- •Contents
- •Предисловие
- •Unit 1. Careers
- •I. Lead-in
- •II. Study the vocabulary
- •III. Read and translate the text
- •IV. Answer the following questions about the text
- •V. Find words according to the definitions. The words go across, down and up
- •VI. Before reading the article from the “Financial Times” answer the questions:
- •VII. Read the article and go back to ex.VI. Has your opinion changed after reading this article? Making the most of the midlife crisis
- •VIII. Imagine that each paragraph in the article has a heading. Choose the best heading for each paragraph from the list below and number them in the correct order
- •IX. Choose the correct alternative. Then comment on the verb tenses in italics
- •X. A friend of yours is having a midlife crisis. Which of these things would you recommend and why?
- •XI. Render the following text into English Разрешите представиться – Лука Петрович Иванов
- •Unit 2. Selling online
- •I. Lead-in
- •II. Study the vocabulary
- •III. Read and translate the text
- •IV. Answer the following questions about the text
- •V. Read the definitions. Then put the anagrams in the correct order. The first letter of each word is in bold
- •VI. Before reading the article from the “Financial Times” answer the questions:
- •VII. Read this article from the “Financial Times” How to make money from internet news operations
- •VIII. Say ‘true’ or ‘false’. If ‘false’, correct the sentence. Rely on the information from the text
- •IX. Choose the alternative that best explains the word(s) in italics
- •X. Discuss the following questions
- •XI. Render the following text into English Развитие электронной коммерции
- •Unit 3. Companies
- •I. Lead-in
- •II. Study the vocabulary
- •III. Read and translate the text
- •IV. Answer the following questions about the text
- •V. Suggest the terms according to the following definitions
- •VI. Study the scheme 1. Imagine that you are a member of one of the departments and suggest your ideas about the functions of this department
- •VII. Before reading the article from the “Financial Times” answer the questions:
- •VIII. Read the article from the “Financial Times” and express the main idea of the text One furniture store fits all
- •IX. Use the correct form of words from the article to complete the statements about companies and markets
- •X. Discuss the following questions
- •XI. Render the following text into English Как организовать семейный бизнес
- •Unit 4. Great ideas
- •I. Lead-in
- •II. Study the vocabulary
- •III. Read and translate the text
- •IV. Answer the following questions about the text
- •V. Match the words to their definitions
- •VI. Read the article and define the main idea
- •VII. Say ‘true’ or ‘false’. If ‘false’, correct the sentence. Rely on the information from the text
- •VIII. Choose the correct alternative
- •IX. You are the boss of a company where a regional manager is against an innovative product that you are trying to introduce on to the market. What would you do and why?
- •X. Render the following text into English Разлагаемые кредитные карты
- •Unit 5. Stress
- •I. Lead-in
- •Stress? What stress?
- •II. Study the vocabulary
- •III. Read and translate the text
- •IV. Answer the following questions about the text
- •V. Complete these sentences with the words from the box
- •VII. Read the article and list all the types of food mentioned in the article The stress-free diet
- •VIII. Say ‘true’ or ‘false’. If ‘false’, correct the sentence. Rely on the information from the text
- •IX. Discuss the following
- •X. Render the following text into English Стресс от работы и методы борьбы с ним
- •Unit 6. Entertaining
- •I. Lead-in
- •What’s your Price?
- •II. Study the vocabulary
- •III. Read and translate the text
- •IV. Answer the following questions about the text
- •V. The phrases below all include the word corporate. Match them to their correct meanings
- •VI. Before reading the article from the “Financial Times” answer the questions.
- •VII. Read the article Doing business and having fun
- •VIII. Which do you think are the best ones for corporate entertainment? Why?
- •IX. Make a summary of the text
- •X. Render the following text into English Как сплотить коллектив?
