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English language (textbook).doc
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Clean (чистый) better (лучший) big (большой) different (другой) new (новый) old (старый)

  1. This cup is dirty. Can I have a clean one ?

  2. I’m going to sell my car and then I’m going to buy ………………….

  3. That’s not a very good photograph but this is ………………………..

  4. This box is too small. I need ………………………………………….

  5. I want today’s newspaper. This is …………………………………….

  6. Why do we always go to the same restaurant? Let’s go to ……………

Exercise 23  (We Mean Business ex 89, p 49)

Listen to the tape. A female customer wants to talk to one of these men at BOS. Which one?

1 Tony 2 Brian 3 David 4 Michael 5 John 6 Richard

E xercise 24

Complete these sentences. The sentences discribe these two people.

She has got(2)................,(6)................hair and she wears (1)................ . She is wearing a (7)................ dress. He has got a (5).................. and a (4)................ He has got (8)................,

(3)................ hair.


2 S







Lesson 2 Урок 2

Food, restuarants Пища, рестораны

Active vocabulary

Places to eat.

1. buffet – буфет, фуршет

2. canteen – столовая

3. cafe – кафе

4. bar – бар

5. restaurant – ресторан


6. noodle soup – суп с лапшой

7. vegetable soup – овощной суп

8. chicken soup – куриный суп


9. greens – салат из зелени

10.vegetable salad – овощной салат

11. fruit salad – фруктовый салат

12. prawn cocktail – креветочный салат

Main dish.Основное блюдо

13. steak – стек, отбивная

14. kidney pie – почечный пирог

15. roast beef – ростбиф

16. lamb – баранина

17. beef – говядина

18. pork – свинина

19. chicken – курица

20. turkey – индейка

21. fish – рыба

22. salmon – лосось

23. seafood – морское ассорти (крабы, креветки, лобстер)

24. cutlet – котлета

25. roast – жаркое

26. fillet – филе

27. сhips – хрустящий картофель

28. mashed potatoes – картофельное пюре

29. rice – рис


30. Black Forest Gateau – Шварцвальдский торт

31. a cake – торт

32. a pie – пирог

33. biscuits – бисквит, печенье

34. chocolate – шоколад

Refreshment. Лёгкая закуска.

35. cheese – сыр

36. crackers – галеты

37. crisps – чипсы

38. a sandwich – бутерброд

39. a roll – булочка

40. bread – хлеб

41. butter – масло

42. peanuts – арахис


43. water – вода

44. mineral water – минеральная вода

45. tea – чай

46. coffee – кофе

47. milk – молоко

48. cream – сливки

49. juice – сок

50. wine – вино

51. champagne – шампанское

52. soda – содовая


53. an apple – яблоко

54. a pear – груша

55. an orange – апельсин

56. a banana – банан

57. grapes – виноград


58. peas – горох

59. beans – бобы

60. potatoes – картофель

61. tomatoes – помидоры

Spices. Специи

62. sugar – сахар

63. salt – соль

64. pepper – перец

65. dressing – подливка

66. sauce – соус

67. ketchup – кетчуп

Cooking. Методы готовки

68. boiled – сваренный

69. fried – жаренный

70. grilled – приготовлен. на гриле

71. barbecued – зажаренный на вертеле

72. fresh – свежий

73. raw – сырой


74. to eat – кушать

75. to drink – пить

76. to order – заказывать

77. to offer – предлагать


78. Would you like...? – Не хотите...?

79. What would you like...? – Что бы вы хотели..?

80. I’d like... – Я бы хотел....

81. I’d love... – С удовольствием..

82. Yes please – Да, пожалуйста

83. No thank you – Нет, спасибо

84. for dessert – на десерт

85. a waiter – официант

86. a customer – клиент, заказчик

Grammar notes

Фраза Would like употребляется для вежливого выражения желания и переводится как Хотелось бы

I would like something to eat. Мне бы хотелось что–нибудь поесть.




would like

‘d like


to do something

Question: Would you like something?

to do something?

