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I know that we all have stereotypes – national, religious, ethic, gendered class, profession and sexual orientation. Stereotypes prevent us from seeing an individual as an individual

I have learned how we can avoid stereotypes. We must understand that we all different. We must listen and talk to people to understand them. We must try to be critical of ourself . We must avoid unnecessary references to age, physical conditional or sexual orientation.

I found out that we also have national stereotypes. National Stereotype is a system of culture-specific beliefs connected with the nationality of a person. Proverbs and aphorisms convey stereotypes of varying degrees of generality. Features of national character reflected in the jokes.

It was very interesting to read about some stereotypes in some countries. For example, I don’t know that Germans liked themselves best of all.

National stereotypes of behavior can accelerate the process of cognition of reality and decision-making. Knowledge of national stereotypes of behavior enables to predict actions, reactions of individuals belonging to a particular ethnic group, community.

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