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Acronym Master List for LANL.doc
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LA-UR-95-1911 6/02

Acronym Master List for lanl


This list is provided as a courtesy to customers of the Computing, Information, and Communications Division. The AML mostly lists those acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, and short forms that are used by or useful to Los Alamos National Laboratory. Some abbreviations or short forms (such as names for code subroutines) are too specialized to be listed in the AML; other short forms may be too well known to need to be included here. Even though an acronym may be included in this list (for example, an office or a program name), CIC-1 cannot guarantee that it is still accurate or in use. We recommend the prudent use of acronyms in business and scientific writing and the definition of an acronym when it is first used. Please send additions, suggestions, and corrections to CIC-1/AML at acro@lanl.gov, Mail Stop D416, or fax 505-665-5097.

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A Return to Alphabet

A absorbance, amplitude, or area

A Administrative Division, 7/44­12/46

A air

A analysis and assessment

A Analysis & Assessment Div., 7/87­10/93

A Assay and Accountability, 9/70­12/75

AA access authorization

AA accountable/activity area

AA activity area

AA adverse action

AA affirmative action

AA aiming algorithm

AA arithmetical average

AA assistant administrator

AA atomic absorption

AA Audits & Assessments Office

A3 armor/anti-armor

AAA American Arbitration Association

AA3 (Accident Analysis Computer Program)

AAAS American Association for the Advancement of Science

AAAV advanced amphibious assault vehicle

AACD Financial Administration Dept. (JCI)

AACR Anglo-American cataloging rules

AACS airborne activity confinement system

AADP Administrative Automatic Data Processing Division, 2/76­3/81

AADT average annual weekday traffic

AAEE American Academy of Environmental Engineers

AA/EEO affirmative action/equal employment opportunity

AAH advanced attack helicopter

AALC amphibious assault landing craft

AAM airborne activity monitor

AAM air-to-air missile

AANC Aging Aircraft Nondestructive Inspection Development &

Demonstration Center (SNL)

AAP affirmative action program

AAP asbestos action program

AAQS ambient air quality standard

AAR affirmative action representative

AAR Association of American Railroads

AARADCOM U.S. Army Armaments R&D Command

AARC Alliance for Acid Rain Control

AARE a-associate response (telecom.)

AARQ a-associate request (telecom.)

AAS acid addition system

AAS atomic absorption spectroscopy

A.A.S. Academiae Americanae Socius (American Academy of Sciences)

AASM Advanced Air to Surface Missile

AASO Army Aeronautical Service Office

AAT asbestos awareness training

AAUS airborne atmospheric uranium sensor

AAW antiair warfare


A.B. artium baccalaureus; bachelor of arts

A&B (dual lock)

A/B air bus

ABA American Bar Association

ABAQUS (finite-element computer code)

ABB Asea Brown Boveri

ABC accelerator-based conversion

ABC advanced ball concept

ABC atomic, biological & chemical

ABFEL air-based free-electron laser

ABE Army Background Experiment

ABES Alliance for Balanced Environmental Solutions

ABF ammonium bifluoride

ABHX air blast heat exchanger

Abk. Abkurzung; abbreviation

ABL airborne laser

ABL atmospheric boundary layer

ABLE activity balance line evaluation

ABM antiballistic missile

ABM asynchronous balanced mode (telecom.)

ABR advanced battery research

ABRES advanced ballistic re-entry system

ABRV advanced ballistic re-entry vehicle

ABS American Bureau of Shipping

ABS alkylbenzene sulfonate

ABS automatic backup shutdown (system)

ABSS average base shear stress

ABS-SC automatic backup shutdown of safety computer

ABTA Applied Biotreatment Association

ABTRES abatement & residual forecasting model

ABV auxiliary building ventilation

ABW airborne waste

AC access control

AC accountability measurement (plutonium)

AC actual commitment

AC advisory circular (also A/C)

AC advisory committee

ac alternating current (also AC)

AC Ancho Canyon (TA-39)

AC area coordinator

AC (drawing number prefix-inspection instruction)

A/C air conditioning (also AC)

a.c. année courant; current year (French)

A&C abatement and control

ACA American Conservation Association, Inc.

ACA applied combinatorial analysis

ACB air-operated circuit breaker

ACBM asbestos-containing building material

ACC abnormal condition control

ACC accumulator (injection)

ACCD aircraft compatibility control drawing

ACD advanced conceptual design

ACD automatic call director (telecom.)

