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Formula 1 Grand Prix 2(Pit Box) Hints.doc
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Here is my (Frits') way to perform well on (new) circuits quickly

As you may have seen, I drove a 1:19 at Estoril. But what you didn't know is that it took me only 2 hours to get a 1:20 time, without ever having practised on Estoril before! So how did I do it? Easily, and the same goes for all other tracks! I start off with max back wing and 75% front wing, get used to the track, and every few laps I reduce the back wing setting (and matching the front wing of course) until I don't feel comfortable driving around the track anymore. You should always keep some front wing however, to prevent understeer. Now, lower the car's front and back ride height so you're touching the ground a few times in a lap. You'll see this on the little car in the right hand lower corner of your cockpit. Also, you'll hear a rumbling noise. You'll notice now that you can go faster through the curves, which in turn means you can lower the back wing (and possibly the front wing) a little, which means you'll be getting higher speeds and better lap times again. From here on, things get more difficult. You should check out the rest of this page for information on how to proceed. Anyway, you'll be driving GOOD laps in NO time without much setup trouble! I hope this helps all those people among you (I think most!) who don't want to bother with setups because it's difficult or takes up too much time. I'm not a setup expert by far yet, but as you can see it is possible to make good lap t imes anyway. Enjoy!

If you feel like writing me, for whatever reason :), don't hesitate and e-mail me at flucas@worldonline.nl Please write to me in English or Dutch, that will help me to understand you better! :)

Copyright © 1997 Frits Lucas

Susi  16May97




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