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Higher education in Russia and Great Britain

Grammar focus: Modal verbs and their equivalents

Modal verbs express not an action but an attitude to an action as possibility, ability, necessity, obligation / duty , permission, advice, prohibition, requests or suggestions. The modal verbs are followed by an infinitive without to except for ought to , to have to, to be to, take no - s in the third person singular, come before the subject in questions and are followed by - not – in negations









Necessity, suggestion that someone

makes something necessary, conclusion that something (has) happened or that something is true

He must understand it.

Он обязательно должен понять это.

You must not ask too much of it.

Вы не должны спрашивать про это слишком много.

I must be off as soon as I can.

Я должен уйти, как только смогу.







You shouldnt come here. Тебе не следует приходить сюда.

Obligation or probability, responsibility or duty, something sensible or advisable to do

Library books should be kept clean. Библиотечные книги должны храниться в чистоте.


I ought to do all I can to help her.

Я должен сделать все, что могу, чтобы помочь ей.



Something is not allowed or is not necessary

We neednt talk to each other about it.

Нам не нужно говорить друг с другом об этом.



Necessity or obligation to do something under circumstances

I didnt have to make any decisions. Мне не пришлось принимать решения.





The idea that someone expects something to be done, demands something or expects about a previously arranged event.

They are to begin this work at once. Они должны начать работу сразу же.

He was to meet her yesterday. Он должен был встретить ее вчера.








Ability or possibility to do something, permission or request

I can stay with them.

Я могу остаться с ними.



Can I see the director?

Могу я увидеть директора?


He can speak English.

Он умеет говорить по-английски.


Do you think you′ll be able to come three days a week?

Ты думаешь, что сможешь приходить три дня в неделю?


I was able to do this test correctly.

Я смог правильно выполнить этот тест.



Possibility, permission or request

It may make that man сurious.

Это может заинтересовать этого человека.

It might may him curious. Это могло бы его заинтересовать.



You may give me a call.

Можете мне позвонить.



You′ll be allowed to go out.

Вам позволят выйти.

Exercise 1. Read the sentences. Pay attention to the usage of modal verbs and their equivalents.

  1. You can enter any higher school to continue your studying.

  2. Citizens of Russia must have the right to higher education.

  3. Applicants for the higher educational institutions should pass a uniform state exam .

  4. She had to stay after classes yesterday.

  5. The students are to take five exams during the winter examination period.

  6. They are allowed to attend the lecture of this professor.

  7. He is to make a report on Friday.

  8. We have to get to the University by bus.

  9. The graduates of our Academy are able to enter post-graduate courses.

  10. They could study three foreign languages.

Exercise 2 . Choose the correct modal verb in each of the following sentences.

  1. The lecture is over. You can / may go to the canteen to have a snack.

  2. You don’t answer well today. You should / ought to study better.

  3. The students have to / are able to pass all tests and exams successfully to get grants.

  4. The term / semester has finished. They are to / must take exams.

  5. You need / ought to revise this subject not to fail the exam.

  6. After getting the Master’s degree the students should/ are able to continue to study towards the doctoral degree.

  7. Postgraduates have to/ must carry out a year of research, prepare and defend a thesis.

  8. On completing the education our graduates are to/have to work in different law enforcement organs.

Exercise 3.Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the word given to complete the sentence.

  1. It isn’t necessary for you to take part in this seminar.

needn’t You …… needn’t take part in this seminar.

  1. I advise you to prepare for the exams more thoroughly.

should You…… more thoroughly.

  1. It is possible that Ann is looking for a new job.

may Ann…… a new job.

  1. You are not allowed to leave until the exam has finished.

mustn’t You ……the exam has finished.

  1. I’d better start saving for my summer holiday.

have to I……for my summer holiday.

  1. You mustn’t miss lectures.

allowed You…… lectures.

Exercise 4. Form questions to the words given in bold type.

