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1 курс / English For Philology Students

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3.This city … lots of places worth seeing.

4.London … many beautiful parks.

5.Tomorrow my group mates will … an English exam.

19.Make these sentences negative and interrogative.

Model: They have got a lot of scientific publications. – They haven’t got many scientific publications. – Have they got many scientific publications?

1.She has got her family album.

2.They have many problems with their car.

3.She had a nice weekend.

4.This laboratory has quite modern equipment.

5.We shall have a party next Saturday.

6.The friends had a lot in common.

7.The English language has about 800 000 words and technical terms.

8.They have a credit on Phonetics.

20.Study this family tree. Write the sentences using have, has.

















































































































































































































1.John and Mary have four children.

2.Sam … two sisters and a brother.

3.Polly … two brothers and a sister.

4.Harry and Polly … two children.

5.Sam and Lisa … no children.

6.Jill … one brother.

7.Jill … no sisters.

8.John and Mary … two grandchildren.


21. Look at the information and write sentences about Ann, Jim and yourself.



Ann (she)

Jim (he)












black hair





two brothers

one sister






1.Ann has got no camera.

2.Jim /have/got/… .

3.Ann /have/got/ … .

4.Jim /have/got/… .

5.Ann /have/got/… .

6.Jim/have/got/… .

7.Ann /have/got/… .

8.Jim/have/got/… .

9.I /have/got/… .

10.I /have/got/… .

11.I /have/got/… .

12.I /have/got/… .

The Indefinite Pronouns Some, Any, No

(Consult Grammar Support)

22.Translate these sentences into Russian.

1.Would you like some more coffee?

2.He‟s lazy. He never does any work.

3.If any letters arrive for me, can you send them to this address?

4.Buy some magazines if you see any.

5.Any of these articles will be of great help for you.

6.I don‟t have any mistakes in the translation.


23.Fill in the blanks with some, any, no.

1.I‟d like ___ cheese, please.

2.Do you have ____ difficulties in learning these words?

3.I believe this work has ____ time limits.

4.It‟s too late. There aren‟t _____ people in the streets.

5.There is ____ information on this subject in the library. Consult the Internet.

6.We‟ve ___ new English books for you. We know you‟re fond of reading.

7.Pour me ___ tea, please.

8.I haven‟t ___ money so I can‟t go to the café with you.

Sentences, introduced by there is/are.

Few, little, much, many

24.Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1.There are six departments at the philological faculty.

2.There are a lot of books in the library.

3.There are few students who study French.

4.There are a large number of faculty graduates who work at schools.

5.There is a little information on the history of linguistics.

6.There is an English book and two dictionaries on the table.

7.Are there many mistakes in your work?

8.How many pages are there in this magazine?

9.There are no linguistic journals in this reading hall.

10.Are there any exams at the end of the first semester?

11.There is not any grammar rule in his notebook.

25.Use a proper word.

Few, many, a few, much, little, a little, a lot of.

1.There are … pages in this book.

2.There are … exceptions to the rules in English.

3.There is not … information on this subject in the library.


4.There is … milk in the pot. Add it to your coffee.

5.There are … interesting ideas in his report.

6.There is … sugar in my tea. I‟d like some more.

26.Make these sentences negative and interrogative.

1.There are several pronunciation mistakes in this work.

2.There are some grammar rules to learn.

3.There is an important article at this page.

4.There is a library in the University.

5.There are many non-residential students in this group.

27.Use the necessary form of there is/are.

1.… 50 states in the USA.

2.… a hotel two blocks from here.

3.… no film in the camera.

4.… any concert on TV tonight?

5.… about 800 000 words in English.

6.How many letters … in the English alphabet?

7.How many people … in this country?

8.… no rules for judging when reading a piece of writing.

The Adjective. Degrees of Comparison

(Consult Grammar Support)

28. Fill in the blanks with the correct comparative and superlative



Bad ___________________



















29. Make the sentences as in the example.

Model: The red book is as old as the blue book but it isn’t as (so) thick as the blue one.

1.This article is ___(long)__ that one but it isn‟t _____(difficult) __ the second article.

