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The Nile River. More than five thousand years ago its waters gave birth to one of the greatest civilizations every to arise in the history of the world. Ancient Egypt ruled for about three thousand years by kings called Pharaohs. The Egyptians crafted intricate artwork built great stone monuments and developed the world’s first national government. They created the first form of … 365-day calendar and a kind of writing called hieroglyphics (хайролглификс), leaving behind the record of their world in words as well as in stones. The ancient Egyptians built great tombs many of which still stand today. But the Egyptians were not obsessed with death rather they were so in love with life that they wanted it to go on forever. Paintings in their tombs tell the story about of God Osiris who was murdered and torn apart by his brother. His wife the goddess Ices gathered the pieces of his body and put them back together and Osiris rose from the dead. The ancient Egyptians believed that because Osiris died and rose again they too could achieve immortality. Osiris was just one many Gods at the ancient Egyptians worship. The supreme deity was Amon Ra – the sun God, Anubis – the God of the dead presided over the important work of embalming (бальзамирование). The Egyptians believed in life after death and they try to preserve the bodies of their dead for use in the next life. When the wealthy or powerful person died they carefully embalmed the body and wrapped it in linen bandages to create a mummy. The mummy … coffin, covered with magic spells and the coffin was placed inside a tomb. Into the tomb was any thing (everything) that the deceased would need when his soul return to his body: like beautiful furniture, jewelry or even a massive boat that аферил could sail on a Nile eternally. The great pyramids of Giza were constructed to house the tombs of three powerful Pharaohs who range from25 – 50 to 24-70 BC. Without the help of modern technology workers piled up over 6 million limestone and granite blocks, some weigh more than 40 tuns. A new block was put in place every two minutes. And the entire project was completed in just 8 years. Each worker labor to ensure immortality for the Pharaoh and each achieve to his own kind of immortality in the monument we have today.

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