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Текст 10000 символов / Текст 10000 символов (транспорт Британии).docx
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Travelling through Great Britain - roads, airports, railway, bus transportation

The United Kingdom of Great Britain has the excellent transport infrastructure. Not only the huge tourist flow, but also the development of the country itself and, in particular, the business sphere contributed there. The total length of all roads is at least 399 thousand kilometers. At the same time, there are relatively few highways in the country. They make only about three and a half thousand kilometers. You can travel by car in any region of the country. Don’t forget that the UK has the left-hand traffic. In London, there is a metro or a tube that embraces 12 underground, land and mixed lines. It is worth noting that the lines are often split into separate small branches, so you should always follow the transport route.

There are also taxi services in the country. The most expensive vehicles are black cabs. They can be stopped simply on the street. Cars are always upscale, with a clean and comfortable interior. Drivers use a meter. The less expensive taxi should be called on the phone. In this case, you need to clarify the price, since there is no meter in the cabin. Large cities have trams. In London, you can even find two-story trams. However, buses are considered the most popular way of traveling around the city. They run from 4-5 am until 1 am. There are some night routes. As a rule, they only cruise around major cities and the most popular destinations. Tickets for public transport can be bought at roadside kiosks, at stops and railway stations, as well as directly from the driver.

Locals don’t move between cities by buses; they use trains instead. It will be much more comfortable, although the ticket price for trains is much higher. About 50 years ago, the railway line across the territory of the modern kingdom was in a very poor state. However, the authorities took action, and now the railway network in the UK is one of the best in Europe. The cost of the ticket depends on the class of the train and the length of the way. It is worth noting that you can get even to the most remote villages. Between the regions of the kingdom and between coastal cities, one can travel by means of water transport. In particular, you can use ferries. Special boats, water taxis, yachts and a variety of sightseeing small ships cruise the Thames.

Air transport is also decent in the UK. The country has a lot of domestic and international airports, so moving between the most remote points of the state will be quick and comfortable. In addition, the cost of air tickets is quite acceptable. It is possible to move around the city by bicycles. Authorities zealously support this trend, so they constantly expand the network of bicycle lanes. You can rent a two-wheeled vehicle in any town. This is especially true in larger cities, where the ancient streets are very narrow, and the traffic jams can be as long as several kilometers. You can also rent a car, but only with an international driver's license. Such an option will cost you at least $60 per day.