- •Учебное пособие
- •My future profession
- •Look at these job advertisements. Which of them would interest you? Why?
- •Then please ring Paul a. Lawrence on 266407 or write to him at
- •Ring 45326.
- •Vocabulary List
- •Personnel Officer – руководитель отдела кадров
- •Use these clues to help you fill in the puzzle and find the hidden word. You can find all the words in the newspaper advertisements.
- •This is a questionnaire (анкета, опросный лист) for applicants. Answer the following questions:
- •How long were you in your last job?
- •Here are some thoughts of a student about his future profession. Read the text and answer the following questions:
- •Vocabulary List
- •Hobby, addiction, or future job?
- •Look through the text and divide it into logical parts. Say: What do they deal with?
- •Computer studies?
- •Vocabulary List
- •Retell the last 2 paragraphs in the reported speech.
- •Can you confess to being an information junky. How many hours a day do you spend on the Internet?
- •Output data 7
- •Vocabulary List
- •Text III
- •To your health
- •Vocabulary List eyestrain – зрительное напряжение
- •Find in the text equivalents to:
- •Fill in the table:
- •A) Translate the following recommendations. B) Give your recommendations how to cope.
- •Related Reading
- •Skim over the texts and say: What are they about?
- •Choose the text which interests you, read it and give the summary of the text. Masters of invention
- •All the news that fit to click
- •Look through the text and divide it into logical parts. Say: What do they deal with?
- •Read the text and find out if these statements correspond to the content of the text:
- •Prehistory
- •Vocabulary List
- •Look through the text and divide it into logical parts. Say: What do they deal with?
- •Read the text and find out how many stages there were in the development of computers. Complete the table containing some information about the development of computers.
- •The development of computers
- •Vocabulary List
- •True or false? Express your opinion.
- •Text III
- •Babbage's dream come true
- •Vocabulary List
- •Complete the table:
- •Translate into English
- •Related Reading
- •1. Look through the text and divide it into logical parts. Say: What do they deal with?
- •2. Answer the following questions:
- •Billion dollar brain
- •Vocabulary List
- •Topics to discuss
- •Personal computer Prereading Discussion
- •Look through the text and answer the questions.
- •Personal computer
- •Vocabulary List
- •Give the summary of the text.
- •Make up the topic “ The computers we use at the university”.
- •4. Topic to discuss.
- •Text II
- •Read the text and answer the following questions:
- •What is a computer?
- •Vocabulary List
- •Which of the listed above statements are true/ false. Specify your answer using the text.
- •Match the following:
- •Text III
- •Read the text and answer the following questions:
- •Hardware
- •Vocabulary List
- •Which of the listed below statements are true/ false. Specify your answer using the text.
- •Give definitions to the following using the vocabulary.
- •Which of the following is Hardware?
- •Match the following:
- •Discuss in groups:
- •Text IV
- •Read the text and answer the following questions:
- •Types of software
- •Vocabulary List
- •2. Which of the following is Software?
- •3. Which of the listed below statements are true/ false. Specify your answer using the text:
- •4. Find English equivalents in the text:
- •5. Give definitions to the following using the vocabulary:
- •6. Discuss in groups:
- •Operating systems Prereading Discussion
- •Read the text and answer the following questions:
- •Operating systems
- •Vocabulary List
- •Match the following:
- •Which of the listed below statements are true or false? Specify your answer using the text.
- •Translate into English:
- •5. Discuss the following in groups:
- •Text II
- •1. Read the text and answer the following questions:
- •Windows 95
- •Vocabulary List
- •2. Which of the listed above statements are true/false. Specify your answer using the text.
- •Find the equivalents in the text:
- •What is:
- •Discuss in groups:
- •The internet Prereading Discussion
- •Read the text and answer the following questions:
- •The internet
- •Vocabulary List
- •Match the phrases with their Russian equivalents:
- •Find English equivalents to the following phrases:
- •Translate the following sentences into English:
- •Express your opinion to the following statements:
- •Text II
- •1. Read the text and answer the following questions:
- •The www and the internet
- •Vocabulary List World Wide Web- “Всемирная Паутина”
- •2. Which of the listed below statements are true/ false. Specify your answer using the text.
- •3. Define the following using the vocabulary:
- •Find the equivalents:
- •5. Match the following:
- •6. Discuss in groups:
- •Text III
- •1. Read the text and answer the following questions:
- •The language of e-mail
- •Vocabulary List
- •3. Write a summary of the text. Include only the information, ignore any extra remarks. Write in a neutral rather than an informal style.