- •Unit 7. Marketing
- •I. Lead-in
- •II. Study the vocabulary
- •III. Read and translate the text
- •IV. Answer the following questions about the text
- •V. Match the words to form compound nouns according to the following definitions as in the example
- •VI. Before reading the text think of two or three companies/products that you associate with each of the colours below: red, blue, green, yellow, brown, purple, orange
- •VII. Read and translate the text First impression last
- •VIII. Choose some of the following businesses and discuss what corporate colour(s) would be most appropriate for them. You could also discuss other businesses
- •IX. Render the following text into English
- •Unit 8. Planning
- •I. Lead-in
- •II. Study the vocabulary
- •III. Read and translate the text
- •IV. Answer the following questions about the text
- •V. Find words according to the definitions. The words go across, down and up
- •VI. Before reading the article from the “Financial Times” answer the questions
- •VII. Read the article from the “Financial Times” and express the main idea of the text Personal time management for busy managers
- •VIII. Number the paragraph summaries in the correct order. Two of the summaries are not used
- •IX. Use the correct form of words from the article to complete the definitions
- •X. How would you answer the two questions in the first paragraph?
- •XI. Render the following text into English Искусство управления временем
- •Unit 9. Managing people
- •I. Lead-in
- •II. Study the vocabulary
- •III. Read and translate the text
- •IV. Answer the following questions about the text
- •V. How can you describe these pictures according to theory X and y?
- •I won’t work. Hurrah, work!
- •VI. Match the words to their definitions
- •VIII. Which theory do you prefer?
- •IX. Render the following text into English Психологические теории мотивации персонала
- •Unit 10. Conflict
- •I. Lead-in
- •II. Study the vocabulary
- •III. Read and translate the text
- •IV. Answer the following questions on the text
- •V. Read the definitions. Then put the anagrams in the correct order. The first letter of each word is in bold
- •VII. Read and analyse the article Negotiating by e-mail
- •VIII. Imagine that each paragraph in the article has a heading. Choose the best heading for each paragraph from the list below and number them in the correct order. Two of the headings are not used
- •IX. Choose the correct alternative
- •X. Are face-to-face meetings necessary when you do business with someone? Or can everything be done by phone and e-mail?
- •XI. Render the following text into English Как избежать конфликтов на работе Елена Егорова
- •Unit 11. New business
- •Lead-in
- •II. Study the vocabulary
- •III. Read and translate the text
- •IV. Answer the following questions about the text
- •V. Complete these sentences with the words from the box
- •VI. Read the following text and find out how to write a business plan
- •VII. Read these extracts and decide which sections of the checklist they come from.
- •IX. Read the article a price that's hard to refuse
- •X. Which of these ideas are mentioned in the article? When you launch a new product, think carefully about
- •XI. Use the correct form of verbs or phrasal verbs from the article to complete the expressions
- •XII. Think of a company that had success with an original idea and that became less successful. Why did this happen?
- •XIII. Render the following text into English Как государство контролирует цены?
- •Unit 12. Products
- •I. Lead-in
- •II. Study the vocabulary
- •III. Read and translate the text
- •IV. Answer the following questions about the text
- •V. Complete the crossword
- •VI. Making luxury goods available to consumers at affordable prices is a very powerful marketing idea. Can you think of examples when retailers or manufacturers have done this?
- •VII. Before reading the article from the “Financial Times” answer the questions
- •VIII. Read the article and go back to ex.VII. Has your opinion changed after reading this article New medical products
- •IX. Number the paragraph summaries in the correct order. Two of the summaries are not used
- •X. Use the correct form of words from the article to replace the words in italics
- •XI. Render the following text into English Зачем создают псевдоиностранные бренды?
- •Список литературы
- •Job application
- •Writing essays
- •Writing a summary
- •Тексты для реферирования
- •Entrepreneurs
- •Brand Wars
- •If the Price is Right
- •Looking after the twenty percent
- •Bright Ideas
- •She's the Boss
- •The Death of Economics
VII. Read the article and list all the types of food mentioned in the article The stress-free diet
Jerome Burne
When a friend told Tony Cozzi that diet was the answer to the stress that he and his staff suffered from, he was sceptical. 'Massage, meditation, exercise, all seem likely to reduce stress, but not whether you eat nuts or crisps.'