ACDA Arms Control and Disarmament Agency

ACDF Advanced Chemical Diagnostics Facility

ACDP Advisory Committee for Disabled People (DOE/AL)

ACE Achieving the Competitive Edge (PNL)

ACE a compact ENDF (file format)

ACE aerosol control experiment

ACE aerotherm chemical equilibrium (program)

ACE alkyl cobalt dicarbollide extraction

ACE Alliance for Clean Energy

ACE Army Corps of Engineers (U.S.)

ACEC American Consulting Engineers Council

ACEP Advisory Committee, Export Policy (DOC)

ACF acid concentrator feed

ACF automatic control feature

acfm actual cubic feet per minute

ACGIH American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists

ACH air changes per hour

ACH automated clearing house

ACI Advanced Computing Initiative

ACI American Concrete Instit.

ACI automatic closure and interlock

ACIA American Construction Inspection Assn.

ACID atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability (telecom.)

ACIS automated chemical inventory system

ACL access control list

ACL Advanced Computing Laboratory

ACL alternative concentration level/limit

ACL auxiliary cooling loop

ACM advanced conventional munitions

ACM advanced cruise missile

ACM airport certification manual

ACM asbestos-containing material

ACM Association of Communication Maanagers

ACM Association for Computing Machinery

ACME Annual Conference of Managing Editors (DOE meeting)

ACNFS Advisory Committee on Nuclear Facility Safety (DOE)

ACNPRS Advisory Committee on New Production Reactor Safety

ACNTS Arms Control & Nonproliferation Technology Support (DOE)

ACO administrative consent order

ACO advance change order

ACO Atomic Coordinating Office

ACOM Communications Department (JCI)

ACONET Akademisches Computer Netz (Austria)

ACO/UK Atomic Coordinating Office/United Kingdom

ACRS Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards

ACS account control system

ACS advanced communication systems

ACS Aldus color file

ACS American Cancer Society

ACS American Chemical Society

ACS attitude control system

ACS auxiliary cooling system

ACSE association control service element (ISO)

ACSH American Council on Science & Health

ACT Accounting Division, 3/81­?/91?

ACTI advanced computational technology initiative

ACTS advanced communications technology satellite

ACU acknowledgment signal unit (telecom.)

ACV air-cushion vehicle

ACV at-completion variance

ACVC arms control verification committee

ACWA American Clean Water Association

ACWP actual cost of work performed


AD airworthiness directive

AD assistant/associate director (obsolete)

AD (drawing no. prefix-acceptance equipment & specification list)

A/D analog to digital

ADA Americans with Disabilities Act

ADA applied decision analysis

ADABAS adaptable database system

ADAL Associate Director at Large

ADaPT Advanced Design and Production Technology

ADB Apple desktop bus

ADC atomic demolition charge

ADC authorized derivative classifier

ADCCP advanced data communication control procedure

AD&D accidental death and dismemberment

ADCM Associate Director for Chemistry and Materials

ADDS Automated Departmental Directives System

ADEE Associate Director for Energy and Environment

ADEOS Advanced Earth Observation Satellite (Japan)

ADEP accelerator-driven energy production

ADEPT assisting deployment of energy and environmental practices

and technologies

ADET Associate Director for Energy and Technology

ADF automatic direction finding

ADI acceptable daily intake

ADI air defense initiative

ADI alternating-direction implicit (method)

ADISS analytical data interchange & storage standards

ADIT accelerator-driven transmutation technologies

ADL above detection limit

ADLD Associate Director for Laboratory Development

ADM action description memorandum

ADM arrow diagram method

ADM atomic demolition munition

ADMD administrative management domain

ADNWT Associate Director for Nuclear Weapons Technology

ADO Associate Director for Operations

ADP administrative data processing

ADP Administrative Data Processing Division, 03/81­11/93

ADPCM adaptive differential pulse code modulation

ADPE ADP equipment

ADPLS Associate Director for Physics and Life Sciences

ADQPP Associate Director for Quality, Policy, and Performance

ADR alternative/alternate dispute resolution

ADR Associate Director for Research

ADR audit discrepancy report

ADRE Associate Director for Research and Education

ADS activity data sheet

ADSCEPTS advanced self-contained chemical energy propulsion

ADSIMS air defense simulation

ADSL asymmetrical digital subscriber line (Bellcore video transmission)

ADSM Adstar Distributed Storage Manager (backup software)

ADT aerated drain tank

ADT atomic damage template

ADTF At Depth Test Facility

ADTT accelerator-driven transmutation technologies (also ADT2)

ADV adeno-associated virus

ADV atmospheric dump valve

AE acceptance equipment

AE Anchor Site East (TA-9)

AE architect/engineer

AEA air entraining agent

AEA Atomic Energy Act of 1954

AEA Atomic Energy Authority (U.K.)

