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Англ.яз. Метод.указ. Троицкой Е.С. Ecology Basi....doc
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Unit 2. History of ecology

1. Look at the following statements and mark them true or false according to what you think. Compare your answers with your fellow-students and discuss the differences. Make use of the following phrases.

I think so. Far from it.

That’s right. I don’t think so.

I fully agree. I disagree.

1. The term «ecology» is derived from two Greek words meaning a «study of the house», and it has been in use since the 19th century.

2. The term «ecology» was coined in 1866 by the German biologist, Ernst Haeckel.

3. Ecology is the general science that studies living beings.

4. Particular concern of the ecologists is with the higher levels of life organization: from populations to biosphere.

5. The profession of an ecologist hasn’t been very popular until recently.

6. Nowadays much greater attention is given to ecological problems that it has ever been before.

2. Look through the text and find the ecological and biological terms you are already familiar with from the previous unit. Give their definitions.

3. Find in the text international words, read and translate them.

4. Read the words, find the Russian equivalents and write them down:

a) To develop; natural resources; development; to describe; to discover; explorer; discovery; to observe; to launch; relationship; exploratory expedition; breakthrough; flora; fauna; to modify; habitat; to catalog; protection; biodiversity; species; vegetation; to take into account; human; concept; impact; nature.

b) Исследовательские экспедиции; защита; фауна; флора; описывать; наблюдать; среда обитания; биол. вид; исследователь; видоизменять; биологическое многообразие; природные ресурсы; растительность; взаимоотношения, связь; каталогизировать; прорыв; природа; понятие, концепция; воздействие, влияние; человек; учитывать, принимать в расчет; развивать, разрабатывать, развитие; обнаруживать, раскрывать, открывать; открытие; запускать, начинать что-либо.

Look through the text and see if there are any other useful words that can be added to this vocabulary on the topic «History of Ecology». Write them down. Share your findings with your fellow-students.

Now use the proper forms of these words to complete the sentences (not all the words will be needed).

1. Alexander von Humboldt … vegetation zones using latitude and altitude.

2. The work of Charles Darwin on The Origin of Species was a real … in the field of ecology.

3. A research program called Man and Biosphere was … by UNESCO in 1971.

4. The principles of ecology have been closely interwined with the ... of other biological disciplines.

5. Many world exploratory expeditions of the 18th-19th centuries were launched to develop maritime commerce, and to … new natural resources.

6. Human intensive exploitation activities greatly … the environment.

7. It’s very important to look at ecology from a global point of view and to take into account … of humans on the Earth's environment.

8. The term … refers to all the plants of a particular place, country or period.