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Вуз: Предмет: Файл:

,sxrjd / 1 / prog1

1.78 Кб
#include <stdio.h>     // include standard input-output functions
#include <iostream.h>  // include stream input-output functions

// global variables declaration type: float (double)
double f1, f2, f3;

   function fib() calculates Fibonacci on
   global variables f1, f2, f3
double fib(){
    f3 = f1 + f2;
    f1 = f2;
    f2 = f3;
    return f3;

// execution starts with the function main()
int main(){
    int integer1, integer2;  // local to main() variables declaration type: integer

    cout << "Enter first integer: ";
    cin >> integer1;
    cout << "Enter second integer: ";
    cin >> integer2;

// add, store result in new declared variable res
    int res = integer1 + integer2;
    cout << "The sum is: " << res << "\n";

// integer ratio !!!
    res = integer1/integer2;
    cout << "The int ratio is: " << res << "\n";

// maximum using if else
    if( integer1 > integer2) res = integer1;
    else res = integer2;
    cout << "The max is: " << res << "\n";

// maximum using if without else
    res = integer1;
    if( integer2 > integer1) res = integer2;
    cout << "The max is: " << res << "\n";

    f1 = 10.3;
    f2 = 3.6;
// float to integer
    integer1 = f1;
    integer2 = f2;
    cout << "float to integer: " << integer1 << "\t" << integer2 << "\n";
// integer to float
    f1 = integer1;
    f2 = integer2;
    cout << "integer to float: " << f1 << "\t" << f2 << "\n";

// float ratio
    cout << "The float ratio is: " << f1/f2 << "\n";
// Fibonacci    
    cout << "Fibonacci: " << fib() << "\n";
    cout << "Fibonacci: " << fib() << "\n";
    cout << "Fibonacci: " << fib() << "\n";
// wait Enter to close window

    return 0;

Соседние файлы в папке 1
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