AEB auxiliary equipment building

AEC Associate Enforcement Counsel (EPA)

AEC Atomic Energy Commission (DOE predecessor)

AECA Arms Export Control Act

AECL Atomic Energy of Canada, Ltd.

AED Air Enforcement Division (EPA OECM)

AEDA atomic energy defense activities

AEDS atomic energy detection system

AEE Alliance for Environmental Education

AEEN Agence Européenne pour l'Énergie Nucléaire

AEERL Air and Energy Engineering Research Laboratory (EPA ORD)

AEM acoustic emission monitoring

AEM application evaluation matrix

AEMS automated energy management system

AEN administrative exception note

AEO Atomic Energy Organization (Iran)

AEOS analytic equation of state

AEP airport emergency plan

AEP alkaline earth precipitate

AEP application environment profile (POSIX)

AER advanced electric reactor

AER advance engineering release

AER appropriate extent of remedy

AER average evoked response

AERE Association of Environmental & Resources Economists

AERE Atomic Energy Research Establishment

AES acceptance equipment system

AES aircraft earth station (telecom.)

AES atomic emission spectroscopy

AES Auger electron spectroscopy

AESD Advanced Energy System Division (Westinghouse)

AET accelerated environmental test

AETM accelerated environmental test mockup

AEW airborne early warning


AF Air Force (U.S.)

AF affiliate

AF auxiliary feed

AF (drawing no. - operating procedure)

AFA American Forestry Association

AFADS automated flexible air defense system

AFAP artillery-fired atomic projectile

AFATL Air Force Armament and Testing Laboratory

AFB air force base

AFB atmospheric fluidized bed

AFC automatic flow control

AFCSA/CC Commander, Air Force Center for Studies and Analysis

AFD acid fractionator distillate

AFD axial flux difference

AFDM Advanced Fluid Dynamics Model [code]

AFE analog front end

AFEL advanced free-electron laser

AFESC Air Force Engineering & Sciences Center

AFF adaptive feedforward

AF&F arming, fuzing, and firing (component)

AFFF aqueous film-forming foam

AFIC Air Force Intelligence Command

AFGE American Federation of Government Employees

AFGL Air Force Geophysics Lab

AFGL (atmospheric constituent model)

AFI authority and format identifier (telecom.)

AF/IN Air Force Asst. Chief of Staff, Intelligence

AF/INX Air Force Asst. Chief of Staff, Director of Policy, Plans & & Programs

AFIS automated fingerprint identification system

AFISA Air Force Intelligence Support Agency

AFM Adobe Font Manager

AFM atomic force microscopy (also ATM)

AFNB (U.S. Air Force Scientific Advisory Board)

AFNE American for Nuclear Energy

AFO available for obligations

AFOSR Air Force Office of Scientific Research

AFP advanced flexible processor

AFP approved financial/funding plan

AFP approved funding program

AFPEO/ST Air Force Programs Executive Officer,

Director of Strategic Programs

AFR Air Force Regulation

AFR air/fuel ratio

AFR Arndt-Ford-Roper (two-pole fit)

AFR audit finding report

AFS Andrew file system

AFS automatic fuel dispensing

AFS auxiliary feedwater system

AFSAS Air Force Director for Strategic Force Analysis

AFSCM Air Force Systems Command Manual

AFSSO Air Force Special Security Office

AFTAC Air Force Technical Applications Center

AFV alternative fuel vehicle

AFV armored fighting vehicle

AFW auxiliary feedwater

AFWL Air Force Weapons Laboratory (KAFB)

AG alternating gradient

AG Australia Group (nonproliferation)

A.G. Aktiengesellschaft; corporation

AGA automatic gas analyzer

AGC automatic gain control

AGEN General Accounting Branch (JCI)

AGEX above ground experiments

AGFNET Arbeitgemeinschaft der Grossforschungseinrichtungen

AGL above ground level

AGM associate general manager (EG&G RFO)

AGNS Allied General Nuclear Services

AGR advanced gas-cooled reactor

AGS alternating-gradient synchrotron (BNL)

