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The Passive Form of the Infinitive

Exercise 29, p. 255: Study the following chart. Translate the sentences into Russian.

Active Infinitive

Passive Infinitive

He doesn’t want to disturb you.

He doesn’t want to be disturbed.

I am glad to give you advice.

I am glad to be given advice.

I’d like you to understand me.

I’d like my idea to be understood clearly.

They had to do the work in time.

The work had to be done in time.

She was to meet him at the station.

He was to be met at the station.

Exercise 30, p. 256: Give the passive forms of the following infinitives.

write, feel, reach, hold, look for, suppose, laugh at, search, fill, and frighten.

Exercise 31, p. 256: Choose the correct form of the infinitive in brackets and fill up the blanks.

1. (i) I expect them — a telegram to me. (ii) The telegram is — immediately. (send, be sent). 2. (i) Some people like — to themselves. (ii) I don't want you — so early. (leave, be left). 3. (i) They expect you — all the lectures. (ii) They expect all the lectures — regularly. (attend, be attended). 4. (i) We hadn't reached the most north­ern part of the country yet, but cold began — already. (ii) We began __the discomforts of the night train very soon. (feel, be felt). 5. (i) She wants—. (ii) She wants — it. (understand, be understood). 6. (i) We were afraid — what was troubling him. (ii) She was afraid — this question. (ask, be asked). 7. (i) I am sorry — you but may I ask you a question? (ii) He was too weak —. (trouble, be troubled). 8. (i) We expected the meeting — next Monday. (ii) We expected the speaker — the attention of the audience. (hold, be held). 9. (i) He was glad — the subject. (ii) He didn't want anything — in his room. (change, be changed). 10. (i) Some changes had —. (ii) He wanted — some changes in the plan. (make, be made). 11. (i) This is only —. (ii) I don't know what — of him. (expect, be expected).

Exercise 32, p. 256: Translate the following sentences into English, using either active or passive infinitive according to the sense.

1.Он не любит привлекать внимание. 2. Всем хотелось, чтобы конференция состоялась в феврале. 3. Мы были рады, что добрались до деревни засветло. 4. Мы не ожидали, что решение будет принято так быстро. 5. Он рад, что ему помогают в работе. 6. Ребенок был слишком мал, чтобы его оставлять дома без присмотра. 7. Ему повезло, что его спросили первым. 8. Дети были довольны, что им дали билеты.

Exercise 33, p. 256: Paraphrase the following sentences, using the passive infinitive.

Model: The house that will be built here will be a school.

The house to be built here will be a school.

1. The questions that will be discussed at the meeting are important for our work. 2. The people that will be invited to the conference must all take an active part in its work. 3. The work that must be finished today is very important. 4. There was much that could be said on the subject. 5. The railway that will be built there will join the two industrial centres. 6. He has lived in this town a long time and knows all the interesting and beautiful places that can be found here. 7. This was for him a chance that couldn't be missed.

Exercise 34, p. 256: Translate the following sentences into English, using the passive infinitive.

1.Этот случай нельзя было упустить. 2. У нас есть еще один вопрос, который должен быть обсужден сегодня. 3. В этом районе можно найти много красивых мест. 4. Первого Мая на улицах Москвы можно увидеть много иностранных гостей. 5. Мы все согласились, что ничего уже нельзя было сделать, чтобы помочь ему. 6. Все дома, которые будут построены на другой стороне улицы, будут учреждениями. 7. Конференция, которая состоится (будет организована) в мае, ставит очень интересные проблемы. 8. Я уверен, что факты, которые будут упомянуты в его докладе, вызовут всеобщий интерес.

Exercise 35, p. 257: Paraphrase the following sentences so as to use the passive infinitive.

1.They were to do the work in three steps. 2. They are to discuss the question at the next meeting. 3. We couldn't calm him down. 4. You are not to eat the cake until the whole family have gathered. 5. You mustn't argue about the order. 6. One can't miss a chance like that. 7. You may make all the necessary changes any moment. 8. You must pay for the ticket immediately. 9. You mustn't mark the pages of a book. 10. You are to keep the children quiet.

Exercise 36, p. 257: Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Работу надо сделать как следует. 2. Расписание изменилось. Его надо предупредить. 3. Такое поведение нельзя разрешить. 4. Вопрос не подлежал обсуждению. 5. Вечер не может состояться без него. 6. Инструкции необходимо соблюдать. 7. Его тоже нужно пригласить. 8. Мясо необходимо хранить в холодильнике. 9. Обед нельзя заказывать до их приезда.

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