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Entry test answers

Entry Test A

1 2 a 12 c

3 c 13 b

4 c 14 c

5 c 15 a

6 a 16 a

7 b 17 a

8 b 18 b

9 c 19 b

10 b 20 b

11 c 21 c

2 2 he would drive me to the station

3 they couldn’t swim

4 I was going to visit the doctor later

5 he liked tomatoes

6 he’d bought a new house

3 2 Where

3 What

4 Do

5 What

6 Was

7 How

8 What

9 What

10 How many

11 What

4 2 I used to go to …

3 He/She told us …

4 Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

5 If I had a lot of money, I would ...

6 Yes, it was. / No, it wasn’t.

7 I’ve been learning English for / since …

8 It’s …

9 I like …

10 I’ve got … / I haven’t got any brothers or sisters.

11 I’m a …

5 2 variety

3 successful

4 pollution

5 healthy

6 honesty

7 beautiful

8 madness

9 generous

10 noise

11 wealthy

6 2 have

3 make

4 pay

5 wear

6 toss

7 do

8 pack

9 keep

10 take

11 speak

7 2 musician

3 interesting

4 tired

5 artist

6 actor

7 shopping

8 department

9 scary

10 interpreter

11 politicians

8 2 No, I’m not very good at it.

3 Hello. Can I speak to Jessica, please?

4 I’m afraid she’s out at the moment.

5 Would you like to make a reservation?

6 I’d like a double room for two nights.

9 Translations.

Entry Test B

1 2 c 12 b

3 a 13 c

4 b 14 a

5 a 15 a

6 a 16 b

7 c 17 a

8 a 18 a

9 a 19 b

10 c 20 c

11 b 21 b

2 2 they’d bought a new car

3 he was going to visit the doctor later

4 I liked eggs

5 she would drive me to the supermarket

6 they couldn’t cycle

3 2 What

3 Where

4 How

5 What

6 What

7 What

8 Was

9 What

10 Do

11 How many

4 2 I’m a …

3 I used to go to …

4 I’ve been learning English for / since …

5 It’s …

6 He/She said …

7 If I had a lot of money, I would …

8 Yes, it was. / No, it wasn’t.

9 I like …

10 Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

11 I’ve got ... / I haven’t got any brothers or sisters.

5 2 various

3 success

4 polluted

5 health

6 honest

7 beauty

8 mad

9 generosity

10 noisy

11 wealth

6 2 speak

3 pack

4 have

5 make

6 wear

7 pay

8 take

9 do

10 toss

11 keep

7 2 actor

3 musician

4 politicians

5 interesting

6 tired

7 scary

8 artist

9 department

10 interpreter

11 shopping

8 2 I’m afraid he’s out at the moment.

3 Would you like to make a reservation?

4 Yes. I’d like a single room for three nights.

5 Do you enjoy playing tennis?

6 No, I’m not very good at it.

9 Translations.

Соседние файлы в папке Entry test