AGS American Glovebox Society

AGS annulus gas system

AGT aboveground test

AGT advanced ground transport

AGU American Geophysical Union

AH Akademiya Nauk (Russian Academy of Sciences)

AH aldehyde

A/H air handling

AHERA Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act

AHF Advanced Hadron Facility

AHP analytical hierarchy process

AHS automated highway system


AI action item

AI artificial intelligence

AI Atomics International

AI authorized inspector

A/I accident/incident

A.I. anno inventionis; in the year of the discovery

AIAIT Army Intelligence and Threat Analysis Center

AIAS automatic incident actuation system

AIC acceptable intake for chronic exposure

AICC adiabatic isochoric complete combustion

AICE American Institute of Consulting Engineers

AIChE American Institute of Chemical Engineers

AID air inlet damper

AID Agency for International Development

AIDS Activity Information Data Systems

AIDS autoimmune deficiency syndrome

AI-EOD artificial intelligence-explosive ordnance disposal (LANL)

AIF Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc.

AIFF audio interchange file format

AIIM Association for Information and Image Management

AIM adaptive injection molding

AIM advanced industrial materials

AIM analytical instrumentation module

AIM artificial ionization mirror

AIMS advanced information management systems

AIMS Automated Instrumentation and Monitoring System

AI&O annual inspection and overhaul

AIP additions in progress

AIP agreement in principle

AIP American Indian Program

AIP American Institute of Physics

AIRAPT (International Association for Research on High Pressure

Science & Technology)

AIRFA American Indian Religious Freedom Act

AIRS advanced inertial reference sphere

AIS acceptable intake for subchronic exposure

AIS accumulator injection system

AIS administrative information systems

AIS advanced isotope separation

AIS affiliate information system

AIS Affiliate and Immigration Services

AIS automated information systems

AISC American Institute of Steel Construction

AISC (Industry, Science & Technology Canada)

AISD Information Systems Department (JCI)

AISEC Army Information Engineering Command

AISES American Indian Science and Engineering Society

AIST Agency of Industrial Science & Technology (Japan)

AIT atmospheric interceptor technology

AIT audit inventory team

A/I adsorption isotherm

AIX advanced interactive executive

AL Albuquerque Operations Office

AL Ames Laboratory

AL analytical laboratory

AL apparatus list (drawing no. prefix)

AL authorized leave with pay (attendance code)

ALA amino-levulinic acid

ALAP as late as possible

ALAP as low as possible/practicable

ALA-O delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydrates

ALAPCO Association of Local Air Pollution Control Officials

AL/APD AL Advance Planning Division

ALARA as low as reasonably achievable

ALBM air-launched ballistic missile

ALBURT Albuquerque budget reform task

ALC airlift circulator

ALC allocations

ALCLAD (clad aluminum alloy)

ALCM air-launched cruise missile

ALCS automated laboratory control system

ALDNW Associate Laboratory Director for Nuclear Wapons

ALDSSR Associate Laboratory for Strategic and Supporting Research

ALDTR Associate Laboratory Director for Threat Reduction

ALE arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (code)

ALEC American Legislative Exchange Council

AL/EPD AL Environmental Protection Division

ALEXIS array of low-energy x-ray imaging sensors

AL/FPMD AL Facilities Planning and Maintenance Division

AL/HPD AL Health Protection Division

ALJ Administrative Law Judge

ALI Alpha/LAMP Integration

ALI annual limit on intake

ALKEM (German laboratory/firm)

AL/KAO AL Kirtland Area Office

AL/MRD AL Management Review Division

ALMS atomic line molecular spectroscopy

ALO Albuquerque Operations Office

ALOO Albuquerque Operations Office

AL/OESH AL Office of Environment, Safety, and Health

AL/OIEA AL Office of Intergovernmental and External Affairs

AL/OQD AL Operations Safety Division

ALP airport layout plan

ALP assembly language preprocessor

ALPAL (parallel program developed at LLNL)

AL/PIRD AL Personnel, Industrial Relations Division

ALPMI AL property management instructions

ALPR Argonne Low Power Reactor

ALPS accidental launch protection system

ALPS alternate launch point system

ALS accident localization system (reactor)

ALR administrative license revocation

ALS advanced launch system

ALS advanced light source

ALSAS At-Line Solution Assay

ALSI aluminum silicon alloy

AL/SPD AL Special Programs Division

ALT alteration

ALU arithmetic logic unit

AL-WDD AL Weapons Development Division

AL/WMOSD AL Waste Management & Operational Surety Division

AM Administrative Policies and Procedures Manual

AM Ampex, Inc.

