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Text b Construction Industry

Building construction is the product of a diverse group of subindustries, with many individuals and organizations involved in the construction of a single structure, from the manufacture of necessary components to final assembly. As a general rule, state laws require a registered architect or engineer, or both, to execute the design and to make sure that the design complies with public health, zoning, and building-code requirements. The design must at the same time conform to the requirements of the owner. The architect or engineer converts these requirements into a set of drawings and written specifications that usually are sent to interested general contractors for bids. The successful bidder or bidders in turn subcontract plumbing, painting, electrical wiring, structural frame construction and erection, and other jobs to firms specializing in these crafts.

Contractors ordinarily carry out their work under the observation of an architect and or engineer, who acts as agent of the owner. State and local inspectors review the work for general compliance with the local building code. The immediate responsibility of the contractor, architect, and engineer ends when the local authorities approve the building for occupancy and the owner accepts the building. However, the contractor, architect, and engineer are legally responsible for any deficiencies in the construction or design for a period of several years after acceptance, the time depending on the terms of the contract and local laws.

Words and expressions

Building - строительство

construction - стройка, строительство;

конструкция, сооружение

structure - строение, здание, сооружение;

конструкция, структура

terms of the contract - условия контракта

Exercise 1

Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

  1. Is building construction a product of a diverse group of sub industries, with many individuals and organizations involved?

  2. What industries are engaged in the manufacture of necessary components for construction and final assembly of buildings?

  3. Do State laws in Russia require a registered architect or engineer to execute the design?

  4. Who is responsible for making the design to comply with public health, zoning, and building-code requirements?

  5. Are owners’ requirements taken into consideration by city council authorities?

  6. Who is responsible to make the design to conform to the requirements of the owner?

  7. What are the next steps taken after a set of drawings and written specifications ready?

  8. Who usually perform plumbing, painting, electrical wiring, structural frame construction and erection, and other jobs after the design is approved?

  9. Under whose observation the contractors ordinarily carry out their work?

  10. When does the immediate responsibility of the contractor, architect, and engineer end?

  11. Who are legally responsible for any deficiencies in the construction or design for a period of several years after acceptance?

Exercise 2

Заполните пропуски недостающими по смыслу словами, используя текст:

  1. Building construction is the product of a diverse group of … .

  2. In building construction many … and … are involved in the construction of a single structure.

  3. The design is usually executed by a registered … and … .

  4. The design should … with public health, zoning, and building-code requirements.

  5. The … must conform to the requirements of the owner.

  6. Drawings and written specifications are converted into a set of … and … .

  7. Contractors carry out their work under the observation of an … and … .

  8. Construction inspectors review the work for general compliance with the local … .

  9. Contractor, architect, and … are legally responsible for any defects in the construction or design.

Exercise 3

Соответствуют ли данные предложения содержанию текста:

  1. Building construction is the product of a single group of construction industry.

  2. Building construction involves final assembly only.

  3. As a general rule, state laws permit to execute the design to any company engaged in manufacturing of building materials.

  4. Any building construction design should comply with public health, zoning, and building-code requirements.

  5. The design must conform to the requirements of the architect.

  6. The owner of a building converts requirements of local authorities into a set of drawings and written specifications.

  7. The architect and the engineer subcontract construction and erection jobs to firms specializing in these crafts.

  8. Contractors carry out their work under the observation of an architect and an engineer.

  9. State and local inspectors review the work for general compliance with the local building code.

  10. The contractor, architect, and engineer are legally responsible for any financial difficulties of the owner during the construction period.

Exercise 4

Используя текст, составьте высказывания с данными словами и выражениями:

Building construction - single structure - manufacture of components - final assembly - general rule - state laws - registered architect - building-code requirements – to conform to - to subcontract - to act as an agent - to review the work - to be legally responsible for – to depend on - terms of the contract.

Exercise 5

Кратко передайте содержание каждого абзаца.

Exercise 6

Выделите пять основных идей текста.

Exercise 7

Составьте предложения, используя данные выражения:

  • Building (строение, здание); additional building (пристройка); administrative building (административное здание); domestic building (жилое здание); engineering building (производственный корпус); flat building (многоквартирный дом); framed building (каркасная постройка).

  • structure (конструкция); atomic structure (строение атома); bearing structure (несущая конструкция); dangerous structure (аварийная конструкция); fabricated structure (сборная конструкция); framed structure (каркасная конструкция; фахверк); internal structure (внутренняя структура); rigid structure (жесткая конструкция); rigid-framed structure (жесткая каркасная конструкция); steel structure (металлоконструкция); supporting structure (несущая конструкция); wood structure (деревянная конструкция).

Exercise 8

Переведите на английский язык:

  1. Строительная индустрия в России является одной из крупнейших отраслей промышленности.

  2. В строительную промышленность входят такие отрасли как: производство строительных материалов и изготовление металлоконструкций.

  3. Любая строительная компания должна иметь в своем штате дипломированных инженера строителя и архитектора.

  4. Строительный проект должен соответствовать требованиям строительных норм и правил.

  5. Архитектор и инженер строительного проекта выполняют чертежи и составляют спецификации, по которым строители проводят работы.

  6. Генеральный подрядчик проводит тендеры на проведение сантехнических, отделочных, электромонтажных и других работ.

  7. Подрядчики выполняют все строительные работы под наблюдением архитектора и главного инженера проекта.

  8. Все работы на строительных объектах выполняются в строгом соответствии со строительными нормами и правилами.

  9. Генподрядчик архитектор и главный инженер проекта юридически ответственны за все нарушения строительных норм и правил.

Exercise 10

Текст на самостоятельный перевод:

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