Programmer department




Для правильного выполнения контрольной работы №1 необходимо усвоить следующий грамматический материал:

  1. Существительное. Множественное число. Притяжательный падеж. Артикли.

  2. Местоимения личные, притяжательные, вопросительные, указательные, относительные.

  3. Числительные.

  4. Прилагательные. Степени сравнения.

  5. Структура предложения. Повествовательные, отрицательные, вопросительные предложения. Оборот there is/ are.

  6. Особенности образования форм глаголов to be, to have.

  7. Видовременные формы глагола (действительный залог). Правильные и неправильные глаголы. Типы вопросов.

I. Read the text and choose the correct word in the sentences below.

(Are/is) you fond of dogs? Many people (say, says) that dogs are incapable of love. But (there, those) are others (who, whose) believe that (dogs, dogs’) make very loyal friends. One of the (most, more) famous stories about a dog's relationship with (its, it's) master took place in 1858 in Edinburgh. A small dog, (whose, who’s) name was Bobby, belonged to a man called John Grey. When John Grey died, Bobby refused to (leave, live) the graveside believing it to be his (master, master's) new home, and remained there in a shelter specially made for (him, his) until his own death fourteen years later.

II. Define the tense forms of the underlined verbs. Translate the sentences into Russian. Make the sentences negative.

1. New technological developments will give new opportunities, create new kinds of jobs.

2. The word "economics" derives from the Greek word "oikonomika" that means household management.

3. They will be installing the software from 3 till 5 tomorrow.

4. When I left the office, the managers were discussing the ideas for the new project with suppliers.

5. Our new software engineer will have tested the new system by the end of the day.

6. Did the manager visit the factory last February?

7. They paid the money they had borrowed only some days before.

III. Fill in the gaps with the necessary form of the verbs “to be, to have”. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Many big projects … a number of problems.

2. The supplier … a lot of computers in stock last month.

3. The company … busy during the summer.

4. The old design of this product … very successful.

5. This international company … offices in London and New York.

6. We … a conference tomorrow. So I … very busy with my report today.

7. Our boss … very strict. He … no problems with discipline.

IV. Define degrees of comparison of the adjectives:

quicker progress, greatest success, less difficult, the worst result, the highest degree, the most popular, the least possible, more popular, the best library, more important.

V. Make up sentences with “there is/there are”

Model: At the Open University; more than 150,000 students.

There are more than 150,000 students at the Open University.

1. to expand old universities; a tendency ; in Britain.

2. more than 40 universities; in Britain.

3. in your computer, viruses, no.

4. in your group; students; how many?

5. and, companies, small, large, a few, producing musical instruments.

VI. A) Write and say the numbers and the dates.


97__________ 1982________

20__________ 2017________

761_________ 1462________

806_________ 1365________

b) Write the words in italics as numbers.

Model: 1. The round-the- world journey takes eighty- four days and a one- way ticket costs three thousand, seven hundred and fifty pounds. – £3750.

2. In recent years, this company has cut its workforce by thirty-two point seven per cent.

3. There were big increases in the prices of oil in two thousand and four.

4. The company employs about three thousand people.

5. The price has risen by one point five percent this month.

c) Write about Ted’s working day. Use the words in the box in Present Simple (V/Vs/es).

to leave home to wake up to have breakfast to be at the bus stop

to go to bed to work to be on the way to work

VII. Read the text and translate the highlighted part into Russian. Put 10 questions of different types to the text.

Find and highlight in the text words with "s"-ending. Divide the words into three groups (verbs, nouns, pronouns). Ending “-s/esis

а) показатель 3-го лица единственного числа глагола в Present Indefinite;

б) признак множественного числа имени существительного;

в) показатель притяжательного падежа имени существительного.

Соседние файлы в папке КОНТРОЛЬНЫЕ РАБОТЫ 1 СЕМЕСТР