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33 Health and illness

A How are you today?

I am very well, thanks. I'm fine, thanks.

I don't feel very well. I must go home and rest. (I'll probably be OK tomorrow.)

I feel ill. Can you get a doctor please. (Perhaps a serious problem.)

That fish was bad. I think I'm going to be sick! (I want to vomit.)

B Everyday problems

Have you got an aspirin? I've got a headache.

I've got toothache. I need to go to the dentist.

I'm going to bed with a hot drink. I've got a cold.

C Problems people have for many years I all their lives

I get hay-fever every summer, from flowers and grass. I sneeze all day.

My little brother has asthma; sometimes he can't breathe.sneeze

D Illnesses in hot/tropical countries


In some countries, mosquitoes can give people malaria.

The drinking water was bad, and many children had cholera.

E Serious illnesses

My father had a heart attack.

He is in hospital.

Cancer kills many people who smoke ever year.

F How to keep fit and well

Have a good diet: eat lots of fruit and vegetables.

Get some exercise: swimming, Jogging, cycling are good for you.

Don't have too much stress: relax after work, and don't panic about work!

  1. 1 Put these health problems in the three columns. Do you think they are not serious, more sertous or very serious?

cancer toothache cholera hay-fever a heart attack a cold asthma

a headache

not serious more serious very serious

a headache

33.2 Complete the dialogues.

How are you today?


A: Good!

Are you OK?

B: No,

A: Would you like to use the bathroom? B: Yes, thank you.

B: Shall I call a doctor?

A: Yes, I think you should.

B: Here's the phone number of the school's dentist. A: Thanks.

5 A: Your nose is red. Have you got

A: Have a hot drink and go to bed early.

33.3 Answer these questions for yourself. Use a dictionary if you have to.

  1. What do you think is a good diet?

  2. What sort of exercise do you like?

  3. Do you have a lot of stress in your life? 4 Have you ever been in hospital?

What illnesses are connected with ... Ia mosquito bite? malaria 2 bad drinking water?

  1. pollution, traffic fumes?

  2. grass, flowers, etc.? 5 smoking?

33.1 Possible answers:

not serious more serzousvery serious

a headache



a cold toothache


cholera a heart attack

33.2 1 1'm very well / I'm fine, thanks. 4 1've got toothache.

2 1 feel sick. (or perhaps I don't feel very well. or I feel ill. 5 a cold? 3 feel ill.

33.3 Possible answers:

  1. A lot of fruit and vegetables, not so many sweet things.

  2. 1 like/love swimming/cycling/playing golf/skiing/jogging/playing tennis, etc.

  3. Sometimes I have a lot of stress at work / when I have exams.

  4. Yes, I had an operation once / I broke my leg, etc. ('Be in hospital' means you are ill, you are a patient. 'Be in a hospital' can just mean you are visiting someone.)

3 3.4 2 cholera 4 hay-fever

3 asthma 5 cancer / heart attacks (or heart disease