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Introduction to Crew Resource Management


These people like to live in a flexible, spontaneous way.


are flexible and spontaneous by nature.

prefer to keep their options open, continuing to gather information.

seek to understand life rather than control it.

On the flight deck they tend to:

adapt to changing situations readily.

be less affected by delays and departures from standard.

delay making a decision and keep looking for further information.

review decisions taken.


Although people have a relatively constant personality, it is our behaviour that determines

how others perceive us. It is important to remember that ....

We choose our behaviour!!!

Pilots are constantly meeting fellow crew members (flight deck and rear crew), company and airport representatives and passengers for the first time. A bad first impression can take a lot of time and effort to undo, therefore, make a habit of considering your behaviour before you meet people.

Modes of Behaviour

Remember the modes of behaviour that are available to you:

“Parent, Adult and Child Modes”

Also remember that by staying in “Adult Mode” you can avoid reacting to inappropriate behaviour.

To achieve effective behaviour try to:

Focus on the outcome of your meeting.

Listen to each other and use reflective statements to show the “agitated” person that you are listening.

Talk about the issues, avoid personalities and the word “YOU”.

Remember that the aim is to achieve mutual understanding.


Introduction to Crew Resource Management 17



Management Resource Crew to Introduction 17

Introduction to Crew Resource Management


Feedback is defined as “useful information provided for improvement of performance or correction of error”. It not only rests at the centre of a pilot’s training, but continues throughout his / her aviation career. It should also be recognized as a useful life skill. However, people often shy away from giving feedback and feel uncomfortable receiving it. Like many other human factors topics giving and receiving feedback well is a skill which requires thought and practice.

When giving feedback consider:

WHY are you giving it - ensure that it is to encourage change and develop - not to vent your frustration!

WHAT are you going to discuss - check the facts and confirm your interpretation/perception of the events.

HOW you are going to deal with the issues to be raised - ensure that you focus on the issues and not the individual. Look for, and encourage, open but directed discussion.

WHEN is the most appropriate time - a quiet moment after the flight is sure to be better than when working hard in the air!

When receiving feedback:

Listen carefully and check your understanding of the problem.

Try not to be defensive (for everyone has room to learn) and work hard to remain in the “Adult Mode” - focus on the issues for you may “learn something”!

Acknowledge the giver’s effort for it may have been a difficult decision to come forward and instigate the discussion.


Crew Resource Management aims to improve teamwork through improving human factors skills in all areas. The NASA Team Skills shown on the next pages are particularly related to the multicrew flight deck environment and are used by British Airways in debriefing CRM aspects of LOFT and simulator exercises.

Use your time to improve your CRM skills, reap the benefits of improved learning and remember CRM is fundamentally about flight safety.

Team Skill


sets open tone, call for questions

team concept (“we”) encourages participation

covers valid safety and operational issues

includes cabin crew in team

states how “SOP” deviations will be handled

addresses crew roles and division of labour

sets automation guidelines; PF & PNF duties


Introduction to Crew Resource Management 17

Inquiry, Advocacy and Assertiveness

crew members speak up with appropriate persistence until there is some resolution

all are encouraged to state recommendations

each seeks information, asks questions, and tests assumptions

flight automation questioned to verify situation

Feedback (Crew Self-critique)

crew provides information to “self-correct”

provided at appropriate times

covers both positive and negative performance

feedback given tactfully, accepted non-defensively

blame avoided, what is right - not “who is right”


participation in decision process encouraged

“bottom lines” established

big picture shared with all, including cabin crew and others

decisions clearly stated and acknowledged


balance between authority and assertiveness

climate appropriate to situation (e.g. social tasks during low work load, not in high load/ sterile below 10 000 ft !)

acts decisively when situation requires

shows desire for most effective operation

uses all available resources

recognizes demands imposed by automation

Interpersonal Relations/Climate

tone of flight deck is friendly, relaxed, supportive

adapts to other crew members’ personalities

recognizes effects of stress, fatigue and overload in self and in others


crew “stays ahead of aircraft”, monitors developments (WX, ATC, TIME, FUEL, ETC.) and anticipates required action

maintains situational awareness

“model” of what is happening shared with crew

ensures cockpit and cabin crew are aware of plans

conflicts, doubts, “warnings” resolved quickly

time allowed to programme the automatic systems

Introduction to Crew Resource Management 17


17 Introduction to Crew Resource Management

Workload/Avoids Distractions

work distribution communicated and acknowledged

crew efficiency is maximised

reports overload in self and in others

secondary tasks (passenger needs, company communications, etc.) prioritized to deal with primary flight duties

recognizes distractions of automation, disengages if necessary

Management Resource Crew to Introduction 17


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