2.Paul is ____(tall) ___ Tom but he is_____(heavy) __ Tom.

3.Fiat is _____(comfortable) ___ B.M.W. but it is____ (expensive)

___ B.M.W.

4.The weather in Denmark is ____ (warm) __ in Britain but it is_____(mild) ___ in Britain.

30.Fill in the blanks as in the example.

I went on holiday last year but it was a disaster! My hotel room was 1) smaller than (small) the one in the photograph in the brochure. I think it was 2) ______ (small) room ___ the hotel. The weather was terrible too. It was 3)_______ (cold) in England. The beach near the hotel was very dirty – it was 4) ______ (dirty) all the beaches on the island. The food was 5) _____ (expensive) ____ I expected and I didn‟t have enough money. One day I went shopping in a big department store and I broke a vase. It was 6)______(expensive) vase _____ the whole shop. But 7)_______ (bad) thing ______ all was that I lost my passport and I couldn‟t go back home. It was 8) ______ (horrible) holiday ____ my life.

31. Use very or much.

London is becoming a 1) very popular place for American tourists. All the big attractions are now 2) ____ busy in summer months. The crowds of tourists around places like Buckingham Palace are 3) _____

bigger than they were a few years ago. Sales of postcards and other souvenirs are 4) ____ higher now than in past years. This is 5) _____ good news for the British tourist industry.


32. Read the extract about Great Britain and talk about its geographical position and main characteristics.

Great Britain

Great Britain is situated on two large islands, the largest of which is Great Britain, the smaller is Ireland. In addition to these two islands Great Britain includes over five hundred small islands.

The country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea in the north-west and in the west, by the North Sea in the East. It‟s separated from the Continent by the English Channel.

The island of Great Britain is divided into two parts: mountainous (northern and western parts) and lowland (southern and eastern parts). The Thames is the deepest river and the Severn is the longest one. Due to the influence of the sea Great Britain has rather humid and mild climate.

The United Kingdom consists of four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. England is the largest part of Great Britain and occupies the southern part of the island. Wales is a peninsula in the south-west of it. Scotland is the most northern part of Great Britain. Northern Ireland occupies the north-eastern part of the island of Ireland.

33.Find the words which definitions are given below.

1.A piece of land surrounded by water.

2.Having mountains, huge.

3.Live in, be in possession of.

4.Divided, not joined or united.

5.Area of land, almost surrounded by water or projecting into the sea.

34.Complete the sentences with the information from the text.

1.GB is situated … .

2.It consists of … .

3.It is washed by … .

4.Due to the influence of the sea … .

5.The island of Great Britain is divided … .

6.England occupies … .


7.Wales is a … .

35.Answer the questions:

1.Where is GB situated?

2.Which island is the largest?

3.What does GB include except the two large islands?

4.What is Great Britain separated from the Continent by?

5.What are the main rivers running through GB?

6.What is its climate?

7.How many parts does the UK consist of?

8.What are they?

9.Which is the largest?

36.Read the short extract about the English climate and say whether it differs from the climate in your native place.

British people are used to the cold. They use thick curtains and carpets to keep their houses warm. But a lot of British houses are old and not well-insulated. The British must pay VAT on all gas and electricity, so heating costs are high. Some people can‟t afford to heat their homes properly. Every winter about 350 old people die of hypothermia, extreme loss of body heat.

Well-insulated – хорошо отапливаются

VAT – налог на добавленную стоимость

37.Change the words in italics by the words from the text.

1.The British are accustomed to the cold weather.

2.They try to make their houses warm.

3.The pay for heating is high.

4.They can‟t heat their homes as it’s needed.

5.Many old people die of freezing in winter.


Present, Past and Future Simple Tense

(Consult Grammar Support)

38. Fill in the verbs from the list using their Present Simple forms.

vote want win become get be promote

Every five years, British people over the age of 18 __ in a general election. People vote for the candidate they __ in their constituency (region). The candidate who __ __ the MP in the House of Commons, even if he or she __ only one vote more than the candidate who __ second. This is called the first past the post system. This system __ the two most powerful parties at the expense of the smaller parties.

