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V. Мемуарная литература

  1. Батурин Ю.М. Досье разведчика. – М., 2005.

  2. Буш Дж., Скоукрофт Б. Мир стал другим. Пер с англ. – М., 2004.

  3. Де Голль Ш. Мемуары надежды. - М., 2000.

  4. Добрынин А.Ф. Сугубо доверительно. Посол в Вашингтоне при шести президентах США (1962-1986). – М., 1996.

  5. Дроздов Ю.И. Записки начальника нелегальной разведки. – М., 2000.

  6. Ельцин Б.Н. Президентский марафон. - М., 2000.

  7. Жискар д’Эстен В. Власть и жизнь. - М.,1990.

  8. Квицинский Ю.А. Время и случай: Заметки профессионала. – М., 1999.

  9. Корниенко Г.М. «Холодная война»: свидетельство участника. – М., 2001.

  10. Примаков Е.М. Годы в большой политике. - М. 1999.

  11. Стародубов В.П. Супердержавы ХХ века: стратегическое противоборство. – М., 2001.

  12. Федосов Е.А. Полвека в авиации. – М., 2004.

  13. Эпоха Ельцина. Очерки политической истории / Батурин Ю.М. и др. – М., 2001.

  14. Яковлев А.Н. Сумерки. – М., 2003.

VI. Интернет-ресурсы

Публикации сайта Экспертного клуба мировой политической экономики: http://www.wpec.ru

VII. Литература на английском языке

  1. A New Agreement between the EU and Russia: Why, What and When? CEPS, Policy Brief No. 103, 2006.

  2. Agenda for the Nation / Henry J. Aaron, James M. Lindsay, Pietro S. Nivola (eds.). Washington: The Brookings Institution Press, 2003. 574 p.

  3. Andrei P. Tsygankov. Whose World Order? Russian’s Perception of American Ideas after the Cold War. Notre Dame (Indiana): University of Notre dame, 2004. 205 p.

  4. Anne-Marie Slaughter. A New World Order. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Pres, 2004. 341 p.

  5. B. Woodward. Bush at War // New York: Simon & Schuster. 2002. 352 p.

  6. Bacevich, Andrew. The New American Militarism. How Americans are Seduced by War Supremacy. Oxford, New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 2005. xvi + 270 pp.

  7. Barry Buzan. From International to World Society? English School Theory and the Social Structure of Globalization. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. 300 p.

  8. Benjamin Barber. Fear’s Empire. War, Terrorism, and Democracy. New York, London: W.W. Norton & Co. 220 p.

  9. Bill Clinton. My Life / Alfred A. Knopf (publisher). New York, 2004.

  10. Brian D. Taylor. Politics and the Russian Army. Civil-Military Relations, 1968-2000. Cambridge: Cambridge University press, 2003. 355 p.

  11. Christopher Booker and Richard North. The Great Deception. A Secret History of the European Union. London - New York: Continuum, 2005. 474 pp. Fareed Zakaria. The Future of Freedom. Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 2003. 286 p.

  12. Fiona Hill and Clifford Gaddy. The Siberian Curse. How Communist Planners Left Russia out in the Cold. Washington: The Brookings Institution, 2003. 270 p.

  13. Francis Fukuyama, 1992. The End of History and the Last Man. New York: Free Press.

  14. George Soros. The Bubble of American Supremacy. Correcting the Misuse of American Power. New York: Public Affairs, 2004. XIII + 207 p.

  15. Giddens, A., 1990, The Consequences of Modernity. Polity Press, Cambridge.

  16. Global Civil Society, 2001, Oxford University Press.

  17. Grave New World. Security Challenges in the 21st Century / Michael E. Brown (ed.). Washington: Georgetown University Press, 2003. 342 p.

  18. Heritier, Adrienne et al., 2001: Differential Europe. The European Union Impact on National Policymaking. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.

  19. Hooghe, Liesbet/ Gary Marks, 2001: Multi-Level Governance and European Integration. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.

  20. Huntington, Samuel P., 1991. The Third Wave: Democratization in the Late Twentieth Century. Norman and London: University of Oklahoma Press.

  21. International Relations Theory and the Asia-Pacific / G. John Ikenberry and Michael Mastanduno (eds.). New York: Columbia University Press, 2003. 450 p.

  22. Ivo H. Daalder, James M. Lindsay. America Unbound. The Bush Revolution in Foreign Policy. Washington: The Brookings Institution Press, 2003. 246 p.

  23. James M. Goldgeier, Michael McFaul. Power and Purpose: U.S. Policy Toward Russia after the Gold War. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2003. 470 p.

