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Ex. 5. Read and translate the following sentences from the text:

  1. As the renal pelvis narrows it projects from the kidney and becomes the top of the ureter.

  2. The blood vessels join the kidneys close to each renal pelvis.

  3. Each consists of a cup-shaped capsule that encloses a knot of blood capillaries.

  4. The concentrated fluid that results from the filtration and reabsorption processes collects in the renal pelvis.

Ex. 6. Find English equivalents for the following words and word combinations.

Самая широкая часть почечной лоханки; воронкообразный; продукт расщепления белков; концентрированная жидкость; мочевина; почечное мозговое вещество; циркулярное кольцо мышц; мочеиспускательный канал; прочная фиброзная ткань; защитный наружный слой; после фильтрации; микроскопические фильтры; клубочек кровеносных капилляров; отфильтрованная жидкость; мочеточник; белки и жиры; чашеобразная капсула; растворимые продукты распада; вещества, необходимые организму; производство и выделение мочи; мочевой пузырь.

Ex. 7. Complete the sentences:

  1. Urinary system or urinary tract comprises all the organs involved in the ... and ... urine.

  2. The urinary system filters soluble waste products from the ... .

  3. The kidneys lie in the ... of the abdomen at the back.

  4. The ureters are tubes that ... from the score of the ... , the ... to the ... .

  5. The urethra is the tube through which ... .

  6. The widest part of the renal pelvis is surrounded by the ... , which is in turn surrounded by ... .

  7. Blood is brought to the kidneys by the ... and after filtration is returned to circulation through the ... .

  8. The functional units of each kidney are ... .

  9. Blood from the renal artery is pumped into the glomerulus by ... .

  10. Water, ..., ..., ... and other small molecules pass through ... into ... .

  11. Filtered fluids pass from ... into a coiled tube, ..., that leads through the renal medulla to ... .

  12. As the filtered fluid passes through the tube, substanses that the body needs, especially ..., ... and ... are reabsorbed from the fluid.

  13. The concentrated fluid, ..., that results from ... and ... collects ... before passing through the ... to the ... .

  14. A circular ring of ... at the top of the urethra ... in the ... until ... relaxed.

Ex. 8. Answer the following questions:

  1. What is the function of the urinary system?

  2. What organs does the urinary system consist of?

  3. What is the size of each kidney?

  4. Where do the kidneys lie?

  5. By what organs does urine drain from the renal pelvis to the bladder?

  6. Where does the bladder lie?

  7. What is the function of urethra?

  8. Where is the widest part of the renal pelvis?

  9. What is the widest part of the renal pelvis surrounded by?

  10. What forms the protective outer layer of each kidney?

  11. What are the functional units of each kidney?

  12. What does each capsule consist of?

  13. How is blood pumped from the renal artery into the glomerulus?

  14. What passes through the capillary walls into the capsule? What remains in the blood?

  15. Where do filtered fluids pass from the Bowman’s capsule?

  16. What is the whole tube surrounded by?

  17. What is reabsorbed from the fluid in the tube into the blood capillaries?

  18. Where does urine collect?

  19. What keeps urine in the bladder until voluntary relaxed?

  20. Name the diseases of the urinary system.

Ex. 9. Find in the text the sentences with Passive Voice and translate them.

1. The urethra

1. is covered by tough fibrous tissue.

2. The renal pelvis

2. is a waste product of the breakdown of proteins.

3. Blood from the renal artery

3. pass from the Bowman’s capsule into a coiled tube.

4. The renal cortex

4. is the tube through which urine is passed.

5. Filtered fluids

5. join the kidneys close to each renal pelvis.

6. Each nephron

6. is funnel-shaped.

7. Urea

7. is pumped into the glomerulus by blood pressure.

8. The blood vessels

has a U-shaped loop halfway along its length.

Ex. 11. Translate into English.

  1. Мочевая система содержит все органы, участвующие в продукции и выведении мочи.

  2. Мочевой пузырь расположен в нижней передней части живота.

  3. Корковое вещество покрыто прочной фиброзной тканью, которая формирует защитный наружный слой каждой почки.

  4. Кровь переносится в почки посредством почечных артерий.

  5. Каждый фильтр состоит из капсулы, включающей клубочек кровеносных капилляров.

  6. Вода, сахар, соли, мочевина проходят через стенки капилляров в капсулу Боумена.

  7. Кровяные клетки и большие молекулы, такие как белки и жиры, остаются в крови.

  8. Вещества, которые нужны организму, реабсорбируются из жидкости в окружающие кровеносные капилляры.

  9. Концентрированная жидкость (моча), которая получается в результате фильтрации и реабсорбации собирается в почечной лоханке перед поступлением через мочеточник в мочевой пузырь.

  10. Циркулярное кольцо мышц мочеиспускательного канала хранит мочу в мочевом пузыре до произвольного расслабления мочевого пузыря.

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