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Лексикология и стилистика - семинары / Семинар 5 / Задания по книге Осторожно Hot Dog

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Осторожно, Hot Dog! Современный активный английский – вопросы по книге:



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Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: бедный квартал

Каково процентное присутствие сленга в разговорной речи?

Каково происхождение OK?

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: выходить из себя

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: изнашиваться, стареть

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: не брать в голову

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: вот так, это главное

Что обозначают слова hawk и salmon?

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: внести сумятицу

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: бить баклуши

Переведите: Будьте здоровы (после чихания)! – Спасибо! – Не за что!

Переведите: Ты уже поел? – Конечно!

Расшифруйтt следующие аббревиатуры: XYZ, BYOB

Переведите: Я понял тебя!

Переведите: Врубись в это!

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: уйти в работу, учебу

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: попробовать что-то еще раз после первой неудачной попытки

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: взорваться от злости

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: ложиться спать

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: не в бровь, а в глаз

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: поймать удачу, сорвать куш

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: нарваться, найти, наткнуться, добиться

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: тащиться друг от друга

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: наугад, на авось

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: то, что доктор прописал

Как правильно составлять предложения с don't have и haven’t

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: как гром среди ясного неба

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: высосать из пальца

Каков смысл названия романа Дж. Селинджера “Catcher in the Rye”?

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression:отдаться чему-либо, наслаждаться, уйти с головой

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: огрызаться

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: уговаривать

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: высказываться

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: заглушить своей речью

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: задолбать (разговором)

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: камень на дороге

Переведите: Ой! (возглас боли)

Переведите: Ой! (оп-ля)

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: между меж двух огней

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: выносить сор из избы

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: делить шкуру неубитого медведя

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: слон в посудной лавке

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: у меня сорвалось свидание

Что вы можете сказать по поводу написания буквы «k» в разговорном американском?

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: быть всегда наготове

Как М.А. Голденков пытается неумело объяснить использование перфектного аспекта в английских видо-временных формах? Почему он не прав?

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: привет, как жизнь?

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: давай жить на полную катушку!

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: слушай же!

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: держать за кого либо слово

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: не смыкать ночью глаз за работой

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: дать взятку

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: «содержимое» компании

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: врать, дурить, обманывать

В чем разница между fair play и fair game?

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: друг-на-когда-это-ему-удобно

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: любимчик

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: мужской туалет

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: крестик (о подписи)

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: мистер Икс (кто-то неизвестный)

Как появились краткие формы gonna, wanna, gotta, watcha?

Каково происхождение ain’t?

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: чепуха!, вздор!, рассказывай это другим!, ври(те) больше!

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: уже не тот

За чем можно охотиться в английском языке?

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: по блату

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: халтура

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: любовный фронт

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: выеживаться

Give the English equivalent for the following word combination and explain the meaning (if you can) and make a sentence of your own with this expression: слабак