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N ame _____________________________

Class ____________________________

Unit test 8B

1 Complete the sentences with the -ing form or the infinitive of the verb.

1 We’ve decided (get) to get married next summer.

2 It’s impossible (see) ________ the bridge from here.

3 Would you mind (move) ________ your car?

4 I’m not very keen on people (tell) ________ me how to behave.

5 My sister asked me (help) ________ her with her homework.

6 I’m looking forward to (meet) ________ her.

7 Mike told me (meet) ________ the teacher after class.

8 What do they like (do) ________ ?

9 Rob would like (marry) ________ Jen.

10 Who’s afraid of (fly) ________ in small planes?

11 Does he make you (feel) ________ happy?

1 point for each correct answer


2 Choose the correct word.

1 Mum decided / ’s finished / would like ironing my clothes.

2 We’re hoping to get / get / getting married next summer.

3 Bill is not very good at make / making / to make friends.

4 She warned us not going / to go / go swimming in the river.

5 Jake and I are planning / thinking / hoping of visiting Japan next year.

6 Can you make / hear / ask someone to ring the doorbell?

7 Babies are good at sleep / sleeping / to sleep with the lights on.

8 She ’s thinking of / doesn’t mind / ’s going to try to ask him.

9 Huw liked / enjoyed / wanted to move to Brazil.

10 I don’t enjoy / want / need tidying my room.

11 Will you let me doing / do / to do this?

1 point for each correct answer


3 Complete the sentences with the -ing form or infinitive of the verb.

1 They can’t stop me (do) doing what I want.

2 I’m going to stop at the newsagent’s (buy) ________ The Times.

3 Don’t forget (post) ________ those letters today. They’re urgent.

4 The kids will never forget (visit) ________ Disneyland.

5 I remember (send) ________ you a postcard. Didn’t you get it?

6 Remember (get) ________ some cash out from the bank when you’re there.

1 point for each correct answer


4 Choose the most likely answer.

1 I stopped to eat lunch at 12.15. Was I eating lunch at 12.30? Yes. / No.

2 I stopped working at 6 p.m. Was I working at 6.15? Yes. / No.

3 I forgot visiting the park. Did I visit the park? Yes. / No.

4 I forgot to visit the park. Did I visit the park? Yes. / No.

5 I don’t remember calling her. Did I call her? Yes. / No.

6 I didn’t remember to invite him. Did I invite him? Yes. / No.

1 point for each correct answer


5 Correct the mistakes in the sentences. Tick the three correct sentences.

1 I find it difficult going to bed early. to go

2 They don’t mind to work late. ________

3 I’m looking forward to meeting your wife. ________

4 Tim can’t stand to be corrected. ________

5 Pleased meeting you, too. ________

6 I go cycle every weekend. ________

7 Remember to write when you’re in Paris. ________

8 My boss doesn’t let me to work from home. ________

9 She’s thinking of to visit his parents this weekend. ________

10 I’d like going home now. ________

11 Are you afraid of being alone at night? ________

1 point for each correct answer


6 Complete the answers with a reduce infinitive of the verb in the correct tense.

1 Do you want to work abroad?

Yes. I (would like) would like to.

2 I thought Sally was coming to London with us.

She felt ill, so she (not want) ________________________.

3 Can you come and visit us on Sunday?

We (would love) ________________________.

4 Did you buy the newspaper?

Sorry! I (not remember) ________________________.

5 Is she going to buy the car?

Yes, she (decide) ________________________.

6 Why did you email the Glasgow office?

Because the manager (tell) ________________________.

1 point for each correct answer


7 Match the words to make phrases or compound nouns.

1 body f

2 play ____

3 life ____

4 maiden ____

5 pitch ____

6 bunk ____

a black

b bed

c ground

d voyage

e boat

f language

1 point for each correct answer


8 Complete the sentences with the correct form of a word from the box.

bite blow clap climb hug kick march point scratch stare whistle

1 My dad promised to blow up the balloons before the party.

2 Don’t ________ me so tight – I can hardly breathe.

3 Which song do you mean? Can you ________ the tune for me?

4 Why are you ________ up and down like a soldier?

5 Can you ________ the ball to me?

6 The dog doesn’t ________ . Don’t be afraid of him.

7 My mum says I shouldn’t ________ the insect bites on my arms.

8 Sorry, I can’t ________ up there. I have a fear of heights.

9 The policeman just ________ at the sign and gave us a fine.

10 The man didn’t stop ________. He couldn’t take his eyes off me.

11 When the play finished, the audience started ________ loudly.

1 point for each correct answer


9 Complete the idioms with the correct body part from the box.

eye hand head knees leg tooth

1 see eye to eye

2 go straight over someone’s ____

3 have a sweet ____

4 pull someone’s ____

5 go weak at the ____

6 get out of ____

Match the definitions with the idioms 1–6.

a unable to stand because of emotions ____

b impossible for someone to understand ____

c out of control ____

d like sweet things ____

e make a joke ____

f agree 1

1 point for each correct answer


10 Correct the wrong word in each sentence.

1 You’re just pulling my foot. You’re not David Beckham! leg

2 My parents and I don’t look eye to eye about most things. ________

3 Hit your hands to the music and start dancing! ________

4 My parents licked up a fuss when they saw the party. ________

5 Things got out from hand when people started singing. ________

6 I’m not interested in cars. Don’t waste your air telling me about your Ferrari. ________

7 I’ve got a sweet mouth. I eat chocolate with chocolate ice-cream! ________

8 Blow that song for me. I’ve forgotten the tune. ________

9 I’ve kicked a problem trying to install the program. Can you help? ________

10 Juliet went weak at the heart when she saw Romeo. ________

11 The lesson went straight over our minds. We didn’t understand a thing. ________

1 point for each correct answer


11 Complete the questions with the missing words.

1 ‘What’s the rate of VAT?’ ‘15%.’

2 ‘________ tickets cost?’ ‘£59 return.’

3 ‘________ the coach leave?’ ‘It leaves at 6 p.m.’

4 ‘________ of you are travelling today?’ ‘Three. My two kids and myself.’

5 ‘________ bags are you checking in?’ ‘Just the one.’

6 ‘________ Cambridge from Heathrow airport?’ ‘More than 100 kilometres.’

7 ‘________ it weigh?’ ‘12 kilos.’

8 ‘________ are you flying to?’ ‘To Boston.’

9 ‘________ airline are you flying with?’ ‘Delta.’

10 ‘________ the train journey?’ ‘About three and a half hours.’

11 ‘________ your credit card number?’ ‘It’s 1234 5678 9876 5432.’

1 point for each correct answer


12 Translate the sentences into your language.

1 I’m afraid this lesson went straight over my head.

2 He was only pulling my leg when he said he was moving to Brazil.

3 I’ve got a sweet tooth – I adore chocolate.

4 Don’t waste your breath trying to explain the problem to me.

5 My parents and I don’t see eye to eye about most things.

6 I’ve hit a problem trying to fix the window.

7 When she got home late, her parents kicked up a real fuss.

8 They were well-behaved at first, then the whole discussion got out of hand.

9 How many bags are you checking in?

10 You have to pay for excess baggage.

1 point for each correct answer




Соседние файлы в папке Unit tests