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What Is a Resume?

A resume is a compilation of your work experience, academic experience, and accomplishments. Resumes are usually used by employers and admissions committees who want to know more about a particular candidate. 

Effective vs. Ineffective Resumes

The main difference between an ineffective resume and an effective resume is that an ineffective resume gets ignored, and an effective resume leads to a follow-up phone call of interview request.  

The Most Important Aspect of Resume Writing

Resume writing can seem like an intimidating task, but it’s actually easier than you think. Your resume only has one job to do: It must pique the interest of your potential employer. That’s it. It doesn’t have to tell your life story and it doesn’t have to answer every question a potential employer might have.

Detail Previous Experience

Detail your previous experience. Think about your background and past experiences. Take what you learned in business school and apply it to the job you seek. Emphasize relevant skills and related accomplishments.

Academic Experience

Academic qualifications can really give your resume an edge. If you have degrees, certifications, or specialized training, note it. Try to include any related unpaid work that you have done, such as internships. You'll also want to detail any certifications or licenses that you hold.


Think very carefully before listing your hobbies on your resume. A good rule of thumb is to avid mentioning your hobbies unless they directly apply to the job that you are going out for. Concentrate only on what demonstrates your value; leave everything else out. If you are going to include your hobbies, make sure that they are hobbies that look good on a resume.

Use Industry Terms

Using industry terms in your resume is a good idea. It is also smart to use these terms to tailor your resume. To do this, start by researching the companies that interest you. Next, read publications or websites directly related to your target industry. Are there particular requirements that are frequently mentioned? If so, use these requirements as keywords throughout your resume. Learn more about how to write a targeted resume.

Resume Action Words

As you are writing, try not to use the same words over and over. Avoiding repetition will make your resume more exciting. Drop in some of the following action words to jazz things up a bit:

  • Accomplished

  • Achieved

  • Attained

  • Completed

  • Created

  • Delivered

  • Demonstrated

  • Enhanced

  • Expanded

  • Improved

  • Increased

  • Managed

  • Obtained

  • Performed

  • Produced

  • Secured

  • Succeeded

  • Surpassed

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