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package integerCalculator;

import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JTextField;
import javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent;
import javax.swing.event.DocumentListener;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.util.Scanner;

* <p>
* Title: IntegerCalculator Class - A component of the Integer Calculator Program
* </p>
* <p>
* Description: A controller object class that implements the calculator's GUI window and computation
* </p>
* <p>
* Copyright: Copyright © 2011
* </p>
* @author Lynn Robert Carter
* @version 1.00
public class IntegerCalculator extends JFrame {
* These are the class attributes
private static int windowWidth = 600; // The width of the window in pixels
private static int windowHeight = 400; // The height of the window in pixels
private static Dimension frameSize = new Dimension(windowWidth, windowHeight);

// This establishes the user's screen size so we can center the window on the screen
private static Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();

// These attributes establish the calculator's labels and text input/output fields
private JLabel msgIntegerCalculator = new JLabel("Integer Calculator");
private JLabel msgOperand1 = new JLabel("First operand");
private JTextField fldOperand1 = new JTextField();
private JLabel msgOperand2 = new JLabel("Second operand");
private JTextField fldOperand2 = new JTextField();
private JLabel msgResult = new JLabel("Result");
private JTextField fldResult = new JTextField();
private JButton btnAdd = new JButton();
private JButton btnSub = new JButton();
private JButton btnMpy = new JButton();
private JButton btnDiv = new JButton();
private JLabel errOperand1 = new JLabel("");
private JLabel errOperand2 = new JLabel("");

// These attributes are the values for the calculator and are tied to the GUI text fields
private long operand1;
private long operand2;
private long result;
boolean operandError;

// This listener calls "checkForErrors" any time a change is made to either of the two
// operand input fields
DocumentListener fieldChangeListener = new DocumentListener() {
public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent de){ checkForErrors(); }
public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent de){ checkForErrors(); }
public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent de){ checkForErrors(); }

* This constructor creates the JFrame, populates the frame with the calculator's fields,
* centers it on the user's screen, and makes it visible
public IntegerCalculator() {

// Set the window title and terminate on close of the window
this.setTitle("Lynn Robert Carter");

// This is the label at the top of the content portion of the window
msgIntegerCalculator.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 18));
msgIntegerCalculator.setBounds(new Rectangle(225, 00, 300, 24));

* These initialization commands set the font, size, and location of the field

* The first operand
// The label for the operand
msgOperand1.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 18));
msgOperand1.setBounds(new Rectangle(10, 75, 140, 24));

// The text field for the operand
fldOperand1.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 18));
fldOperand1.setBounds(new Rectangle(160, 72, 300, 30));
// When a character changes inside of Operand2, the method "fieldChangeListener" is called

// The error message for the operand
errOperand1.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 18));
errOperand1.setBounds(new Rectangle(470, 75, 160, 24));

* The second operand
// The label for the operand
msgOperand2.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 18));
msgOperand2.setBounds(new Rectangle(10, 150, 140, 24));

// The text field for the operand
fldOperand2.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 18));
fldOperand2.setBounds(new Rectangle(160, 147, 300, 30));
// When a character changes inside of Operand2, the method "fieldChangeListener" is called

// The error message for the operand
errOperand2.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 18));
errOperand2.setBounds(new Rectangle(470, 150, 160, 24));

* The calculator buttons
// Addition "+"
btnAdd.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 20));
btnAdd.setBounds(new Rectangle(100, 200, 60, 50));
btnAdd.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {addOperands(ae);}});
// When the add button is pressed, the method "addOperands" is called

// Subtraction "-"
btnSub.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 20));
btnSub.setBounds(new Rectangle(220, 200, 60, 50));
btnSub.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {subOperands(ae);}});
// When the add button is pressed, the method "subOperands" is called

// Multiplication "*"
btnMpy.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 20));
btnMpy.setBounds(new Rectangle(340, 200, 60, 50));
btnMpy.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {mpyOperands(ae);}});
// When the add button is pressed, the method "mpyOperands" is called

// Division "/"
btnDiv.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 20));
btnDiv.setBounds(new Rectangle(460, 200, 60, 50));
btnDiv.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {divOperands(ae);}});
// When the add button is pressed, the method "divOperands" is called