- •7. Match these smileys to their meanings listed below:
- •Discuss:
- •Computer and crime Prereading Discussion
- •Skim over the text and say: What is it about?
- •Read the text and find out if these statements correspond to the content of the text:
- •The first hackers
- •Vocabulary List
- •Text II
- •Computer crimes
- •Vocabulary List
- •Find in the text the English equivalents to:
- •Analyze the underlined grammar constructions.
- •True or false?
- •Construct other sentences in these patterns (transitional expressions):
- •Text III Prereading Discussion
- •How many generations of hackers have there been?
- •Read the text and find out if these statements correspond to the content of the text:
- •Hackers of today
- •Vocabulary List
- •Analyze the underlined grammar constructions.
- •Translate into English. Хакеры: плохие или хорошие?
- •What is your opinion of hackers? Have you ever tried to break into else’s computer?
- •Viruses and vaccines Prereading Discussion
- •Read the articles from a newspaper and try to select the questions to the texts given below:
- •Vocabulary List
- •Analyze the underlined grammar constructions. Explain their use.
- •Give a short answer to each question. Text II.
- •Look through the text and divide it into logical parts. Say: What do they deal with?
- •Read the text and answer the following questions:
- •Viruses and vaccines
- •Vocabulary List
- •Give a summary of the text.
- •A) Translate the following advices into English: Если вы используете компьютер в своем бизнесе, то вы должны иметь антивирусные программы и обновлять их постоянно.
- •Express your opinion to the statements:
- •Text III
- •Read the article from The Observer and find out if these statements correspond to the content of the text:
- •Viruses infect one email in every 300
- •Vocabulary List
- •Oa programmers
- •Oa программистов
- •Список использованной литературы
Министерство образования Российской Федерации
Пермский государственный технический университет
Березниковский филиал
Кафедра общенаучных дисциплин
Учебное пособие
для студентов специальности ИВТ
очной формы обучения
Березники 2003
Составители: старшие преподаватели Е.Б. Кучина,
Г.Р Чайникова.
ББК 65.298
старший преподаватель английского языка кафедры ОНД БФ ПГТУ Л.К. Ивонина,
преподаватель английского языка I категории ПЛ №47, г.Березники Л.С. Мазанова.
Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов специальностей ИВТ очной формы обучения / Сост. Е.Б. Кучина, Г.Р Чайникова; Перм.гос.техн.ун-т. Березники, 2003. 94 с.
[Краткую аннотацию по учебному пособию]
© Пермский государственный технический университет, 2003
Unit I.
My future profession
Look at these job advertisements. Which of them would interest you? Why?
We have immediate vacancies for
to work shift system. Good pay and working conditions. Overtime is usually required at weekends. Applicants should have working experience and should also have served a recognized apprenticeship. Applications should be to The Personnel Officer
Jayal Motors
Janovice Grove
Jevington Industrial Park
Tel: Gozo 57906
Write or telephone for an interview.
Immediate vacancies.
Train for a commercial career with
Participate in our 4-week sales training programme, after which you will be qualified to demonstrate our complete range of industrial equipment.
As a Sales Representative you will benefit from our excellent rates of pay and our pension, life assurance and sickness benefit schemes. We also give generous holidays. The required qualification is a recognized school leaving certificate, and some sales experience is preferred.
Then please ring Paul a. Lawrence on 266407 or write to him at
Devon Road
Full and part-time cleaners required 5 mornings per week. Good rates of pay.
Ring 63092.
A very promising company invite purposeful, energetic young people with good computer skills and knowledge of English.
Ring 45326.
National Canada Ltd. has an urgent need for PROGRAMMER ANALYSTS who wish to work in a high technology atmosphere aimed at the development of financial systems for world-wide usage.
Working as one of our project team members will allow you to rub shoulders with some of Canada’s foremost experts in financial item processing.
If you meet all or some of the requirements listed below, we would like to see you.
B. Sc. or equivalent in Computer Science or Electrical Engineering.
Some knowledge of data communication. Microprocessor background – Intel family preferably. Hardware exposure.
Hands-on experience in the design, development, testing, debugging and coding of software programs.
In the event of a mail strike: to arrange an interview please call
and ask for:
Susan Deter,
Professional Placement Manager
National Canada Ltd.
158 Weber Street North
Waterloo, Ontario