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1 Correct the sentences where necessary.

  1. Let's make to start.

  2. Joanna sends her apologize.

  3. Does everyone agree the minutes of the last meeting?

  4. The first point is holiday dates.

  5. Let's move in to the next item.

  6. Pia, can you to say something here?

  7. Just a moment. Can I just finish what I was saying?

  8. Just a moment. Let Roberto to finish.

2 You are chairing a meeting. What do you say in the following situations?

  1. You want Val to let Yvonne speak.

  2. You want Val to let Yvonne finish.

  3. You start the meeting.

  4. You say that Tanya and Stefan are sorry that they cannot attend.

  5. You ask if everyone agrees with the minutes of the last meeting.

  6. You introduce the first item – the company's new restaurant.


You work for Burotech PLC, an office equipment company with branches across Europe. The firm has recently been taken over by a US company which wants to implement its quality control methods at Burotech. The US company has selected staff from all levels of the business to act as Quality Workers and is holding a series of meetings to launch the project.

Partner A (Chairperson)

You are the chairperson at one of these meetings. Welcome the other participants. Explain the objectives of the meeting to them. Ask them to introduce themselves.

Objectives of the meeting:

  1. ask team members to introduce themselves

  2. explain the quality control method

  3. brainstorm ideas about how the method can be implemented at Burotech

Partner B (Purchasing Team Leader)

You are one of the Quality Workers. The chairperson will ask you to introduce yourself and your work for the company. Use the following details:

  1. Name: your own name

  2. Job title: Purchasing Team Leader

  3. Based in: your own town

  4. Joined company: 2004

Partner C (Regional Logistics Manager)

You are one of the Quality Workers. The chairperson will ask you to introduce yourself and your work for the company. Use the following details:

  1. Name: your own name

  2. Job title: Regional Logistics manager

  3. Based in: your own town

  4. Joined company: 1997

Partner D (Administrative Assistant)

You are one of the Quality Workers. The chairperson will ask you to introduce yourself and your work for the company. Use the following details:

  1. Name: your own name

  2. Job title: Administrative Assistant

  3. Based in: your own town

  4. Joined company: 2002

Unit 3 Opinions and suggestions

Useful Vocabulary (Opinions)

Asking for opinions

What do you think about…?

What’s your opinion of…?

Would you like to give your view on this?

Would you like to comment on that?

Do you think we should…?

Giving opinions

I think …

In my opinion…

From my point of view...

It seems to me…


I totally agree.


That’s right.

I agree.

I partially agree.

I agree to some extent.

I suppose that might be true.

I guess I see what you mean.


I completely disagree.

I don’t agree.

I’m afraid I can’t agree with you here.

Yes, but …

Useful Vocabulary (Suggestions)

If you make a suggestion, you tell people about an idea or plan for them to think about.

Making suggestions

How about…?

What about?

Why don’t we…?

I have an idea. Let’s…


That’s a good idea.

I’m afraid it’s not a very good idea.

Asking for explanation

Sorry, I don’t understand. Do you mean that…?

Are you saying that…?

Is your point that…?

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