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английский / Topics / GB. Mineral resources, industry, cities and agriculture

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GB. Mineral recourses, industry, cities and agriculture.

This country occupies the British Isles in the Atlantic Ocean; this is the largest archipelago of Europe. It is named GB after the name of the largest archipelago island. Officially GB is named The United Kingdom of GB and Northern Ireland. The Kingdom structure includes four historical areas: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

GB, in spite of the fact that it takes rather a small territory, is one of the most advanced countries of the world; it is one of the first industrial countries. It is not surprising; the matter is that Englishmen were the first to build large factories and to make machine tools. GB is one of the suppliers of industrial production at the world market; also it is a big capital exporter. Mechanical engineering, production of the industrial equipment, agriculture, chemical and petrochemical production is the most advanced branches of the national economy. The cattle breeding prevail in the agricultural field. Barley, wheat, sugar-beet, potatoes are generally cultivated. Vegetable-growing and fruit-growing are advanced too. Agriculture is still one of her most important industries. GB lives by industry and trade. British manufactured goods of every kind are sent over the world. They make up about 18% of the world’s total exports of manufactories.

It is possible to say that they are 4 independent countries in GB: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland with particular industry, agriculture and mineral resources.

In England main factories and plants work round the clock in old English cities such as, Birmingham, Manchester, and Liverpool. Automobiles, plans, ships are produced there. Fishery, an important industry, is rather developed due to the geographical position of England.

Scotland is a country of factories and ports as well. Computers, several plastic items, precision instruments and other are manufactured there. The Scottish city Aberdeen is the “petroleum capital” of the country.

3 economic directions are widely represented in Northern Ireland: agriculture, textile industry and shipbuilding.

Coal is extracted in Wales; there are chemical and oil refining enterprises, factories of steel production, plants of non-ferrous metallurgy. Vegetables, potatoes are cultivated in village areas of Wales; sheep-breeding is advanced there too.

The cities of GB present a lot intrusting to foreigners. Of course a lot can be said about GB cities but I’ll limit my story to a few words about London.

Because London is not a simple city; it is a small country, where numerous achievements of mankind in the field of culture and art are concentrated. It is also the main industrial and business center of GB. This city can not be confused with another city in the world, because visiting cards of London are widely known all over the world. London taxi-cabs, red public telephones, policemen and other things can be considered as its visiting cards.

The gradual growth of the city helps to explain the fact that London doesn’t have just one centre, it has a number of centers, each with a distinct character: the financial and business centre called the City, the shopping and entertainment centre in West End, the government centre in Westminster.

Speaking about London it is necessary to tell something about Parliament. The building of Parliament is well-known all over the world, it is not only a historical architectural monument, but also it is an original image of the British democracy.

It is necessary to add, that London was included into the list of the World Heritage.

It’s a city of everybody interested in English past and present.