* The result
// The label for the result
msgResult.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 18));
msgResult.setBounds(new Rectangle(10, 300, 140, 24));

// The text field for the result - the user cannot directly edit it, but can copy the contents
fldResult.setText(""); // Clear the contents of the text field
fldResult.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 18));
fldResult.setBounds(new Rectangle(160, 297, 300, 30));
fldResult.setEditable(false); // Allow a copy of but not a change to the field

* These commands add each GUI element to the layout so they will be displayed
JPanel contentPane = (JPanel) this.getContentPane();
contentPane.setLayout(null); // No layout manager, we will manually do it
contentPane.add(msgIntegerCalculator); // Add in all of the GUI elements to the contentPane

* Center the window on the user's screen (and make sure it fits)
if (windowHeight > screenSize.height) { frameSize.height = screenSize.height; }
if (windowWidth > screenSize.width) { frameSize.width = screenSize.width; }
this.setSize(frameSize.width + 10, frameSize.height + 10); // + 10 for Windows computers
this.setLocation( (screenSize.width - frameSize.width) / 2, (screenSize.height - frameSize.height) / 2);

* Make this window visible

* During initialization listener methods were established for the four calculation buttons. The
* following routines perform the various calculator operations.

* This routine checks the first operand and returns it. If the value is invalid, a value of zero
* is returned, but more importantly, a red error message is displayed next to the text field.
* If the value is valid, it resets the error field and returns the actual value.
private long convertOperand1() {
// Fetch the string the user entered into the text field
String temp = fldOperand1.getText(); // Get the text from the input field
if (temp.length() == 0) { // If there is nothing there,
errOperand1.setText(""); // reset the error message
fldResult.setText(""); // clear the result text field
return 0; // and return a zero value

// If the first character is a plus sign, ignore it.
int start = 0; // Start at character position zero
boolean negative = false; // Assume the value is not negative
if (temp.charAt(start) == '+') // See if the first character is '+'
start++; // If so, skip it and ignore it

// If the first character is a minus sign, skip over it, but remember it
else if (temp.charAt(start) == '-'){ // See if the first character is '-'
start++; // if so, skip it
negative = true; // but do not ignore it

// Verify that the rest of characters in the input are numeric
for (int i=start; i < temp.length(); i++) // Loop through the rest of the characters

// Check each character to see if it is outside of the valid range for digits
if (temp.charAt(i) < '0' || temp.charAt(i) > '9') { // If the character is outside
errOperand1.setText("Invalid digit"); // of the valid range, give an error
operandError = true; // signal the error for the operators
return 0; // The input contains an invalid character

// Convert the user-entered numeric string to a long integer value
Scanner tempScanner = new Scanner(temp.substring(start)); // Create scanner for the digits
fldResult.setText(""); // Clear the result field
errOperand1.setText(""); // Reset the error message

// Verify that the input has at least one character
if (temp.substring(start).length()==0) // If the digit string is empty
return 0; // return zero

// Verify that the sequence of digits
else if (tempScanner.hasNextLong()) // If the digit string is valid
if (negative) // return the proper value based
return -tempScanner.nextLong(); // on the state of the flag that
else // says whether or not a '-' was
return tempScanner.nextLong(); // seen as the first character
else {
errOperand1.setText("Invalid value"); // If the digit string is not a valid
operandError = true; // value, signal the error and set
return 0; // an error message and
} // return a value of zero

* This routine checks the second operand and returns it. If the value is invalid, a value of zero
* is returned, but more importantly, a red error message is displayed next to the text field.
* If the value is valid, it resets the error field and returns the actual value.
private long convertOperand2() {
// Fetch the string the user entered into the text field
String temp = fldOperand2.getText(); // Get the text from the input field
if (temp.length() == 0) { // If there is nothing there,
errOperand2.setText(""); // reset the error message
fldResult.setText(""); // clear the result text field
return 0; // and return a zero value

