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The causative – to have something done


Test 3

  1. Ken had his car serviced yesterday.

  2. We are having the car repaired.

  3. They are going to have stereo fit in the car.

  4. Sue has her flat cleaned.

  5. Have you had your eyes tested?

  6. John had his briefcase stolen last week.

  7. She has her house cleaned.

  8. She has her meals cooked.

  9. She has her clothes washed.

  10. She has her windows cleaned.

  11. She has her car serviced.

  12. She has her shopping done.

  13. She has her garden looked after.

  14. She has her letters posted.

  15. They need to have their windows cleaned.

  16. Mrs. Brown was having her hair styled.

  17. She had the shopping carried.

  18. Dad is going to have the grass cut.

  19. They used to have the house cleaned.

  20. Did Paul have the motorbike repaired?

Test 4

  1. He has his teeth checked twice a year.

  2. She is having her skirt cleaned at the moment.

  3. I have my hair trimmed once a month.

  4. We are going to have central heating installed in our house next month.

  5. Sam had burglar alarm fitted last week.

  6. I am having my car repaired at the moment.

  7. The band has just had a new single recorderd.

  8. We are going to have our new furniture delivered tomorrow.

  9. They are having their new house decorated at the moment.

  10. We will have the windows cleaned.

Test 5

  1. I have had a new jumper knitted.

  2. I should have the lock fixed.

  3. He is going to have a new pair of glasses made.

  4. The need to have the windows cleaned.

  5. Mrs. Brown was having her hair styled.

  6. She had the shopping carried.

  7. Dad is going to have the grass cut.

  8. They used to have the house cleaned.

  9. Did Paul have the motorbike repaired?

  10. The boss had the letter typed.

Test 6

  1. Joe had the dripping tap fixed.

  2. Have you had some photocopies made?

  3. Tom was having his lunch cooked.

  4. Did you have the sofa delivered?

  5. I had my purse stolen last Friday.

  6. Did you have your house decorated?

  7. Adam is having a new roof put on his house.

  8. She had the silver polished.

  9. The man had his luggage taken to his room.

  10. Did you have the flowers arranged for you?

Test 7

  1. When will you have your glasses made?

  2. I had my party catered for.

  3. Did you have the chimney swept?

  4. She had the shopping done.

  5. They had their house burgled last night.

  6. He had the fence built.

  7. Julie has all her clothes ironed.

  8. He had his shop’s windows smashed in the riot.

  9. Pete must have had this letter sent.

  10. He should have some more flowers planted.

Test 8

  1. I am having my hair cut on Tuesday.

  2. Did you have the cake made?

  3. I had my car stolen last week.

  4. Sandra had the new lights fitted.

  5. The woman had had the bill brought to the table.

  6. They had the shower fitted.

  7. You have had the contract faxed to Mr. Brown.

  8. Alan has all his clothes washed.

  9. They had the car serviced at the garage.

  10. He had the blackboard cleaned.

Test 9

  1. I have windows cleaned twice a month.

  2. The star has just had the film released.

  3. They will have the swimming pool drained.

  4. We must have the carpets laid in our flat by Monday.

  5. I have had the brakes on my bike oiled.

  6. We are having our desk painted.

  7. She had her bookcase delivered last week.

  8. I have had a new computer ordered.

  9. Annie is going to have her sculptures exhibited tomorrow.

  10. Tim was having a skateboard made.

Test 10

  1. Holly is going to have her dress sewed.

  2. Mark has had the garden tidied.

  3. When will he have his telephone fixed?

  4. Pat has the windows cleaned every week.

  5. Can you have those boxed moved?

  6. When will Dan have his sofa delivered?

  7. Howard should have the package delivered.

  8. When will you have your car serviced?

  9. You should have the curtains made for you.

  10. Alice has had her skirt shortened.

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