AM (drawing no. prefix-tester control program)

A&M agricultural and mechanical (college/univ)

AMAD activity-median aerodynamic diameter

AMAX American Metals Climax (potash mine)

AMBIENS atmospheric mass balance of industrially emitted and natural sulfur

AMC American Mining Congress

AMC appraisal management center

AMC Army Materiel Command

AMD Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

AMD alpha activity median diameter

AMDA acceptable minimum detectable activity

AMDO Administration (JCI)

AMESS autonomous machine environmental surveillance system

AMFS advanced manufacturing feasibility studies

AMHR Human Resources Department (JCI)

AMI Advanced Manufacturing Initiative

AMI alternate mark inversion (telecom.)

AMI automated microwave instrumentation

AML acronym master list

AML Advanced Materials Laboratory (Albuq.)

AMO Advanced Munitions Office

AMOS azimuthally symmetric mode simulator

AMP advanced machining program

AMP Alliance for Minority Participation

AMP asbestos management plan

AMP asynchronous multiprocessing

AMPS advanced mobile phone service (standard)

AMPS airborne multisensor pod system

AMRR Army Material Research Reactor

AMR adaptive mesh refinement

AMR Atlantic Missile Range

AMRV advanced maneuvering re-entry vehicle

AMS aerial measurement station

AMS aerial monitoring/measurement system

AMS American Mathematical Society

AMS analysis mass spectrometer

AMS applied mathematical science

AMS appraisal management system

AMS Army Map Service

AMS atmospheric measurement system

AMS atomic mass spectrometry

AMSD Airport Management Services Division (JCI)

AMSG appropriate military systems guide

AMSS Security Branch (JCI)

AMT Apple Media Tool

AMT Association of Manufacturing Technology

AMTEL Advanced Materials Testing & Evaluation Laboratory

AMTEX American Textiles (DOE partnership)

AMTL Army Material Test Laboratory

AMU aqueous makeup

amu atomic mass unit


AN Air Force/Navy specification

AN ammonium nitrate

ANACONDA (intense electron beam accelerator)

AN can (metal drum)

ANDAS Advanced Neutron Detection Analysis System

ANEC American Nuclear Energy Council

ANFO ammonium nitrate/fuel oil

ANI actual net interchange

ANI authorized nuclear inspector

ANI automatic number identification used for telecom.

ANL Argonne National Laboratory

ANL-E Argonne National Laboratory-East

ANL-W Argonne National Laboratory-West

ANM alternate nuclear materials

ANN artificial neural network

ANOI advance notice of intent

ANOVA analysis of variance

ANPR advance notice of proposed rulemaking

ANRHRD Air, Noise & Radiation Health Research Division (EPA ORD)

ANS advanced network and services

ANS advanced neutron source

ANS American National Standard

ANS American Nuclear Society

ANS autonomic nervous system

ANSI American National Standards Institute

ANSS American Nature Study Society

AN-SSSR Academy of Sciences (U.S.S.R.)

ANSTO Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization

ANTA 5-amino-3-nitro-1H-1,2,4-triazole

ANTARES Advanced Nuclear Thermal Rocket Engine Simulator

ANTHEM (plasma simulation code)

ANTI-C anti-contamination (used for clothing)

ANWR Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

AO abnormal occurrence

AO Accounting Office, 04/50­03/81

AO administrative order

AO air overseas (mail)

AO annotated outline

AOC abnormal operating condition

AOC area of concern

AOC area of contamination

AOCE Apple Open Collaboration Environment

AOD argon-oxygen decarbonization

AOG acid offgas

AOG augmented offgas

AOM annual operating and maintenance (cost)

AOML Atlantic Oceanographic & Meteorological Laboratory

AOO anticipated operational occurrence

AOP abnormal operating procedure

AOP annual operating plan

AOPR associated offices of primary responsibility

AOQL average outgoing quality limit

AOS alternative operator services

AOS/VS advanced operating system/virtual storage

AOT Accelerator Operations and Technology Division, 10/93-

AOTF acousto-optical tunable filter

AOV air-operated valve


AP access permit

AP action plan

AP administrative procedure

AP ammonium perchlorate

AP Amparo

AP application process/program

AP Applied Photochemistry Division, 7/76­8/82

AP armor-piercing

AP assigned personnel

APA Administrative Procedures Act

APA American Planning Association

APAY Payroll Accounting Branch (JCI)

