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Hobbies and pastimes


In the 16th century a favourite toy for children of all ages was the hobbyhorse. In appearance a hobbyhorse could be as simple as a stick, or it could have a decorated wooden framework with an imitation horse's head attached.

Whether simple or elaborate, children used them for the games of the time involving war and knighthood, much as children in the early part of the 20& century played cowboys and Indians. In time the popularity of the hobbyhorse declined, but the pleasure of doing something outside the routine activities of daily life had brought a new word into the language, the word hobby, which is a shortened form of hobbyhorse.

Hobbies today include a vast range of activities. The definition that best covers all these activities is probably constructive leisure-time activities. It excludes games and leaves out purely spectator activities like watching television.

It also excludes schooling and work done to make a living. A hobby, like playing with a hobbyhorse, is an activity apart from the ordinary routines of life. It should encourage the use of creativity and imagination and bring the reward of learning. Some hobbies bring monetary rewards as well.

(from Compton 's Encyclopaedia)

Video games

Everybody's tried them at least once. Sitting in front of a screen with a button or a joystick you can make cars go very fast or move strange little green men about as they escape from dangerous enemies.

You do it with video games, the electronic toys which are loved by young people and adults alike. Some people prefer space settings, others prehistoric scenes and still others realistic situations in the present. With only a little money an a lot of skill, you can pass several hours absorbed in new and unexpected situations.

But, some experts say, excessive use of these screens can be bad for your health.

And some very violent video games are now in circulation.

So, video games can be bad for you if you don't limit the time you spend in front of the screen or choose intelligent programmes which don't contain violence.

Often players forget reality and start to live the adventures of imaginary "heroes".

However, there are also educational video games. These can stimulate imagination or help with the study of history, geography and natural sciences.


There are few safe predictions to be made about the future of travelling, but one of the surest is that more of us will visit more places than ever before. Travel and tourism is growing into the largest industry in the world — but who will be travelling, where will they go, and what will they do?

There are few places which do not bear the tourist's footprints. Even Antarctica is firmly on the vacation map. Sightseeing trips into outer space or to the ocean depths, are, perhaps, only a few years away.

Technology is certainly fuelling the travel revolution, helping to cut costs and extend horizons. But it also provides opportunities for virtual tourism, where an Internet user can explore some of the world's most celebrated sights with a few clicks of the mouse.

(from The Essential Guide to the 21st Century, abridged)

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