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Topic 11

I think almost every married couple sometimes faces problems and

misunderstanding. In such cases it can be a good idea to speak about your

difficulties with the third person. Marriage Guidance Council is an

organization, which provides this opportunity. Recently I've listened to a

story about Barbara and Malcolm who decided to turn to a counselor.

Barbara and Malcolm were married for 15 years and had 2 children. But

during the couple of years they weren't very happy and were arguing all the

time. So Barbara's sister advised them to visit a counselor. During the third

visit Barbara told that her husband resented her job and expected her to do

all the housework even though she came home half an hour before him. She

was annoyed with the fact that she had to remind Malcolm to pick up his

clothes. She also told that sometimes he invited his friends without telling

her and he didn't think that she had a long and difficult day and wanted a


As for Malcolm, he was ashamed of speaking about his problems, but

Barbara persuaded him to go to the counselor. He told that he encouraged

his wife to go back to work, on the contrary, because he understood that she

needed an interest. He also told that he tried to help Barbara about the house

and did homework with the children, but Barbara didn't think it was enough

and she didn't want to listen to his opinions at all. He thought that the

problem was that they just were too tired to talk which each other after


In my opinion, Malcolm was right. I think their family just needed a good

rest and maybe then they could understand each other and solve their

problems. Their arguments didn't sound serious enough to divorce, after all.

And I hope that Marriage Guidance Council can really help such couples to

become a happy family again.

Topic 12

As far as I know a lot of foreign students decide to reside with families

during their stay in Britain. And usually such students should follow the

house rules. First of all they must pay the rent and keep their rooms tidy.

And, of course, there are a lot of things which lodgers aren't allowed to do.

Usually they can't keep pets in the house, they aren't allowed to have any

noisy parties, and sometimes lodgers even can't have guests after 10 o'clock

or smoke in the house.

But I think that at the same time renting a flat or a room can be better than

sharing it with other people in a hostel, for instance. You don't have to put

up with other people's bad habits and if you want to sleep or study in

silence nobody will disturb you. But on the other hand students who live

away from their homes can feel alone without some company.

So in my opinion there are a lot of advantages and disadvantages of sharing

a flat or renting it, that's why everyone chooses the most suitable kind of

living for himself. But whatever you choose you must follow certain house


Топик 13, 14

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