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Менеджмент и маркетинг в спорте




Marketinghaschangeddramaticallysincetheturnofthelastcentury ¹. Before the 1930’s it was product-oriented marketing, from the 1930’s through World War II it developed into sales-oriented marketing and today it is competitive marketing.

Because marketing is so complicated it is necessary to start with developing an overall plan, a marketing strategy. Your first step will be to identify the group of customers whose needs your products aim to satisfy. The second step is to choose a combination of elements that will make your idea come true. This combination of elements involved in marketing is called the marketing mix. Your aim is to find the marketing mix that will produce the greatest profit. The marketing mix consists of four major elements: product (ideas, goods or services), price, promotion and place (distribution).

To develop a reliable marketing programme is not a simple matter. At present more and more companies carry marketing research to find out such things as:

what products (services) consumers want;

what forms, price ranges, etc. consumers prefer;

what types of advertising, public relations and selling practices appeal to consumers.

After the research and analysis careful planning follows. When the planning is completed you can start the marketing programme. You should as well have some idea of who is most likely to buy your products (services) and how you can encourage them to do so. The consumer behaviour research will probably answer these questions.

How do consumers make decisions? They are made on the basis of rational or emotional motives, which usually overlap 2. When buying sportswear an athlete not only considers whether he will feel comfortable in it and it will wear long, but also he is influenced by the price, colour and style.


¹ since the turn of the century – c начала века.

² ...which usually overlap... – ...которые обычно переплетаются...


Sports management and marketing



Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

IV. Work individually or with your group-mate to answer these questions:

1.What is the definition of marketing?

2.What are the main steps of the marketing strategy?

3.Can you define the marketing mix?

4.Why do companies carry out marketing research?

5.What is meant by rational and emotional motives of buying?

6.What are the most common bases for segmenting the market?

V. Mark the following sentences as true or false. Correct the false sentences:

1.Marketing is promotion of ideas, goods and services.

2.Marketing has remained unchanged since the turn of the last century.

3.The first step in developing marketing strategy is to choose the marketing mix.

4.The marketing mix consists of four Ps.

5.The consumer behaviour research answers the question who is most likely to buy the product.

6.To know the motives of buying is enough for market segmentation.

VI. Match these words with the dictionary definitions:

marketing research


process of planning and executing the con-




ception, pricing, promotion and distribu-



tion of ideas, goods and services;

marketing strategy


people who buy goods or services;



any thing produced as a result of work;

marketing segmentation


combination of activities that motivate people



to buy what is sold – goods, services,




marketing mix


division of market into regions;



an overall plan for marketing a product;



combination of marketing elements that



satisfies the demands of a chosen market






process of collecting and analyzing informa-



tion about marketing opportunities.



Менеджмент и маркетинг в спорте




VII. Add these words and word combinations to the word map:

to develop a marketing strategy distribution; to identify a group of potential customers; to find out the motives of buying; to execute the conception; to develop a reliable programme; to carry out marketing research;theconsumerbehaviourresearch;marketingstrategy;planning; knowledge of motives of buying; promotion; pricing.











VIII. Complete the following sentences using suitable words and word combinations from the word-box:

promotion, marketing research, consumer, pricing, marketing strategy, distribution, market segmentation, marketing mix, customers, product

l. Any decision made must be based on the company’s ... .

2.The basic function of marketing is to determine the needs of the ... and then to satisfy them.

3.To make your business idea come true you should find ... that will produce the greatest profit.

4.Marketing is very complicated that is why you should start with developing ... .

5.You should have some idea how to encourage ... to buy your products


6. ... will definitely help you get more specific information about the consumer market.

7.The marketing mix consists of four major ingredients: ... , ... , ...

and ... .

IX. Fill in the prepositions where necessary:

1.During World War II marketing developed ... sales-oriented marketing.


Sports management and marketing



2.The combination ... elements involved ... marketing is called the marketing mix.

3.Companies carry marketing research to find out what types ... selling

practices аppeal ... consumers.

4. ... the research and analysis careful planning follows.

5.Consumers make decisions ... the basis rational or emotional motives.

6.When buying sportswear an athlete is influenced ... the price, colour and style.

7.Market segmentation is division of a market ... subgroups.

8.What are the most common bases ... segmenting the market?

X. Describe the following steps in marketing:





Task II. Read Text Bto find out what is meant by sports marketing.

Text B

Sports Marketing


consumer products – потребительские товары

Sports marketing is defined as: 1. Marketing of sports products and services (such as athletes, events, teams, equipment) and 2. Marketing of other consumer and industrial products or services through the use of sport (such as by event or team sponsorship and product endorsements 1 by athletes). Sports events and teams are marketed to sell tickets and merchandise2. Athletes are marketed to make them more familiar to the public, sports participation is marketed to increase demand for sports equipment and services and to increase consumers’interest in watching, listening and reading about sport.