  24. Jeremy Rifkin. The European Dream: How Europe's Vision of the Future Is Quietly Eclipsing the American Dream. New York: Jeremy P. Tacher / Penguin. New York. 2004

  25. Jonathan Perraton, 1999: Global Transformations. Stanford, Cal.: Stanford University Press.

  26. Joseph S. Nye. Soft Power. The Means to Success in World Politics. Nw York: Public Affairs, 2004. 192 p.

  27. Marshall T. Poe. Russia Moment in World History. Princeton N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2003. 144 p.

  28. McCormick, John, 2001: Environmental Policy in the European Union. New York: Palgrave.

  29. Moravcsik, Andrew, 1998: The Choice for Europe. Social Purpose and State Power from Messina to Maastricht. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

  30. Naim, Moises. Illicit. How Smugglers, Traffickers, and Copycats are Hijacking the Global Economy. New York - London: Doubleday, 2005. 340 pp. Nugent, Neill, 1999: The Government and Politics of the European Union (4th edn.). New York: St. Martin’s Press.

  31. Patrick Morgan. Deterrence Now. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. 331 p.

  32. Paul Magnette. What is the European Union? // Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.

  33. Perves Musharraf. In the Line of Fire: A Memoir. Simon & Schuster, 2006.

  34. Peterson, John/ Elizabeth Bomberg, 1999: Decision-Making in the European Union. New York: St. Martin’s Press.

  35. R. Braithwaite. Across the Moscow River: The World Turned Upside Down // New Haven: Yale University Press. 2002. 372 p.

  36. Richard C. Bush. At Cross Purposes. U.S. – Taiwan Relations Since 1942. New York: M.E. Sharpe, 2004. 286 p.

  37. Richardson, Jeremy (ed.), 2001: The European Union. Power and policy-making (2nd edn.). London: Routledge.

  38. Robert Kagan. Of Paradise and Power: America and Europe in the New World Order. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2003. 103 p.

  39. Rosamond, Ben, 2000: Theories of European Integration. New York: St. Martin’s Press.

  40. Sandholtz, Wayne/ Alec Stone Sweet (eds.), 1998: European Integration and Supranational Governance. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

  41. Scharpf, Fritz W., 1999: Governing in Europe: Effective and Democratic? Oxford: Oxford University Press

  42. Schmitter, Philippe C., 2000: How to Democratize the European Union … and Why Bother? Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.

  43. Seyom Brown. The Illusion of Control. Force and Foreign Policy in the 21st Century. Washington: Brookings Institution press, 2003. 187 p.

  44. Steve A. Yetiv. Explaining Foreign Policy: U.S. decision-Making and the Persian Gulf War. Baltimore - London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004. 288 p.

  45. Stevens, Anne, 2001: Brussels Bureaucrats? The Administration of the European Union. New York: Palgrave.

  46. Strobe Talbott. The Russia Hand. A Memoir of Presidential Diplomacy. New York: Random House, 2003. 478 p.

  47. T.R. Reid. The United States of Europe: The New Superpower and the End of American Supremacy. New York: The Penguin Press, 2004. 306 p.

  48. Talbott S. Deadly Gambits. New York: Vintage, 1985. 390 p.

  49. Thomas P.M. Barnett. The Pentagon New Map. War and Peace in the Twenty-First Century. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 2004. 435 p.

  50. Thomas Powers. Intelligence Wars. American Secret History from Hitler to Al-Qaeda // New York Review of Books, 2002. 450 p.

  51. Timothy Garton Ash. Free World. America, Europe and the Surprising of the West. New York: random House, 2004. 286 p.

  52. Verdun, Amy, 2000: European Responses to Globalization and Financial Markets Integration. London: Macmillan.

  53. W. K. Clark. Winning Modern Wars: Iraq, Terrorism, and the American Empire. New York: Public Affairs, 2003. 218 p.

  54. Wallace, Helen/ William Wallace (eds.), 2000: Policy Making in the European Union (4th edn.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

  55. Wallace, William, 1994: Regional Integration: The West European Experience. Washingon, D.C.: Brookings.

  56. Wallerstein Immanuel. The Decline of American Power. The U.S. in a Chaotic World. New York – London: The New Press, 2003. 324 p.

  57. William E. Odom, Robert Dujarric. America’s Inadvertent Empire. New Haven & London: Yale University Press, 2004. 285 p.

  58. William E. Odom. The Collapse of the Soviet Military. Wash.: Yale University Press, 1998. 544 p.

  59. Zito, Anthony, 2000: Creating Environmental Policy in the European Union. Basingstoke: Macmillan.