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Учебное пособие 2 курс защита сМОЛЬЯННИКОВА сИМОНЯН.doc
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Mini всех размеров

Многие перспективные западные разработки даже в наше время добираются до России не один месяц. Например, анонсированные представительством Dell в середине января нетбуки Inspiron Mini 9 и 12 на основе процессоров Intel Atom на американском рынке были представлены еще осенью. Обе модели оснащены адаптерами Wi-Fi и Bluetooth, Web-камерой, поддерживают работу с 3G-сетями. Модель Mini 9 с 8,9-дюймовым экраном разрешением 1024х600, флэш-дисками на 4, 8 или 16 Гбайт, весит около 1 кг и способна автономно работать до пяти часов. Пока модель поставляется с операционной системой Linux Ubuntu, но в скором времени ожидается версия с Windows XP. Модель Mini 12 (12,1 дюйма с разрешением 1280х800, жесткий диск на 40, 60 или 80 Гбайт) весит 1,24 кг, поставляется сWindows Vista. Запланировано также появление модели Inspiron 15 c диагональю 15,6 дюйма. Комплектоваться она будет процессором Intel Centrino 2, 4 Гбайтоперативной памяти, жестким диском на 500 Гбайт.

В линейке ноутбуков XPS на смену моделям M1530 и M1330 пришли Studio XPS 16 и 13 соответственно. В комплектацию 16-дюймового флагмана серии Studio XPS 16 входят процессор Intel Centrino 2 и графическая карта ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3670 с 512 Мбайт памяти. Опционально ноутбук может оснащаться RGBLED-экраном с разрешением Full HD 1080p. Подобный экран обеспечивает 100-процентный охват цветового спектра и 130-градусный угол обзора. Светодиодная подсветка дисплея не только улучшает качество изображения, но и уменьшает энергопотребление. Поддержка технологии Hybrid SLI позволяет расширить функциональные возможности путем установки графической карты. При этом пользователь сможет выбирать между высокой производительностью или большим временем работы от батареи.

Для среднего и малого бизнеса компания Dell представила ноутбуки Vostro A860 и A840 на базе процессоров Celeron или Core 2 Duo. В устройства интегрированы сетевая карта, модем и адаптер беспроводных систем, в качестве опции предлагается поддержка Bluetooth.


Exercise 6. Find sentences with modal verbs. Account for their meaning. How would it change if you use other modal verbs in the same sentences?

Read through the text and enumerate the compatibility issues that you may come across when using computers. Sum up the text.

There are many compatibility issues that you may come across when using computers.

Hardware comprises the physical components of your computer. The backbone of your computer is the ‘motherboard’. Everything else that is installed on your motherboard needs to be compatible with it. If you are buying new components for your computer it is always best to check that it is compatible with the motherboard before you purchase it.

There are different reasons why you might want to purchase new parts for your computer [upgrade]

To make it perform faster [processor]

To get better graphical output [graphics card]

To be able to perform more functions at once [memory modules]

To get better sound [sound card]

To avoid problems it is reasonable to check the Hardware Compatibility List on the Microsoft web site before you attempt any software, or hardware installation.

When installing new hardware you usually have to install a ‘driver’ for the hardware – the driver aids the hardware to run on your computer.

If the driver has not been ‘digitally signed’ by Microsoft, you will get a message telling you that it has not been approved by them. This doesn’t always mean that you can not install it, just that it’s not been updated on the list. However, it is worth checking with either the manufacturer or with Microsoft if you can safely install it. You can do this by emailing them.

Software means those programs that go on your computer.

Before installing software, always check whether the software is compatible with the operating system. Most major manufacturers tend to produce their software for the most current operating systems that are available – for example many now produce for Windows XP, but they also allow for previous operating systems, but not always all. So it’s best to check first to avoid problems altogether.

Exercise 7. Find English equivalents for the following words and word combinations in the text above:

  • совместимость

  • материнская плата

  • устанавливать (инсталлировать)

  • улучшать

  • процессор

  • карта графики

  • звуковая карта

  • драйвер

  • операционная система

Exercise 8. Fill in the articles and account for each choice.

__ compatibility standards are vital for almost anything today. In __ technology in __ particular, where there is __ fierce competition to provide hardware and software to __ vast public, there has to be __ compatibility to use __ equipment. Without these standards there would be __ little success in being able to communicate between __ hardware and __ software.

Standards are necessary for us to be able to use __ products that we want without problems. Imagine __ difficulties if __ computer equipment did not have __ standards, being able to get it fixed if something was wrong with it would require __ specialist in that particular product – and that might prove to be very difficult as there are so many manufacturers out there. Or if __ software was not compatible, you would be very limited as to what you could use.

Exercise 9. Answer the Questions. Use the information from ex.6 and ex.8

What is the primary issue of compatibility? Why is motherboard compatibility so important? What might be the reasons why you want to upgrade? Explain what a digital signature is. Why is it undesirable to use the hardware that hasn’t been updated on the Compatibility List on the Microsoft web site? What kinds of problems can you get into if your software is incompatible with the operating system? What do compatibility standards provide?

Exercise 10. What are the dangers for health that the computer may cause? Read the following texts and see if you have mentioned the same as the author. Does your opinion equal to that of the author?

Exercise 11. Read the following abstracts. What is the topic?