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package integerCalculatorMain;

import integerCalculator.IntegerCalculator;

import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;

* <p>
* Title: IntegerCalculatorMain Class - A component of the Integer Calculator Program
* </p>
* <p>
* Description: A controller object class that launches the calculator's GUI
* </p>
* <p>
* Copyright: Copyright © 2011
* </p>
* @author Lynn Robert Carter
* @version 1.00
public class IntegerCalculatorMain {

public static void main(String[] args) {
// Schedule this job for the event dispatch thread: creating and showing this application's GUI.
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { new IntegerCalculator(); } });

* The "invokeLater" method is being passed an object that must contain a method named "run" with no
* parameters. When the Swing execution thread has finished loading all of the objects it needs to
* run properly. (Using Swing components and creating graphical interfaces (GUI) will be discussed
* in Chapter 12.)
* It then calls this "run" method within the object that was passed to "invokeLater" method. If
* you have initialization that you need to perform that does not involve any Swing element, you can
* do that work within this classХ "main" method and have them run in parallel.
* Position the code before the "invokeLater" call if it must be performed prior to the start of the
* GUI. If some of this work must be done after the start of the GUI, the code must be invoked at
* the end of the constructor.
* The "new IntegerCalculator()" command causes a new IntegerCalculator object to be created. When it
* is created, the standard instantiation process is followed that initializes all of the class
* attributes and runs the constructor for the class (in this case, the default constructor, as there
* are no parameters listed). The initialization of the class attributes sets up all of the GUI
* elements and the execution of the constructor completes the process. By the time the constructor
* is done, all of the GUI elements have been defined and positioned in the application's window and
* all of the buttons have been linked to methods.
* The final act is to make the window visible. Now the application waits for the user to do something:
* add text to a text field or push a button. Either of those actions directs the execution to a method
* within the IntergerCalculator class and the code for that method determines what actions will be
* performed. This applications does not have a Quit button or a quit menu item, so the only way to quit
* the program is to close the application's window manually. (You can also ask the Operating System
* to terminate this job, but that is overkill.)

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