  1. The problem should be discussed again.

  2. Lomonosov may be considered as the founder of Russian science.

  3. All the students will be able to take part in the conference.

  4. The sitting was to take place at one o’clock.

  5. We have to finish the translation by tomorrow.

  6. They must still taking their exam.

  7. Can she know the Spanish language?

  8. She was to become a lawyer.

Exercise 5. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate modal verb from the right column (there is an odd variant).

I hate doing my homework but I (1)_________, a) should

my teacher told me that since I (2) __________ b) ought to

become a painter I’ll (3) ______ study hard c) must

and do a lot of “not very exciting” sketches. d) have to

My father also insists that I (4) ____________ e) am to

become a professional artist. I (5) __________ f) must

admit that I (6) ______________ draw more or g) may

less decently when I was a kid but now I don’t h) be able

think I’ll ever (7) ________ to create anything i) can

worth seeing in oil. j) can’t

Yes, I (8) ________ copy a work by someone k) could

famous but it (9) ________ be called a work

of art. I really think I (10) ____ have followed

my mother’s advice of long ago and turned

to water colours.

The Indefinite Tenses ( Active and Passive Voice)

Exercise 1 . Read the sentences and identify the underlined tense-forms.

  1. The academic year at Oxford University runs from October to June.

  2. The Ural State Law Academy was founded in 1931.

  3. Cambridge University maintains a long tradition of student participation in sport and recreation.

  4. The academic year is divided into 2 terms.

  5. After graduating from our Academy the graduates will receive Bachelor’s degrees if they complete a four-year program successfully.

  6. Up to 2010 the course of studies lasted for 5 years.

  7. The Academy trains judges, prosecutors, jurisconsults, customs officials and other lawyers.

  8. During the academic year the students are given lectures on different subjects.

  9. At the end of the semester the students will have tests and exams.

  10. The students who will complete a six-year program will be awarded master’s degree.

Exercise 2. Underline the correct grammar form of the verb.

  1. Students (provide / are provided) with hostels, well-equipped laboratories and libraries.

  2. The cost of education (depends / is depended) on the college and speciality.

  3. The student’s progress (evaluates / is evaluated) by means of tests and examinations in each course.

  4. Young people (interest / are interested) in the specialities connected with new branches of science and technology.

  5. Theory is usually (accompanies / accompanied) by practical training.

  6. The programmes are (elaborated / elaborate) in accordance with the State Educational Standards.

  7. The Bachelor’s Degree (awards / is awarded) after successful completion of 4 years’ full-time study.

  8. Citizens of Russia have the right to education which (guarantees / is guaranteed) by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

  9. In a campus university all the buildings (are situated / situate) in one area of the city.

  10. The academic year at Oxford University (divides / is divided) into three terms.

Exercise 3. Make the sentences negative.

  1. We shall translate this text in class.

  2. She liked to work in the evenings.

  3. They finished their experiment yesterday.

  4. He often works at the English laboratory.

  5. The students attend lectures and seminars every day.

  6. They will go on vacations to the Crimea.

Exercise 4. Put special questions to the words given in bold type.

  1. We discussed the plan for the second term at the meeting.

  2. The best students receive scholarships.

  3. He didn’t follow my advice.

  4. They will play football after the classes.

  5. The seminar will take place on Monday.

  6. We go to the English lab twice a week.

  7. My friend works at the district court.

  8. The students went to the canteen after the lecture.

Exercise 5. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present, the Past or Future Indefinite Tense Active or Passive.

A. 1. We always consult a dictionary when we ( to translate ) texts.

2. My friend (to pass) admission examinations to the University last month.

3. He ( to study) at the Law Department now.

4. She ( to graduate) from the University in five years and will become a lawyer.

5.We ( not to go) to the country this Sunday.

6. They ( to participate ) in a sport competition last week.

B. 1. He ( to invite) to our place yesterday.

2. This article (to publish ) in the law journal some days ago.

3. The letter ( to post ) tomorrow.

4. The report (to deliver) by her next seminar.

5. He ( to ask) to come later.

6. English (to speak) all over the world.

Text I

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