1 курс / ВАЧ100
Ability |
Способность |
Absence |
Отсутствие |
Activism |
Активность |
Also |
Также |
Although |
Хотя |
Among |
Среди |
Anachronistic |
Анахроничный |
Approximately |
Примерно |
As well as |
Также, как |
Attend |
Посещать |
Average |
Средний |
Avowedly |
Открыто, прямо |
Baffling to |
Ставить в тупик |
Barely |
Едва |
Be able to |
Быть способным, уметь |
Become |
Стать |
Beneficent |
Благодетельный |
Benefit |
Выгода |
Borrow |
Брать |
Branch |
Филиал, ответвление |
Bring |
Приносить |
By no means |
Ни в коем случае |
Claim |
Запрос |
Cluster |
Группа, совокупность |
Community colleges |
Муниципальные колледжи |
Compete |
Конкурировать |
Competing |
Конкурирующий |
Consequence |
Следствие |
Continually |
Беспрестанно |
Count |
Считать |
Coverage |
Охват |
Decade |
Десятилетие |
Defending |
Защита |
Degree |
Степень |
Demonstrable |
Очевидный |
Denomination |
Конфессия |
Diversity |
Разнообразие |
Dozen |
Дюжина |
Duplicate |
Дублировать |
During |
На протяжении, в течение |
Egalitarian |
Уравнительный, эгалитарный |
Enclaves |
Анклавы |
Enough |
Достаточно |
Essentials |
Основы |
Establish |
Установить, создать |
Evenly |
Равномерно |
Exceptions |
Исключения |
Foreign |
Иностранных |
Former teacher |
Бывший учитель |
Giantism |
Гигантизм |
Governors |
Губернаторы |
Graduates |
Выпускники |
Idiosyncratic |
Своеобразный |
Immediately |
Немедленно |
Importance |
Значение |
In fact |
Фактически |
Inclined |
Наклонный |
Increasingly |
Все больше и больше |
Indeed |
Действительно |
Ineluctable |
Неизбежный |
Institution |
Учреждение |
Land-grant schools |
Школы на дарованной земле |
Large-scale |
Крупномасштабный |
Legislative |
Законодательный |
Legislator |
Законодатель |
Lobby |
Лобби |
Locally supported schools |
Локально поддерживаемые школы |
Maintain |
Поддерживать |
Maintaining |
Сохранение, поддержание |
Mention |
Упоминание |
Minorities |
Меньшинства |
Necessary |
Необходимо |
Non-interference |
Невмешательство |
Opportunity |
Возможность |
Opposite |
Напротив |
Out of the market |
Из рынка |
Own |
Собственный |
Particular |
Конкретно |
Penalty |
Штраф |
Perceptible |
Ощутимый |
Possess |
Владеть, обладать |
Predominantly |
Преимущественно |
Private |
Частное |
Public ones |
Общественный |
Qualm |
Опасение, растерянность |
Reason |
Причина |
Recognize |
Признать |
Recruitment |
Набор |
Remains |
Остатки |
Rural |
Сельский |
Seek |
Искать |
Selectivity |
Селективность |
Separate |
Отдельный |
Settings |
Параметры |
Sheer |
Явный |
Shelter |
Приют |
Shunting |
Маневровый |
Significant |
Значительный |
Single-sex |
Однополый, для одного пола |
Somewhat |
Несколько |
Sought |
Стремились |
Sprawl |
Растягиваться |
Spread |
Распространение |
Spurs |
Шпоры |
State |
Государственный |
Still |
Еще |
Subsidy |
Субсидия |
Take |
Взять |
Temper |
Характер, нрав |
Themselves |
Сами |
These |
Эти |
Thus |
Таким образом |
To affiliate |
Отделяться, становиться филиалом |
To follow |
Следить |
To grant |
Наградить |
To offer |
Предлагать |
To remind |
Напомним |
Transition |
Переход |
Tuition |
Обучение |
University campuses |
Университетский городок |
Unnatural |
Неестественный |
Victims |
Жертвы |
While |
В то время как |
Whims |
Капризы |
Windfall |
Непредвиденные |
Yet |
Еще |
What is Journalism?
Journalism is gathering, processing, and dissemination of news to an audience.
News may be of the moment, of what has happened or is in the process of happening.
Scientist is divide journalism into 3 types: news journalism, analytical and publicistic journalism. In news print journalism there are three main genres: note, interview, and report.
This classification is suggested by famous journalist Alexander Tertychniy in his book “Genres of periodical print”. In this book, every genre is based on the theory and history. After each genre Tertychniy leaves an example from his own practice.
Note - the traditional genre of print journalism. It performs the quick transmission of the most important information about event. The report is a visual and emotional message about the event. Journalist - witness, which creates the effect of presence to the reader. Interviews aimed at identifying the author's attitude to a particular issue. On the interview letter is issued in the form of "question-answer".
In TV-journalism there are several genres: videonotes, video information and reporting. Videonotes - analogue of the printed notes.
It performs the same function, but does it with sound and video.
Video information - reading news leading, where his voice stays in the background and in the foreground is the video. The video report is the best way to convey information on television. Using video can show the dynamics of events and to create a vivid and emotional effect.
This classification was suggested by Alexander Knyazev. His book "Fundamentals of journalism" is not only about theory but also about the practice of journalism. This work will give advice in the work of the television journalist.