39.Change these sentences making them negative and interrogative.

1.The British love animals.

2.The Welsh flag shows a dragon.

3.Great Britain includes England, Scotland and Wales.

4.British police sometimes treat people unfairly.

5.Most British people queue.

6.Many counties contain the word shire.

40.Ask questions.


They celebrate Saint George‟s Day on 23 April.

(When …?)


People from Wales think of themselves as Welsh.

(What …?)


England occupies the south of GB.

(What part …?)


Counties run such areas as education and town planning. (Do …?)


He sometimes returns earlier than usual.

(How often…?)


English Queen heads the Parliament.

(Who …?)

41. Retell this story using verbs in italics in Past Simple.

About AD 790, the Vikings start to invade England. The Norsemen, who come from Norway, mainly settle in Scotland and Ireland. The north and east of England are settled by the Danes. The Vikings are excellent traders and navigators. They trade in silk and furs as far as Russia. In 1016 England becomes part of the Scandinavian Empire


under King Cnut. In September, King Harold II marches north to defeat his half-brother, the king of Norway, at the Battle of Stamford Bridge. Just three weeks later, he himself is defeated and killed at Hastings by another invader of Viking origin, William Duke of Normandy, from northern France.

42. Read the text and find the verbs in each sentence. Define their tense form.

The Importance of Learning Languages

Once a little mouse who was not on very good term with cats like all mice decided to give herself a treat of cheese. To do this she had to cross over to the other side of the kitchen where the table was. She knew the cheese was there because she could feel its wonderful smell.

But the mouse wasn‟t sure if there were any cats in the house. So she sat inside the wall near the mouse hole and listened. It should be mentioned that our mouse was not an ordinary one. She was a sort of gifted and she had some logic. She was taught to think twice before doing something. That was why she didn‟t hurry. At last she heard some barking. The mouse thought ”It must be a dog. Dogs don‟t eat mice, and cats don‟t usually live where dogs are. It means I can get to the cheese safely”. That was absolutely logical. But to the mouse‟s great surprise as soon as she got out of the mouse hole she was attacked by a big cat and eaten in some time. The thing is that it was the cat who was barking. “Indeed, knowing foreign languages can open new possibilities and give you a wider picture of the world,” said the cat to himself and made off murmuring a bird‟s song.

43.Ask questions to the underlined words and phrases.

44.Fill in the blanks using the verbs in Future Simple.

be call leave be get go

1.We ___ never ___ late for the classes.

2.I ____you in a couple of days.

3.Tomorrow they _____ for the USA.




This winter _____ very cold they say.


Next year Michael ____ a Bachelor‟s degree.

6.I ___ to the dentist tomorrow morning.

45.Make these sentences negative and interrogative.

1.I‟ll do the shopping next weekend.

2.The dinner will be ready in a few minutes.

3.The two sisters will enter the same college.

4.She will be a good specialist.

5.Next months they will open a new bookstore.

6.I‟ll be back in a week or two.

46.Read the extract about the USA and talk about its geographical position and the political system.

The United States of America

After its 200th birthday the United States of America still holds the leading position in the western world. A country that inspired many appellations – “Land of Opportunity”, “Melting Pot”, “God‟s Country”, is still referred to us as a land of superlatives – “the richest”. “the greatest”, “the most”.

What makes the USA the leader of the western world is its economic, political and military dominance over the countries.

The United States lies in the central part of the North American Continent between two oceans: the Atlantic Ocean to the East and the Pacific Ocean to the West. Canada to the North and Mexico to the South are the only countries bordering it.

The USA consists of three separate parts. These are the Hawaiian Islands, situated in the central part of the Pacific Ocean, Alaska separated by Canada, and the rest of the USA. The states differ very much in size, population and economic development.

There are many big cities in the USA: New York, San Francisco, Washington, Chicago, Los Angeles are the biggest.

The United States of America is a parliamentary republic. The government is divided into three branches: legislative (the US Congress), executive (The President and his Administration) and judicial (the US Supreme Court).

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