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Английский Учебно-методическое пособие по СРС.doc
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24 Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык. Определите тип при­даточных предложений:

1) Everybody knows that education in Russia is free.

2) I consider it is very important to translate the text without a dictionary.

3) The books you spoke about are available in all bookshops.

4) The exercise I asked you about is rather difficult.

5) The information you sent us is of great importance.

6) We know he will keep his word.

7) There are many facts in his biography we still don't know.

25 Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на окончания -s. S’, -s’:

1) In England there is an infants' school and a junior school.

2) It was not our idea, it was theirs.

3) My friend's sons read English well.

4) She studies English and French at the courses of foreign languages.

5) The students of our group like to read English books.

6) Our scientists’ discoveries in the exploration of outer space are known all over the world.

7) This engineer's report contains very interesting data.

26 Переведите следующие предложения на русскии язык, обращая внимание на место наречий в предложении:

1) We usually go for a walk in the park on Sunday.

2) He has always prepared his lessons.

3) He is planning to visit us at our home tonight.

4) Nobody ever has a bad word to say about Nick.

5) He promised to give me an answer in the morning.

6) My friend often goes to Moscow on business trips.

7) She is always late for the lessons.

8) He is often too busy to eat lunch.

9) I never go for a walk on Sunday.

27 Переведите предложения на русский язык, употребляя наречия, данные в скобках:

1) Не prepares his lessons (carefully). 2) She plays the piano (well). 3) I have spoken to him about that (often). 4) Does he fail to prepare his homework? (sometimes). 5) He is going to leave for London (tomorrow). 6) She stayed with me (seldom). 7) I saw Mr. Smith in the cafeteria (yesterday). 8) Have you visited that city? (ever) 9) Have you finished writing your exercises? (already)

28 Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на конструкции типа the more… the less:

1) The more we know about nature, the more control we get over it. 2) The better you learn the words, the sooner you will master English. 3) The higher we climb a mountain, the colder is the air around us. 4) The more you read, the more you learn. 5) The better we know the grammar rules, the fewer mistakes we make. 6) The better we know this girl, the more we like her. 7) The more we study English, the better we understand it. 8) The longer the night, the shorter the day.

29 Заполните пропуски сочетаниями as ... As, so ... As. Употребите прилагательные и наречия, данные в скобках, в нужной степени сравнения и переведите пред­ложения на русский язык:

1) John is ... (tall) ... his brother. 2) Her pronunciation is not . . . (good) . . . yours. 3) She can do the work . . . (easy) ... I. 4) He doesn't speak English . . . (well) . . . his sister. 5) Our apart­ment is ... (large) . . . yours. 6) He didn't arrive . . . (early) ... we expected. 7) She sings … (beautifully) . . . she plays.