eunice's husband and Maria's father is Sargent Shriver, who was a member of JFK's cabinet and a former candidate for vice-president. All around them were smiling and cheering cousins and sisters and brothers-in-law. America's greatest Democratic family, savouring a famous Republican victory.

Financial Times

October 9, 2003

Note : JFK - John F. Kennedy; LA- Los Angeles.

Текст 6