What would you like?

What would you like to do?

Negative: I wouldn’t like to go out.

He wouldn’t like appples.

Exercise 25

Change the sentences by using would like.

  1. Tony wants a cup of coffee. Tony would like a cup of coffee.

  2. He wants some sugar in his coffee.

  3. I want to thank you for your kindness and hospitality.

  4. Anita wants to finish her work this Friday.

  5. My daughter wants to have a dog.

  6. We want to go to a disco tonight.

  7. A: Does Robert want to ride with us?

B: Yes, he does.

  1. A: Do you want to buy a car?

B: Yes, I do.

Exercise 26

T his is a buffet table at Joy’s leaving party. The cheese sandwiches are next to the cake and the crisps are between the peanuts and the wine. The orange juice is in front of the wine and the pieces of cheese are in front of the sandwiches.

Simon is offering things to Ann. In pairs, offer and reply like this:

1. Simon: Would you like a cheese sandwich?

some crisps?

a cigarette?

Ann: Yes please. I’d love one / some.

No thank you. Not at the moment.

2. Simon: Would you like something to eat / to drink?

Ann: Yes please.

Simon: What would you like?

Ann: A piece of cake, please

A glass of wine, please.

NB You can say. A piece of cake / a piece of cheese

some cake / some cheese

a glass of wine / a glass of orange juice

some wine / some orange juice

Exercise 27 (We Mean Business ex 94, p 51)

Simon and Ann are in a restaurant. Listen to their conversation on the tape and write down what they both had to eat. This is the menu.


Soup * Pâte

Prawn Cocktail

Steak and Kidney pie * Roast Beef * Lamb Cutlets

The main course comes with two vegetables of the day and chips, roast or mashed potatoes

Fruit Salad * Black Forest Gâteau

Apple pie * Cheese and biscuits

Coffee (black or with cream )



Seafood Cocktail

Fresh Fruit Cocktail

Grilled Lamb Chops

Fillet Steak

Barbecued Chicken

Pacific Salmon

Fresh Salad

Vegetables of the Day



xercise 28

Look at the menu

In pairs, order a meal from the menu

like this:

Waiter: What would you like to start with?

Customer: Soup please. And then I’d like

steak and kidney pie with chips.

Waiter: And for dessert?

Customer: I’d like fruit salad please.

Exercise 29

Write the answers to the questions in the right places.

  1. I’d love one. (b) Yes. Coffee please. (c) I’d love to. (d) I’d love some.

(e) A piece of cake please.

1. Would you like some cake? – ....................................................................

2. What would you like to eat? – ...................................................................

3. Would you like to go to the cinema? – .......................................................

4. Would you like something to drink? – ........................................................

5. Would you like a piece of cake? – .............................................................

Exercise 30

Make up a dialogue putting the sentences in a logical order.

– I’ll have vegetable soup.

– I love cheese sandwiches with mayonaise. I’d love one.

№ 1

– What are you going to have today?

– All right. That sounds good.

– How about a sandwich?

– Would you like salad?

– What kind of dressing would you like?

– Yes, please.

– I’d like salad with French dressing.

– We have a soup called vegetable medley (смесь). It’s a cheese soup with vegetables.

– What is your soup?

Exercise 31

Fill in the missing words taking them from the word box below.







  1. I like bread with …………..

  2. Would you like some apple ………..?

  3. I’d like orange juice and one beef ………….

  4. Can I have the …….., please?

  5. What would you like to ………..?

  6. What kind of …………….. would you like?

Exercise 32

Translate from Russain into English

  1. Что вы возьмете?

  2. Я съел бы суп и цыпленка.

  3. Мне хотелось бы фрукты на дессерт.

  4. Что вы хотели бы пить?

  5. Я бы попил чай с молоком и сахаром.

  6. Какую подливку вы желаете?

  7. Не хотите ли чашечку кофе?

Exercise 33

Find the word that doesn’t belong.

