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VI. Translate the following sentences into English:

1.Моя сестра не любит одеваться нарядно, потому что чувствует себя более удобно в повседневной одежде. 2. Он вздрогнул, когда увидел невероятно худую женщину с растрепанными седыми волосами, морщинистым лицом, в грязном плаще и стоптанных ботинках. Он узнал в ней свою мать. 3. Этот артист всегда появляется на публике в старых потрепанных джинсах и безвкусном дешевом гриме. 4. Ее мать – консервативно одетая женщина, невысокого роста, полная, с темными волосами и серыми глазами. Дочь совсем на нее не похожа. Она – модно одетая высокая блондинка, очень стройная, с большими голубыми глазами, темными бровями и ресницами. У нее большой, но красивый рот, прямой нос и прекрасный цвет лица. 5. Мой сосед был высокий худой мужчина лет пятидесяти. Его лицо было не очень привлекательным. У него был крупный нос, небольшие темные раскосые глаза и тонкие губы. Однако, когда он говорил и улыбался, лицо его сразу же становилось очень приятным. 6. Это была элегантно одетая пожилая женщина лет шестидесяти, с седеющими волосами, довольно полная, но все еще красивая.

7. Наш новый коллега оказался человеком приятной наружности с вьющимися светло-русыми волосами, глубоко-посаженными карими глазами и доброжелательной улыбкой. Он был чисто выбрит и одет с иголочки. 8. Девочка была прелестна с ее румяными щечками, белокурыми кудряшками, голубыми глазами и вздернутым носиком.

Part II


  1. Look at the following extracts of written language and match them to their sources below:

  1. Small, slim, blue-eyed blond, GSH, early 30’s WLTM hunky male 28 – 38 for fun and friendship. Call me on 09765-567892.

  2. The first man was small and wiry, with sharp, strong features. Behind him walked his opposite, a huge man, with wide shoulders: and he walked heavily, dragging his feet a little, the way a bear drags his paws.

  3. The police are looking for a man of average height and medium build in his mid-twenties. He was last seen wearing a dark green or grey anorak.

  4. The tallest man in medical history is Robert Pershing Wadlow who was born on 22nd February 1918 in Illinois, USA, and who died on 15th July 1940 in Michigan. He was last measured on 27th June 1940 and was found to be 272cm tall.

  1. An extract from a novel.

  2. An extract from a newspaper report.

  3. An extract from the Guinness Book of Records.

  4. An advertisement in a lonely hearts section of a newspaper.

What do you think WLTM and GSH mean?

  1. Which of the people in Exercise 1 (a – d) answer the following descriptions?

( In some cases more than one answer is possible)

1) with noticeable features

E.g. 1 - b (with sharp, strong features)

2) below medium height

3) broad-shouldered

4) fair- haired

5) 8 ft 11 inches tall

6) medium height

7) a little over 30

8) thin and muscular

9) about 25

10) enormous

Part III Listening I

  1. Listen to the descriptions and fill in the gaps in the passages below.


Well, she’s quite a ___________, _____________ person in her … in her late teens. She’s fairly ____________ with a… a good figure. She’s got a _________________ face with a small, sort of _____________________ nose. It’s very _______________ really. She’s got long, black _______________ hair and er… blue eyes with very long __________________. Her ________________ is … well, she is __________________. Her lips are very ________ … and she’s got _________ … ___________ in her cheeks.


He’s a very big guy, you know, ____________________ with very _______________________. Not _____________, really, really… just __________ ___________. He’s in his ___________________________ .He’s got a __________ face with _____________________. Oh, and a small _____________ on his chin. He’s got very short _______________________ but with long __________________ and a ___________________. Eyes… I haven’t really noticed the colour, he wears ____________. He’s got _____________________________ and a kind of a long, __________________ nose. He’s fairly _____________,____________, sometimes even _______________.


She’s ___________________,_______________, expensive ______________ and so on. I’d say she was in her _______________________ or ______________________, but she looks younger. She’s about ________________ and very ____________. Her hair is very ____________,_____________, I think, but I’m not sure about that. It’s always very ____________, not long. She’s got_________________________ eyes with ___________ eyebrows. Her face is always ____________________ and very ___________________________, It’s an attractive face… not really beautiful, but very attractive, you know what I mean. __________________________, a small _________... oh and yes, there’s a __________________________ on her left cheek. She’s a very ___________ and _____________________ sort of person, very __________________ and always very, very polite.


Robert is a wonderful person, really. He’s ____________ but not old.., still very lively and ________________. He’s probably in his early seventies. He’s got ____________________, ______________________ a bit, and a small white ______________.He’s __________________________, a little _______________ perhaps. He’s got very nice large _____________________ and he always seems to be smiling… lots of _____________ round his eyes, _______________________ I think you call them. He’s got a very high, lined ________________ which makes him look very _________________________, which he is, of course.

  1. Practice the passages for good reading.

  2. a) Read the following questions.

  1. How is she?

  2. What is she like?

  3. What does she like?

  4. What does she look like?

Which do we use when we want to ask:

  1. about someone’s health?

  2. for a physical description?

  3. for a more general description of character?

  4. about someone’s likes and dislikes?

  1. Match the following questions 1-5 with answers a-e. Example: 1b

  1. How’s your mother?

  2. What does Peter look like?

  3. What does Peter like?

  4. What is Susan like?

  5. Who does Susan like?

  1. She is very warm and affectionate.

  2. She’s fine, thanks.

  3. Pubs, TV, football, that sort of thing.

  4. Peter, I think.

  5. He’s tall and thin, just like his brother, in fact.