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«Омский государственный технический университет»

Ю.Н. Сидоренко и.Н. Чурилова теплоэнергетика

Методические указания по английскому языку


Издательство ОмГТУ


Составители: Ю.Н. Сидоренко, канд. филол. наук, доцент;

И.Н. Чурилова, канд. филол. наук, доцент.

Методические указания предназначены для самостоятельной работы в процессе изучения английского языка студентами-заочниками технического вуза.

Печатается по решению редакционного издательского совета Омского государственного технического университета.

© Омский государственный технический

университет, 2010

Module I The Participle

The form



Simple Participle


being read (3форма)

Perfect Participle

having read (3 ф.)

having been read (3 ф.)

Simultaneous actions

P I Simple Active

Making a tour of England we were struck by its “park like” appearance.

P I Simple Passive

The monument being erected now on this square will be soon unveiled.

Prior Actions

P I Perfect Active

Having decided to get a general idea of the country we began to study the map.

P I Perfect Passive

Having been presented with five gold coins, Judy went shopping.

Participle I





1. An At­tribute

P I Sim­ple

Active &


The roaring (бурлящая) water of the river made a deep impression on him. (перед определяемым сло-


Great Britain is situated on the British Isles lying to the west. (после опреде­ляемо-

го слова)

The country being shown on the map now is Great Brit­ain.

1. Причастие 1. в каче­стве определения может стоять как перед, так и после оп­ределяемого слова.

2. Кто-то, сделавший что-то → Причастие не ис­пользуется, а только при­даточное предложе­ние

The boy who had visited the USA, told a lot about it.

2. A Pre­dica-


P I Sim­ple Ac­tive

The answer of the student is disappointing (разочаро­вывающий)

to be astonishing (изум­лен-ный)

to be disappointing

to be exciting

to be humiliating

to be inviting

to be tempting

to be terrifying

3. A Paren-

thesis (ввод­ное пред­ложе-


P I Sim­ple Ac­tive

Judging by his words he has visited Great Britain.

Generally speaking the best way to get a general idea of a country is to study the map.

generally speaking

judging by appearance (words)

mildly speaking (saying)

speaking frankly

strictly speaking

saying nothing of

roughly speaking

4. An ad­ver­bial modifier of time


All forms

While getting breakfast ready, the girls began to light the camp fire.

Being thanked for his help, he left.

1. Действие, выраженное причастием в функции обстоятельства, всегда относится к подлежа­щему всего предложе­ния.

2. Союзы when и while часто употребляются с P I Simple Active для выра­жения действия, происхо­дящего одновре­менно с действием, вы­ражаемым глаголом-ска­зуемым.

While making a tour of England, we were im­pressed by its beauty.

3. Participle I Simple гла­гола to be не использу­ется в функции обстоя­тель­ства.

Придаточные предложе­ния типа когда он был в Москве переводим → When in Moscow.

5. An ad­ver­bial modifier of cause (rea­son)

All forms

Not knowing the topic well, he got confused.

Having been left alone, the child felt miserable and lonely.


An ad­ver­bial modi­fier of at­tendant cir­cum­stances (of manner)

P I Sim­ple Ac­tive

He was standing on the top of the mountain admiring the beautiful view.

I spent the morning on the cliff reading.

in what manner?


(союз «и»)

An ad­ver­bial modi­fier of comparison

P I Sim­ple Ac­tive

He was silent for a while, as though pausing for a reply.

She shivered with fright as if realizing the danger.

as if

as though

Participle II the 3d form of the verb (driven, done, looked)





1. An attri-



People treated in polyclinics are called out-patients. (после определяемого слова)

After giving the boy the pre­scribed medicine I went out. (перед определяемым сло­вом.

I took the boy for a walk up the path covered with faded leaves.

1. P II переходных глаго­лов имеет значение пас­сивного залога:

a broken toy

a locked door

a written letter.

2. P II непереходных гла­голов обозначает переход в другое состояние:

fades leaves

withered flowers

vanished jewels

fallen trees

retired captain

2. A predi­cative

(part of a compound nominal predicate)


He seemed delighted to see me again.

She looked worried.

I confessed I was bewildered.

Составное именное ска­зуемое состоит из глагола-связки: be, look, get, grow, seem, turn, remain+ сказуемое (которое может быть выражено P II )

3. An Adverbial Modifier of time


When told the fare, he real­ized he couldn’t afford the tour.

В функции обстоятельства P II имеет то же подлежа­щее, что и сказуемое всего предложения.

4. An Adverbial Modifier of condi­tion (if)

If sent immediately, the tele­gram will be delivered in time.

5. An Adverbial Modifier of compari­son (as if, as though)

He looked bewildered as if told something unbelievable.

6. An Adverbial Modifier of conces­sion

Though frightened, he didn’t show it.