Sports marketing has certain limitations. Unlike selling soap or bread when selling a sport, you are selling a memory, an illusion that differs with each consumer’s past and present experience.

Менеджмент и маркетинг в спорте




The most reliable method of attracting customers is to give them a winning team. But a winning team is not always possible and tickets mustbesold.Tosellticketsmarketersusepromotionalstuntsandproduct extensions 3 to stimulate consumer demands.

Albert G.Spaulding initiated one now common practice-athlete endorsement, “official” recognition status and advertising sponsorship from companies associated with baseball support activities.

In 1984 Peter Ueberroth, a Californian businessman, became known as the man who saved the Olympic Games from financial disaster 4. As executive director of the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee Ueberroth devised a model that made sponsorship much more sophisticated. As a result of his marketing strategy the 1984 Games netted $ 250 million. He opened the door for the sports industry’s corporate sponsorship.

At the international level Horst Dassler in 1956 began to endorse Adidas by handling out free shoes5 to Olympic runners. Dassler created the structure of today’s world of business-dominated international sport.


¹ product endorsement – поддержка (реклама) продукции.

² to sell tickets and merchandise – продавать билеты и товары.

³ promotional stunts and product extensions – рекламные трюки и дополнительные предложения.

4 ...from financial disaster. – ...от финансового краха.

5 ...by handling out free shoes... – ...выдавая обувь бесплатно...

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

XI. Answer the following questions to discuss the text in detail. Refer to the text if necessary:

1.How is sports marketing defined?

2.Why are sports events, teams and athletes marketed?

3.What new practice didA. Spaulding initiate?

4.What is athlete endorsement?

5.What was the result of P. Ueberroth’s marketing strategy?

6.What was H. Dassler’s contribution into international sports?


Sports management and marketing



XII. Choose the phrase which best completes each sentence:

1.Sports marketing is defined as ...

a)the marketing of sports consumer goods;

b)the marketing top-class athletes;

c)the marketing of sports products and services.

2.Athletes are marketed ...

a)to make them train harder;

b)to make them more familiar to the public;

c)to make them win medals.

3.Sports events are marketed ...

a)to sell more tickets and sport-related goods;

b)to make people take up sports;

c)to inform the public about the event.

4.Sports participation is marketed ...

a)to give the participants an opportunity to earn more;

b)to increase demand for sports equipment and services;

c)to increase consumers’interest in sport.

5.Peter Ueberroth became known as a businessman who ...

a)invested money in the LosAngeles Olympics;

b)devised a model of corporate Olympic sponsorship;

c) paid about $ 250 million for the right to be an official Olympic sponsor.

XIII. Make a list of international words used in the text. Learn their meaning and pronunciation.

XIV. Name the words which mean the following:

– to provide money for;




– products that directly satisfy human


corporate sponsorship



consumer products

– products of or related to industry;


– goods that are bought and sold in





industrial products

– collective responsibility for a person


or a thing.



Менеджмент и маркетинг в спорте




XV. Say, what you have learned about the contribution into sports marketing of:

Albert G. Spaulding;

Peter Ueberroth;

Horst Dassler.

Task III. Read Text C to know the difference between promotion and ambush marketing. Add the following terms to your topical vocabulary:

1)personal selling – личная продажа;

2)publicity n – паблисити (бесплатная информация о фирме в СМИ);

3)sales promotion – мероприятия по стимулированию сбыта;

4)promotional mix – структура (формула) стимулирования (сбыта);

5)pull strategy – стратегия стимулирования cnpoca;

6)push strategy – стратегия продвижения товара по рыночным каналам;

7)cross-promotion – перекрестное стимулирование;

8)ambush marketing – паразитирующий маркетинг.

Text C


Of the four ingredients of the marketing mix promotion is most often associated with marketing. Promotion is communication that motivates people to buy what a company is selling: goods, services or ideas. Promotion may take the form of advertising, personal selling, publicity and sales promotion. Combination of these activities is usually referred to as the promotional mix. Promotion serves four basic objectives:

to provide information on the characteristics, price and availability of the product;

to encourage particular market segment to associate their interests with the product;

to increase sales;

to stabilize sales.

When the objectives are determined, a promotional strategy must be selected. Promotional planning begins with a choice between two distinct strategies. One is the pull strategy. The alternative is the push strategy. When the number of buyers is limited and the product is expensive, personal selling becomes the principal element in the promotional mix. Publicity is any information about a company that


Sports management and marketing



appears in any medium on a non-paid basis. A short article on page one of a newspaper may generate far more sales than pages of expensive advertising. Sales promotion covers a wide variety of activities from arranging trade shows to distributing free samples and publishing promotional booklets.

