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The greatest monuments of the world architecture.2007.doc
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Кафедра иностранных языков



по английскому языку

для студентов второго курса специальностей:

"Архитектура" 270301, "Дизайн" 070601,

"Дизайн архитектурной среды" 270302,

"Монументально-декоративное искусство" 070904

Новосибирск, 2007

Методические указания разработаны

старшим преподавателем кафедры иностранных языков

Дьячковым А.В.

Методические указания содержат учебные тексты и лексико-грамматические упражнения для студентов второго курса специальностей:

"Архитектура"-270301, "Дизайн"-070601, "Дизайн архитектурной среды"-270302, "Монументально-декоративное искусство"-070904.

Рассмотрены и утверждены на заседании

методической комиссии НГАХА от 17.10.2006 года.

Рецензенты: доктор философских наук, член-корреспондент САН ВШ, профессор, заведующий кафедрой философии Новосибирского государственного медицинского университета Т.О.Бажутина, кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры русского языка и восточных языков Сибирского государственного университета путей сообщения О.В.Бычихина.

С Новосибирская государственная архитектурно-

художественная академия, 2007

Данные методические указания разработаны для студентов второго курса следующих специальностей: архитектура, дизайн, дизайн архитектурной среды, монументально-декоративное искусство.

Методические указания состоят из текстов, носящих познавательный характер и содержащих, одновременно, полезную информацию по темам: архитектура, строительство, проектирование, история, география и др.

Представленные методические указания имеют целью, главным образом, ознакомить студентов с шедеврами мировой архитектуры с профессиональной точки зрения.

В текстах пособия широко использована профессиональная лексика и терминология, что позволяет учащимся последовательно овладевать профессиональной терминологией.

Кроме того, тексты снабжены послетекстовыми закрепительными лексическими и грамматическими упражнениями, которые направляют работу с текстовыми фрагментами в нужное русло.

Система упражнений данных методических указаний не представляет собой единственно возможный вариант работы с текстами, так как ни в коем случае не претендует на ограничение любой творческой инициативы преподавателя.

Step pyramid

Egypt has always been a lush and fertile area, an area of desert fed by the great Nile river. It gave rise to civilizations long before the Pharaohs ruled the land. At first there were two Egypts: Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt. They joined and were ruled by the Pharaohs. Early dynasties rose and fell but very little is now left of their building. The great works of the Third Dynasty appeared in about 2700 B.C.

It was the begining of the first period in Egyptian architecture, and it is called " The Old Kingdom (2700 - 2300) B.C. These great works were the first large-scale monuments in stone. And the earliest of them was Zoser's ( = Djoser) necropolis at Sakkara (= Saqqara). The author of this building was the earliest named architect Imhotep. Imhotep was not only an architect he was also: an astronomer, writer, philosopher, physician. But the most preferable thing for him was architecture.

The necropolis of Zoser indicates how the pyramidal form evolved as a brilliant inspiration from the simple mastabas to the Great Step Pyramid.

And now we try to imagine how it looked like.


The first thing the builders did was level the ground and mark out the areas that would be taken up by the diffirent layers.


The second stage was to build up the central layer to about chest height. Around this the first buttress was started, to allow the central core to expand.


Each layer was build up until it was one to two yards above the one below. This continued until the outer buttress was started.


Building ramps and scaffolding were added to haul the large quantities of bricks and other materials up to where they were needed.


Once the main layers were complete, the scaffolding and building ramps were removed. The outer walls of the pyramid were then finished with smooth facing stones, which completed the process.


Imhotep's work at Saqqara did not stop with the step (or buttress) pyramid.It is merely the central feature of a vast complex of tombs and temples enclosed by a wall nearly a mile long, all built in quarried stone rather than mud bricks. This meant that the complex was able to survive much longer than earlier mud-built structures.


