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Файл:2 курс, 1 семестр / aboutviralvideo
.txt Viral video of a cat talking on YouTube is shining example of mass communication, but in the case with the "Twilight" or the Grammy Awards, source is huge and popular company. In case with the viral video, source is an ordinary human, who recording unusual cat's behavior.
The message of videomaker was published on YouTube - free and open videhosting for anybody. If you have a camera - you can be a content-maker. Viral video is shining example of this model of mass communication, because every video, which storing on the YouTube's servers is easy to receive for viewers.
Below every video you can comment what have you seen, your comment can be seen by author of video - YouTube's version of "interpersonal feedback".
Author can answer for your opinion about the video and if this comment was critical and contain reccommendations, he maybe will change approach to creating his video. The Internet allows communticate between creator and viewer directly.
The message of videomaker was published on YouTube - free and open videhosting for anybody. If you have a camera - you can be a content-maker. Viral video is shining example of this model of mass communication, because every video, which storing on the YouTube's servers is easy to receive for viewers.
Below every video you can comment what have you seen, your comment can be seen by author of video - YouTube's version of "interpersonal feedback".
Author can answer for your opinion about the video and if this comment was critical and contain reccommendations, he maybe will change approach to creating his video. The Internet allows communticate between creator and viewer directly.
Соседние файлы в папке 2 курс, 1 семестр