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VIII. Заполните пропуска) артиклями, где это необходимо, и перескажите следующий текст.

Many years ago a London theatre was preparing for a first night. The producer wanted the play to be a success.

There was a storm at sea in it. But in those days there was no stage machinery in the theatre, so several boys were taken to make 'waves' on the 'sea. The sea was just a

piece of green cloth, and boys had to jump up and down under it.

In the evening, when the curtain rose and storm broke out, the audience greeted it with applause. The boys managed their work well, It. scene always made an impression on the audience and each of the boys was paid shillings, night. But when the performance had had a few weeks' run, the owner of the theatre thought that it was too much and that sixpence night would be quite enough. Then. the boys decided to play trick on him, so when the time came for the storm, wind began blowing, but sea was as calm as ever, there were no waves on it. The owner was very angry and shouted from behind the curtains, "Make the waves, _ boys, make waves." But boys wouldn't jump. Then at last one of them asked, "Do you want the waves for a shilling a night or a sixpence a night?"

"All right, for a shilling," said the owner of the theatre. Then boys smiled at each other and began jumping so gaily and so high that the play was again a great success.

X. Выберите нужное по смыслу слово из данных в скобках, поставьте его в соответствующей форме и переведите предложения на русский язык.

На следующий день я встретил друга, которого не видел с того времени, когда мы ходили в школу. 2.На днях мы отправляемся в наш родной город, чтобы посмотреть, изменился ли он со времени нашего отъезда. 3. Мой друг на днях отправится в Москву. 4. Товарищ Петро не опоздал ни на один урок в этом месяце. Я никогда не пропускал новые представления в этом театре. 6. Мне было жаль, что мы пропустили 10-ти часовой поезд, потому что нам пришлось ждать следующего примерно полтора часа. 7. Поспеши, если не хочешь опоздать на представление. Не забывай, что когда погаснет свет, тебя не пустят внутрь. 8. Возьми любую из книг. Они обе интересные. Уверен, тебе они обе понравятся. 9.мои друзья спросили меня, не знаю ли я, что будут показывать в этом театре в субботу. 10. Мне сказали, что она отправится в Горький по делу на следующий день. 11. Мы не можем сказать, что нам понравилась пьеса, несмотря на то, что она была взята из очень интересного романа.

I. The other day I met a friend I hadn't seen since we went to school. 2. We'll be going to our home town one of these days to see whether it has changed since the time we left it. 3. My friend will be coming to Moscow one of these days. 4. Comrade Petrov wasn’t late for any classes this month. 5. I never missed any new performances at this theatre. 6. I was sorry we missed the ten o'clock train, because we had to wait about an hour and a half for the next one. 7. Hurry up if you don't want to be late for the performance. Don't forget that you won't be let in after the lights have gone down. 8. Take either book. They're both very interesting. I'm sure you'll enjoy them both. 9. My friends asked me if I knew what would be on at this theatre on Sunday 10. I was told that the other day she would be going away to Gorky on business. II. We can't say we enjoyed this play, though it's taken from a very interesting novel.