During the 100 years after the first pyramid was completed, other pyramids were being built in the same way, with improvements every time. The climax of pyramid building came in about 2550 B.C., when the most colossal of all were erected at Giza, a few miles north of all were erected at Giza, a few miles north of Saqqara. The Great Pyramid, the tomb of Pharaoh Cheops, is 755 feet long on each of its four sides, and stood 479 feet high. ( It has list about 33 feet in height, because its facing stones were robbed for later building material). The Pyramid of Khafre, still standing close by, is only a little smaller. The Great Pyramid is still one of the largest structures ever built and one of the Seven Wonders of the World.


They remain the most colossal funeral monuments ever built. How they were built (they are solid and each weighs over 6.000.000 tons) is one of the gratest riddles of archaeology - and construction. A possible method of the techniques used is illustrated here.


A recent alternative to the ramp theory ( opposite page) states that the pyramids were built with skilled teams of men using levers only.


The Egyptians had moved around 2.000.000 blocks of stone to build the Great Pyramid. They did so without the wheel, so each stone was dragged on sleds over rollers or planks.


First, the area on which the pyramid was to be built was laid out. The corner stones were placed precisely, then the mass of main blocks were laid out all over the base, and lastly, edge blocks were placed all the way around the outside.


The corner blocks of the next layer were levered up by teams of men. Others packed material underneath both the blocks and the levers until they were level with the top of the first course. Then they were pushed into place.


This picture shows part of the Great Pyramid as it looked when it was completed. The pyramid was part of a complex of smaller tombs and temples that linked the pyramid to the bank of the Nile, which in those days flowed past the pyramids.


During construction the builders were careful to incorporate tomb chambers and access passages. Before any building took place, the underground tombs were dug out of the bedrock, or solid rock, far below. Workers bashed a tunnel from the rock using hammers made from a hard stone called dolerite. The body of the pyramid contained a network of passageways and burial chambers.


Smooth facing were added from the top downward until the builders had achieved a perfect pyramid shape - the largest there has ever been.


The course blocks were placed, then the edge blocks, and so on, up and up for 200 courses. It took thousands of men, working in teams, perhaps 20 years to finish.


Most books will tell you that pyramids were erected by slaves pulling 2.5 ton limestone blocks up vast ramps of earth. To be at an angle shallow enough for the stones to be dragged up, the ramp would have been three times as big as the Great Pyramid! But there is no sign of this ramp material around anywhere.

1. Answer the following questions:

1. How was Egypt fed?

2. How many parts was the earliest Egypt divided into?

3. When did the great works of Egypt appear?

4. What was the first large - scale monument?

5. Who was Imhotep?

6. What was the first stage of the step pyramid ?

7. What was the last stage?

8. Whose tomb was the Great Pyramid?

9. How were the materials moved to build the Great Pyramid?

2. Give the Russian equivalents to the following words and phrases

large - scale monuments, mastaba, level, layer, buttress, ramp, scaffolding, facing stone, mud - built structures, funeral, levers, to dragg, temple, to bash, smooth, slave, limestone, blocks.

3. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:

1. Первые крупномасштабные памятники появились приблизительно в 2700 году до н.э.

2. Имхотеп является одним из самых первых архитекторов на Земле.

3. Первое, что должны были сделать строители, это выровнять площадку для возведения пирамиды.

4. Когда все основные слои пирамиды были завершены, начиналась отделка лицевых камней.

5. Великая Пирамида в Гизе самая высокая из когда - либо возведенных.

6. Чтобы построить Великую Пирамиду египтяне перевезли 2.000 000 каменных блоков.

7. Рабочие прорубили огромный туннель в скале с помощью специальных молотов, называемых " долерит".

8. Внутри пирамиды находятся многочисленные переходы и погребальные комнаты.

4. Complete the following sentences:

1. Egypt has been ... and ... area.

2. The first period in Egyptian architecture is called ...

3. The first thing was to ... the ground.

4. They did it without the ... so each stone was ... on sleds over rollers or planks.

5. The corner blocks of the next ... were levered up by teams of men.

6. Workers bashed a tunnel using ... called dolerite.

7. Pyramids were erected by slaves pulling 2,5 ton blocks up vast ramps of earth.

5. Find the sentences in Passive voice in the text and translate them.

6. Retell the text.