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Gens Plus! - Rodrigo Cardoso

- Save SRAM option.

- Many bugs fixed.
- Support for compressed roms plugins (allow gens+ decompress many kind of
compressed roms).
- Support for screen shot plugins.
- Added option to enable/disable layers during emulation.
- New genesis sound format: GSR - gens sound record (beta).
- Direct 3D device working. Gens+ now can use Direct 3D filters.
- Many small improvements.
- Configurable turbo key.

- Bug fixed on load some 32X roms.
- A little mistake fixed (I can't call this a bug): Select Files dialog opened
a save dialog box instead of an open dialog.
- Some bugs fixed with graphics:
- 3x renders was not running under windowed mode.
- On some machines, it was not running under full screen mode too.
- The "stretch" option disables the filter.
- New graphics device: GDI (windowed mode only).

- Suport for record and play genesis movies (gri, grz).
- A stupid bug fixed on SMS/GG rom format check.
- Bug fixed with language files (gens+ crashed when the file language.dat wasn't
in the right place).
- Other stupid bug fixed on SMS/GG SRAM (gens+ was saving SRAM in all games).
- A little bug fixed on screen shots routine (when the screen dir weren't a full
path name, no screen shot were taken).

- Some fixes on SMS/GG rom check.
- Some minor SMS/GG emulation bugs fixed.
- A bug fixed on configuration files: Force mode 555.
- New full screen resolutions, with flip function changes (test).
- New software blitters (3x).

version 0.0.3.XX:
- Now Gens emulates Sega Master System and Game Gear!
- A litle bug on reverb fixed.
- Bug fixed on cheats system.
- Scale2x fully optimized (faster!!), scale2x now suports MMX.
- Added save states for Sega Master System and Game Gear.
- New option: switch to full screen when load a rom.
- Fixed some bugs on preview shot routine.
- Disable screen saver during emulation option.
- Fixed some interface bugs.
- Added "Turbo Mode".
- Fixed some SMS emulation bugs.
- SMS/GG roms now log VGM files (correct).
- New genesis sound log format: SGM (under development).
- Fixed a bug on POV joysticks.

version 0.0.2.XX:
- Reverb (asm optimized source, MMX suport).
- Many interface optimizations.
- Print screen text function optimized, gens now suport fonts.
- Many cheats files optimizations: new script type (better format), tabble suport.
- YM2612 SSG-EG envelope disable option. This was causing some inacurate sound in some games (like Shining Force 2).
- Added new software render: hq2x (thanks to Maxim).

version 0.0.1.XX:
- Cheats search implementation.
- Update screen shots:
- GIF compressed format (faster and smaller code);
- fixed a bug;
- WinXP controls style.
- Save states now have a preview screen shot.
- Suport for rar compressed roms.
- Low-pass sound filter (optimized asm source).
- Log VGM files (have some errors).
- Some interface optimizations.
- Sound volume control option.
- More intro effects: fire and smoke.
- New render: Scale2x (optimized asm source, but do not uses MMX).
- New configuration dialog.
- Configuration file optimizations.

version 0.0.0.XX:
- Suport joysticks axes and POV buttons.
- Compress save state files.
- Some fixes on Sega CD save states (not 100% functional).
- Suport for script cheats files.
- Two new software renders added: Kreed Super2xSAI and Kreed SuperEagle.
- Hotkeys suport.
- One controller configuration for each game option.
- Deny multiple instances of the program to run at the same time.
- Some new intro effects.
- Some zLib optimizations (load zipped roms faster).
- Some minor code optimizations.
- Better screen shot routine.
- Compress screen shots option (PNG format).
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