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3. Production of main industrial and agricultural products

Production of Electric Еnergy 165

Production of Petroleum, Including Gas Condensate 166

Dynamics of Electricity Production in the Countries of the World 168

Dynamics of Petroleum Production (Including Gas Condensate) in the Countries of the World 170

Production of Natural Gas 172

Production of Coal 173

Dynamics of Production of Natural Gas in the Countries of the World 175

Production of Rolled Ferrous Metals (finished) 177

Production of Metal Cutting Lathes 177

Production of Tractors 177

Production of Lorries 178

Production of Passenger Cars 178

Production of Motor Gasoline 178

Production of Cement 179

Production of Mineral Fertilizers 181

Production of Chemical Fibre and Threads 181

Production of Paper 181

Production of Fabrics 182

Production of Footwear 183

Production of TV-Sets 184

Production of Refrigerators and Freezers 185

Production of Washing Machines 186

Production of Vacuum Cleaners 187

Production of Meat (industrial processing) 188

Production of Butter 189

Production of Dairy Products 190

Production of Vegetable Oil 191

Production of Sugar (granulated) 192

Production of Grain (weight after processing) 193

Dynamics of Production of Cereals and Leguminous Plants in the Countries of the World 195

Production of Raw Cotton 197

Production of Sugar Beet (factory) 198

Production of Potatoes 199

Production of Vegetables 200

Production of Fruit and Berries (excluding citrus) 201

Production of Livestock and Poultry for Slaughter (slaughtering weight) 202

Production of Milk 203

Production of Eggs 204

4. Finances and bUdget

Revenue of Consolidated Budgets 207

Expenditure of Consolidated Budgets 208

Excess of Revenue over Expenditure (Proficit “+”), Expenditure over Revenue (Deficit “-”)

of Budget (Consolidated) 209


Ratio of Indicators of Budget (Consolidated) and GDP 210

Structure of Expenditure of Consolidated Budgets 212

Ratio of Expenditure of Consolidated Budgets for Socio-Cultural Measures and GDP 213

Money Supply 214

Number of Credit Institutions and Refinancing Rate of National (Central) Bank 217

Loans Provided to Enterprises and Organizations (Including Banks), Individuals 218

Burse Activities 219

Turnover of Burses 220

Exchange Rates of National Currencies 221

External Debt of the CIS Countries 225

Public Debt (Domestic and External) 226

5. External trade

Exports and Imports of the CIS Countries 229

Indices of Exports of the CIS Countries. 231

Indices of Imports of the CIS Countries 232

Share of Exports to the CIS Countries in Total Exports 236

Share of Imports from the CIS Countries in Total Imports 237

Share of the CIS Countries in Mutual Exports and Imports 240

Share of the CIS Countries in Total Exports and Imports with Other Countries of the World 241

Share of the CIS and Other Countries of the World in Total External Trade Turnover of Individual CIS Countries 243

Share of the CIS and Other Countries of the World in Total Exports of Individual CIS Countries 244

Share of the CIS and Other Countries of the World in Total Imports of Individual CIS Countries 245

Share of Individual States in Total Exports to the CIS Countries 246

Share of Individual States in Total Imports from the CIS Countries 248

Exports and Imports of the CIS Countries in 2005 250

Exports of Selected Commodities of the CIS Countries 252

Imports of Selected Commodities of the CIS Countries 254

Structure of Exports of the CIS Countries 256

Structure of Imports of the CIS Countries 262

Number of Enterprises on the Territory of the Commonwealth Countries with Foreign Investment

Producing Output and Rendering Services 268

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