Despite his scepticism, he went to a nutritionist and signed up the staff for two months of rice, salads, fresh fruit, yoghurts and nuts in place of the usual rolls, crisps, Mars Bars and the like.
The results at ASAP, the design and marketing company Cozzi owns, were miraculous. All the seven staff who took part lost weight; Cozzi started sleeping properly and stopped snapping at everyone. Everyone claims to have more energy, and the number of days when someone is sick has dropped from five a month to one. Only the one individual who went back to his chips and chocolate seems to get sick these days.
'This is a very stressful job,' says Cozzi. 'It's a great place to work and we all love it, but it's deadlines, deadlines, deadlines all the time. Everyone is stretched and when one person goes off sick everyone has to work twice as hard. For some time I'd been looking for ways of helping us all deal with stress better. Now I've found the answer.'
From the Financial Times
VIII. Say ‘true’ or ‘false’. If ‘false’, correct the sentence. Rely on the information from the text
If you suffer from something, it is good for you.
If you are sceptical about something, you believe it.
Massage is a type of written communication.
Meditation is when you try to relax by emptying your mind of all thoughts and feelings.
Exercise is what you get when you participate in sport.
Scepticism is the noun related to 'sceptical'.
If you sign someone up to do something, you make an agreement that forces them to do it.
IX. Discuss the following
Should companies try to persuade employees to eat better, take more exercise, etc., or should this be left to individuals?
What practical steps can companies take to persuade people to change their behaviour?
X. Render the following text into English Стресс от работы и методы борьбы с ним
Раньше к профессиям, наиболее часто вызывающим стресс, относили те, на которых людям приходится постоянно находиться в сосредоточенном напряженном состоянии (например, работа сотрудников экстренных служб). Теперь же взгляд на эти вещи несколько изменился. К наиболее стрессовым профессиям относят работу преподавателей, менеджеров, сотрудников области услуг, т.е. в тех отраслях, где приходится общаться с другими людьми.
Для людей таких профессий рекомендуется пройти специальные курсы, где они бы могли научиться различным техникам общения. Благодаря этому можно не только усовершенствовать свои профессиональные навыки, а и избегать нежелательных стрессовых ситуаций, которые неизбежно возникают в процессе общения на такой работе.
Кроме этого, от стресса не защищены и люди других профессий. В частности, в постоянном состоянии стресса находятся люди, много работающие, занимающие руководящие должности, вынужденные контролировать сразу несколько направлений в работе или проектов. Они неустанно работают, это так называемые трудоголики. Фактически это обозначает, что эти специалисты и руководители уже не могут избавиться от мыслей о работе и постоянно их прокручивают в мозгу. Получается, что они постоянно двигаются по замкнутому кругу. Приходя домой, они включают компьютер и продолжают работать, ни на минуту не расслабляясь.
Такое положение вещей в очень скором времени приводит к нервному истощению, хронической усталости, раздражительности и болезням. Другими словами, сами себя вовлекают в стрессовое состояние. В таких случаях рекомендуется постараться осознать необходимость переключения на другие виды деятельности.Можно провести время с семьёй, с друзьями или заняться своим хобби. Такие вещи крайне необходимы для оздоровления нервной системы и борьбы со стрессом. После полноценного отдыха любые рабочие вопросы решаются намного быстрее и эффективнее. В голову начинают приходить свежие идеи и варианты решения проблем.
В качестве отдыха от напряженной работы рекомендуются физические нагрузки. Это может быть бег трусцой, занятия в спортзале, езда на велосипеде или же просто ежедневная прогулка. Физическая нагрузка восстанавливает ущерб, нанесённый организму длительным воздействием стрессового напряжения.