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The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

The Supreme Court is the highest judicial body for civil, criminal, business and other cases. It has the power of supervision over the activities of all the judicial bodies of the state. The Supreme Court gives the court interpretation on the issues of court practice. It tries the most important criminal and civil cases and likewise hears appeals against the judgements and sentences of other courts, as well as appeals against the judgements and sentences of the military courts of the state.

The Civil Colleague of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation has full original jurisdiction in all matters, so no action may be excluded from the Supreme Court. Its jurisdiction is unlimited. It hears appeals from the Supreme Courts of the Republics of the Russian Federation, the Area, Oblasts, Cities of federal importance, Autonomy Oblast and Autonomies Circuit Courts as well.

The Criminal Colleague of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation is the body exercising highest general criminal jurisdiction.


compliance n выполнение, соблюдение (правовых норм)

contesting n оспаривание

determine a case v вынести решение по делу; принять решение по делу

ensure v гарантировать; обеспечивать

file a claim v заявить требование

infringe v нарушать (права, закон, нормы)

observance n наблюдение; соблюдение

pertain v относиться

power of supervision n право надзора

scope n охват; сфера применения

stipulate v обусловливать

Reading tasks

A Answer these questions.

1 What does the term ‘jurisdiction’ mean?

2 What are three forms of jurisdiction?

3 What is the function of the Constitutional Court?

4 Who may file their claims to the Constitutional Court?

5 In what cases the claims may be filed?

6 What are the peculiarities of jurisdiction of the Constitutional Court?

7 What cases are considered in courts of general jurisdiction?

8 What Article of the Constitution of the RF determines the jurisdiction of courts of general jurisdiction? What is this Article about?

9 What are the functions of the Supreme Court?

Comprehension check

B Say if it is true (T) or false (F).

1 The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation is the supreme judicial body both for civil and military courts of general jurisdiction.

2 The Supreme Court forms the basis of the system of general jurisdiction courts in Russia.

3 Jurisdiction means the power of a court to hear and determine a case.

4 The Constitutional Court tries the most important criminal and civil cases.

C Finish the following sentences using the facts from the text.

1 If a court hears appeals from a lower court it is said…

2 The basic principle in determining court’s jurisdiction is the…

3 Normative legal acts of Ministries are appealed against in…

4 Individuals and legal entities may defend their rights in…

5 The Criminal Colleague of the Supreme Court exercises…

6 The highest judicial body is…

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