APC ammonium perchlorate

APC argon purge cart

APCA Air Pollution Control Association

A&PCT active and passive gamma-ray spectrometry computed tomography

APD Advanced Planning Division (DOE)

APD advance planning document/directive

APD areal power density

APD avalanche photodiode

APDCS axial power distribution monitoring system

APDF accelerator performance demonstration facility

APE action plan element

APEC Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation

APEC Asian-Pacific Employees Committee

APEN air pollution emissions notice

APET accident progression event tree

APEX advance purchase excursion (fare/ticket)

APEX APLE Prototype Experiment

APEX (pure explosives database)

APF automatic pressure filter

APHA American Public Health Association

API absolute position indication

API American Petroleum Institute

API application program interface

APL Applied Physics Laboratory

API armor-piercing incendiary

API axial power indicator

APL average power laser

APLE average power laser experiment

APM advanced power management

APM axial power monitor

APMS accountable property management system (JCI)

APN advance purchasing notice

APN augmented proportional navigation

APO Administrative Policy Office

APO Army Post Office

APOLLO2 (SRL code for operating limits)

APPA American Public Power Association

APPLY (parallel program generation; CMU)

APPR Army package power reactor

APR Aberdeen Pulsed Reactor Facility

APR air purifying respirator

APR automatic pressure relief

APRF Army Pulse Radiation Facility

APRM average power range monitor

APS Advanced Power Source

APS American Physical Society

APS Argonne Photo Source

APS array processing system

APS atomic power station

APS authorization planning schedule

APS autocorrelated photon spectroscopy

APS auxiliary power system

APS axial power shape

APT accelerator production of tritium

APT Alliance for Photonic Technology

APU auxiliary power unit

AQCA Air Quality Control Act

AQD Air Quality Digest

AQCR Air Quality Control Region (CAA)

AQCR Air Quality Control Regulation (NM)

AQIRP Auto-Oil Air Quality Improvement Research Program

AQL acceptable quality level

AQMA air quality maintenance area

AQRV Air Quality Related Value

AQS Air Quality Standard

AQSM air quality simulation model

AR administrative requirement

AR aromatic

AR arsenide

AR as required

AR auto-regressive

A&R air and radiation

ARA Apple Remote Access

ARAC atmospheric release advisory capability

ARAP Aeronautical Research Associations­Princeton

ARAR applicable or relevant and appropriate

ARB Accommodations Review Board (obsolete; see DIB)

ARBI adjusted running book inventory

ARC accelerating rate calorimetry

ARC Ames Research Center

ARCC American Rivers Conservation Council

ARCCC Accident Response Capabilities Coordinating Committee

ARCHIE (archive server listing service, Internet)

ARCnet Attached Resource Computer Network

ARD Air & Radiation Division (EPA)

ARDEC Armament Research, Development, and Engineering Center (Army)

ARES advanced re-entry system

ARF airborne release fraction

AR&FF aircraft rescue and fire fighting

ARG Accident Response Group

ARG American Resources Group

ARGOS AUTEC real-time graphics on-line support system

ARGUS Argonne Unified Safeguards

ARGUS (LLNL research laser, 1976)

ARHI airborne radioactivity hazard index

ARI alternate rod insertion

ARIES Advanced Recovery and Integrated Extraction System (project)

ARIES automated retirement and integrated extraction system

ARL Army Research Laboratory

ARLL advanced run-length-limited

ARM area radiation monitor

ARM atmospheric radiation measurement

ARM Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program

ARM atmospheric radiation monitoring

ARMA auto-regressive moving average

ARMD Records/Mail Branch (JCI)

ARMS area radiation monitoring system

ARO Army Research Office

ARP address resolution protocol

ARPA Advanced Research Projects Office

ARPA Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979

ARPANET (computer network; now DDN)

ARR Association for Radiation Research (U.K.)

ARS acoustic resonance spectroscopy

ARS advance record system

ARS American Rocket Society

ARS amplified response spectrum

ARS as required for subject assembly

ARS atomic resonance spectroscopy

ARS AUTEC Range Services (JCI/Computer Services Corp.)

ARS Automatic Route Selection

ART aqueous recycle technologies

ARTEMIS advanced radio-frequency test and evaluation measurements and