1. meat vegetables glass fruit

2. peas beef pork lamb

3. beans potatoes carrots fish

4. salt sugar chicken pepper

5. orange apple cake banana

6. fried raw boiled grilled

Exercise 34

Put more words into these groups.







Exercise 35

Match the sentences to their translations.

1.If you boil vegetables for too long, you loose vitamins.

1. Если мой муж первым приходит домой, он обычно готовит ужин.

2. If you like very sweet dessert, add a tablespoon of sugar.

2. Если вы будете кипятить яйца дольше 5 минут, они станут крутыми.

3. If the weather is hot, we usually eat in the garden.

3. Если вам не нравятся мягкие макаронные изделия, не кипятите их дольше 6 минут.

4. If you boil eggs for more than 5 minutes, they go hard.

4. Если вам нравится сладкий дессерт, добавьте столовую ложку сахара.

5. If you don’t like soft pasta, don’t boil it for more than 6 minutes.

5. Если вы будете кипятить овощи слишком долго, витамины не сохранятся.

6. If my husband arrives home first, he usually cooks the dinner.

6. Если погода жаркая, мы обычно едим в саду.

Exercise 36

Read the text and answer the questions.

A Brazil

Whether at home or in a restaurant, Brazilians like eating with their families and friends. They never eat lunch at the office and they have dinner very late – at about ten o’clock at night.

Brazilians like small cups of strong coffee, at any time of the day. As well as many different fruit drinks, Brazilians also make very good beer. They don’t eat in the street or on the bus, and they never eat with their hands. They always use a knife and fork to eat, even for pizza and sandwiches.

B The Philippines

Many Filipinos have three meals a day with two snacks in between. Rice is a part of every meal – they even make desserts with rice and coconut milk. Filipinos like eating soup, meat vegetables and a lot of different sauces. In some parts of the country, they make wine.

Families usually eat together and they like to invite people to eat with them. Filipinos eat with a fork and a spoon, or with their hands. It’s polite to leave a little food on the plate at the end of a meal.

C Finland

There are a lot of different Finnish dishes, such as smoked fish and hot soups, but fast food such as pizza and sausages are also very popular. In the streets there are stalls which sell sausages, Finland’s favourite food. Finns like drinking beer. They make excellent beer.

During the week, most families don’t usually have dinner together. Sometimes at the weekends they eat with their friends. They cook meals together, or each person makes and brings a part of the meal.

In which country/countries do they:

  • drink lots of coffee?

  • like sausages?

  • eat rice with every meal?

  • not eat in the street?

  • make very good beer?

  • usually eat with their families?

  • sometimes eat with their hands?

  • never eat with their hands?

Exercise 37

Read the following words and answer the questions:

  1. freshly squeezed carrot juice

  1. lettuce

  1. fried eggs, sausages, French toast

  1. nuts

  1. bread rolls

  1. melon

  1. fried chicken

  1. grilled chicken, Basmati rice, brussels sprouts, carrots

  1. spaghetti Bolognese, garlic bread

  1. yoghurt

  1. lamb and mashed potatoes

  1. fruit salad

  1. doughnut

  1. olive oil and vinegar

  1. cucumber

  1. watermelon

  1. mushrooms

  1. peaches

  1. wholemeal bread

  1. apple juice

  1. steak, jacket potato, broccoli

  1. bacon and cheese sandwich

  1. club sandwich, chips

  • Which are healthy, low–fat foods; fatty foods; junk food?

  • What food and drink would be suitable for: a vegetarian; somebody who’s on a diet?

  • What do you usually eat and drink: at work; on a picnic; at a fast–food restaurant; at an expensive restaurant?

  • Do you often: eat junk food; have a snack between the meals?

  • Do you worry about how healthy your diet is? Are you a fussy eater?

  • Which foods: contain a lot of calories; contain protein; are rich in vitamins?

Lesson 3 Урок 3

Entertainment, suggestions, Развлечения, предложения,