Cross-promotion or joint marketing is a phenomenon that has become popular with sports sponsors. There is a trend to tie with other sponsors and share sponsoring expenses thus reaching different markets and maximizing profits through new business opportunities. For example, “a perfect hospitality event” can be provided by cross-sponsorship, a natural combination of a food sponsor (i.e. McDonald’s) and a drink sponsor (i.e. Coca-Cola).

Ambush marketing is a promotional strategy employed by the competitors of an official sponsor. It has been defined as “a planned campaign” by an organization to associate themselves indirectly with an event in order to gain recognition and benefits that are associated with an official sponsor. Potential ambushers are taking some benefits from the sports event without paying the sponsorship rights fee.This approach has been termed “parasite marketing”. The history of sports sponsorship knows a lot of examples of ambush marketing: Wendy’s ambush of McDonald’s in the 1988 Winter Olympics; Reebok was ambushed by Nike in the 1992 Summer Olympic Games. Ambushing prevents effective sponsorship.

Comprehension and Speech Exercises

XVI. Work in three groups:

Group A. Read the paragraph describing the ingredients of the promotional mix.

Group B. Read the paragraph defining cross-promotion. Group C. Read the paragraph about “parasite marketing”.

XVII. Find the topic sentences of each paragraph to make up a plan of the text.

XVIII. Make a summary of the text. Give your attitude to utilizing ambush marketing in sports sponsoring.

Менеджмент и маркетинг в спорте





Text D

Reebok Sets the Pace


injury prevention – профилактика травм instructor alliance – союз инструкторов

clinic n – семинар, курсы усовершенствования

1.Mick Jagger, the leading singer of the Rolling Stones prefers Reebok sneakers but when he wanted a few extra pairs he found that the stores in Britain were sold out¹. He wrote Paul Fireman, President and Chief Executive of Reebok International Ltd., asking if he could pick up some on his next trip to New York. Fireman was glad to give the singer satisfaction. Jagger isn’t the only one scrounging for Reebok 2 (named after an African gazelle). The stylish sneakers have become standard equipment for young consumers and sales exceeded 40 million pairs. Reebok’s success may be attributed to four elements:

the company had something of quality to sell;

its look was new;

the marketing was intensive;

the public was waiting athletic shoes because they didn’t think of them as just sneakers any more.

2.One of Reebok’s marketing secrets has been to find and develop market niches unfilled by competitors. For example, the company designed shoes specifically for tennis and aerobics. Reebok’s marketing effort consists of a heavy dose of advertising in periodicals, with some advertising in general-interest magazines and on television; publicity for the product by a very selected group of successful athletes; and perhaps most important – a great emphasis on grassroots involvement 3 such as research on injury prevention, sponsorship of aerobic seminars and clinics and publication of newsletters.

3.Reebok has also formed instructor alliances. Aerobic teachers were offered special deals on shoes4 and arrangements were made to put Reeboks on the feet of many television aerobic instructors. This has kept the company in touch with what the public wants.


Sports management and marketing



4.Reebok has expanded the market for athletic shoes by luring customers from more conventional and casual shoes5. It has also taken business from other sneaker companies such as Nike. These companies were trying to fight back. Nike introduced widely popular basketball shoes named for Chicago Bull Michael Jordan. Adidas was also striking back with a line of soft-leather shoes as well as the industry’s first canvas aerobic shoes6.

5.At the moment Reebok markets shoes for aerobic/exercise, fitness, running, tennis, children/infants, casual wear and basketball. Reebok is also moving into the apparel markets: accessories/socks, hats, bags and the like, tennis, fitness, warm-up and active wear. Will the company continue to be successful? In the business of shoes and fashion it’s easier to sprint than to run a marathon. Only time will tell.


¹ The stores in Britain were sold out. – Запасы в Британии были распроданы. ² ...the only one scrounging for Reebok. – ...единственным, желавшим «Рибок». 3 grassroots involvement – участие широких масс.

4 special deals on shoes – специальные сделки по обуви.

5 conventional and casual shoes – общепринятая и повседневная обувь. 6 canvas aerobic shoes – парусиновая обувь для занятий аэробикой.

Comprehension and Speech Exercises

XIX. Reread paragraph 1. Which is the “key” sentence expressing the main idea of paragraph 1? Find the “key” of paragraph 1.

XX.Rereadparagraph2.Whatheadingcanyougivetotheparagraph? Which suits best in your opinion:

1.Reebok’s marketing secrets.

2.Reebok fills in market niches.

3.Reebok’s marketing efforts.

XXI. Reread paragraphs 3, 4, 5. They are about other Reebok’s marketing tools. Find and read aloud the sentences that disclose these tools.

XXII. Speak about and assess marketing tools of Reebok.