// If the first character is a plus sign, ignore it.
int start = 0; // Start at character position zero
boolean negative = false; // Assume the value is not negative
if (temp.charAt(start) == '+') // See if the first character is '+'
start++; // If so, skip it and ignore it

// If the first character is a minus sign, skip over it, but remember it
else if (temp.charAt(start) == '-'){ // See if the first character is '-'
start++; // if so, skip it
negative = true; // but do not ignore it

// Verify that the rest of characters in the input is numeric
for (int i=start; i < temp.length(); i++) // Loop through the rest of the characters

// Check each character to see if it is outside of the valid range for digits
if (temp.charAt(i) < '0' || temp.charAt(i) > '9') { // If the character is outside
errOperand2.setText("Invalid digit"); // of the valid range, give an error
operandError = true; // signal the error for the operators
return 0; // The input contains an invalid character

// Convert the user-entered numeric string to a long integer value
Scanner tempScanner = new Scanner(temp.substring(start)); // Create scanner for the digits
fldResult.setText(""); // Clear the result field
errOperand2.setText(""); // Reset the error message

// Verify that the input has at least one character
if (temp.substring(start).length()==0) // If the digit string is empty
return 0; // return zero

// Verify that the sequence of digits
else if (tempScanner.hasNextLong()) // If the digit string is valid
if (negative) // return the proper value based
return -tempScanner.nextLong(); // on the state of the flag that
else // says whether or not a '-' was
return tempScanner.nextLong(); // seen as the first character
else {
errOperand2.setText("Invalid value"); // If the digit string is not a valid
operandError = true; // value, signal the error and set
return 0; // an error message and
} // return a value of zero

* This listener is established to check the input after each and every change to either of this
* input fields. Each time a change is made, the corresponding operands are set. The actual
* computation of the result only takes place when one of the buttons is pressed.
private void checkForErrors(){
operandError = false;
operand1 = convertOperand1();
operand2 = convertOperand2();

* This portion of the class defines the computation that takes place when the
* various calculator buttons (add, subtract, multiply, and divide are pressed).

* This is the add routine
* @param ae This routine ignores the ae parameter
private void addOperands(ActionEvent ae){
if (operandError) // If there is an operand error just return
errOperand2.setText(""); // Resets "divide by zero error"

/********** This is where the code for addition needs to go **********/
result = 0; // Replace this line with your code

fldResult.setText(new Long(result).toString()); // Converts the result to string

* This is the subtract routine
* @param ae This routine ignores the ae parameter
private void subOperands(ActionEvent ae){
if (operandError) // If there is an operand error just return
errOperand2.setText(""); // Resets "divide by zero error"

/********** This is where the code for subtraction needs to go **********/
result = 0; // Replace this line with your code

fldResult.setText(new Long(result).toString()); // Converts the result to string

* This is the multiply routine
* @param ae This routine ignores the ae parameter
private void mpyOperands(ActionEvent ae){
if (operandError) // If there is an operand error just return
errOperand2.setText(""); // Resets "divide by zero error"

/********** This is where the code for multiplication needs to go **********/
result = 0; // Replace this line with your code

fldResult.setText(new Long(result).toString()); // Converts the result to string

* This is the divide routine. If the divisor is zero, the divisor is declared to be invalid.
* @param ae This routine ignores the ae parameter
private void divOperands(ActionEvent ae){
if (operandError) // If there is an operand error just return
if (operand2 == 0) { // Check to see if divide by zero
errOperand2.setText("Divide by zero"); // If this is a divide by zero
fldResult.setText(""); // display the error message
} else {
errOperand2.setText(""); // Resets "divide by zero error"

/********** This is where the code for division needs to go **********/
result = 0; // Replace this line with your code

fldResult.setText(new Long(result).toString()); // Converts the result to string
Соседние файлы в папке integerCalculator
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    14.10.2016827 б29IntegerCalculator$2.class
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    14.10.2016827 б29IntegerCalculator$3.class
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    14.10.2016827 б29IntegerCalculator$4.class
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    14.10.2016827 б29IntegerCalculator$5.class
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    14.10.20167.37 Кб29IntegerCalculator.class
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    14.10.201617.17 Кб30IntegerCalculator.java